Does your postcode give you diabetes ?

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Active Member
Self blame is all the rage these days. I overeat, I don't exercise enough, I'm lazy etc etc but what if it's my neighbourhood that's at fault ?
I used to be fit, slim and asthma free. Not so these days and my health has taken a nose dive. I stayed in, I wore a mask, I sanitized and I still caught COVID. I've had all the boosters and it made no difference. My local swimming pool has closed, the local traffic is bumper to bumper, there are huge lorries trundling around.
Years of new estates being built all around me have taken their toll and there's no end to it.
If I complain about barbecue smoke, I'm ignored.
There's litter, graffiti and fly tipping everywhere and the average rent is through the roof.
The streets at night are not well lit and don't feel safe either. So excuse me if I've ballooned, have become out of shape and huff and puff around the only haven left, my local park. Quack, quack, quack.
That's a new one, blaming the neighbourhood! I might try it, this morning the wheel fell off my grey bin!
I think that asthma is definitely exacerbated by all the things you mentioned but I cannot blame any of my health things on that - fit as a flea until after I moved to then still pretty rural Kidderminster from just up the road from a drop forgers (and surrounded by foundries, chemical works etc and plenty of traffic where I lived in West Bromwich and worked in Birmingham city centre) and so the air was definitely cleaner - so a mixture of my genes, then later a combination of smoking and never much enjoying exercise though we had used to walk miles and latterly - AD and previously gained health concerns getting worse so affecting us more, cos some of em just do eventually.
I just overate and under exercised my way into it.
I just overate and under exercised my way into it.
Yes, so did I.............

I don't believe it had anything to do with where I live.

Asthma on the other hand is another story and it's well documented that environmental factors influence health.
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