Doh, Media does it again!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Shouldn't admit to watching this 😱 but the storyline on BBC's "doctors" today was about a boxer who was diabetic... they 'made' him lose a load of weight to be eligible for a fight, (didn't specify how ie stopping insulin) which he didn't make because he kept passing out! (implied this was hypos!) The cure for which was a couple of scoops of chocolate gateaux, which had a virtually instantaneous effect! If only...! 🙄

Ho hum, one day they'll get it right...! If you can't laugh.... 😱
Oh twitchy you beat me to it just about to start a thread, a finger of gateux to the lips and he is instantly better 🙄 grrr
Terrible! Didn't watch it but sounds complete poppycock! If someone is unconscious you're not supposed to try and feed them anything - as far as I know the only solution at that stage is a glucagon injection or intravenous drip.
The BBC used to have a reputation for getting facts like this right. Looks like their researchers are not up to snuff these days, I hope no one ever has a hypo there for real.
It was certainly a far cry from the advice given by our obstetric consultant to hubby when I was pregnant, to (assuming I was not quite out cold) squirt a load of hypostop (glucogel??) into my cheek & 'slap me about a bit'! 😱 They were both grinning a bit evilly during this conversation - yikes!

I should have though gateau nearly the worst treatment for a hypo... certainly not a quick acting remedy!

Doh, I guess sometimes you just have to roll your eyes & laugh... and wait for someone to offer cake.... 🙂
i just watch this aswel, very far fetched i think 😱
Oh dear - my Mum watches Doctors and didnt think there was anything wrong with it! (this despite having a type 1 grand daughter and my late father being type 2)
Note to self; make sure there is no cake in the house next time she visits😉
There has to be a poem in this, might try and watch the episode on iplayer! :D
I watched it too (together with C, who is off sick today).

C was right confused too. If he passed out, because they didn't give him any insulin so he'd lose weight, then he passed out because he was too high!!!! Not hypo.

"Doctors" have gotten it wrong before regarding Type 1 Diabetes, it's at least the third time I've witnessed mistakes. I don't think they ever had a storyline with a type 2.
I watched it too (together with C, who is off sick today).

C was right confused too. If he passed out, because they didn't give him any insulin so he'd lose weight, then he passed out because he was too high!!!! Not hypo.

"Doctors" have gotten it wrong before regarding Type 1 Diabetes, it's at least the third time I've witnessed mistakes. I don't think they ever had a storyline with a type 2.

Yeah it is the third time Monica as every time we always discuss it in here.xx
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