Does this Insulin sensitivity factor look plausible - terrible at maths! Help gratefully received

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
So I'm trying to work out my Insulin sensitivity factor. I added up total insulin for 4 days/basal- bolus-Novorapid-Levemir which I hope is correct. Then divided the number by 4 to get an average daily dose. Which I divided by 100 - it came to 4 which is my insulin sensitivity factor? I think?? Maths is a blind spot so if that looks plausible or not please do advise. I'm trying to work out my correction factor too as I'm using mYSugr app but one step at a time.

Well that's the said way to do it but can't tell you if you came to the correct conclusion as you haven't noted the average daily dose, insulin sensitivity factor and correction factor are the same thing

You may find it doesn't work though as it isn't set in stone and they can vary throughout the day and vary depending how high you are xx

I was not aware there was a formula.

I "calculated" my insulin sensitivity factor by trying it.
When my blood sugar levels were flattish at around 8, at least 4 hours since my last bolus and having done no exercise in that time, I bolused 1 unit of insulin and checked the impact 4 hours later. That told me what impact 1 unit of insulin had on my blood sugar levels.
I had done a basal test previously so was confident that my basal was keeping my levels stable.
Which I divided by 100 - it came to 4
Do you mean divided 100 by your total daily dose? (Not divided your daily dose by 100) I think it’s supposed to be that way round, it sounds like you’ve done it correctly, anyway, unless you take a massive amount of insulin.

My correction factor only works with that formula if I've had a few quite carby days, with more bolus insulin, and then my factor comes out to 3. If I've been eating lower carb meals (I often have a run of carb free breakfasts to help my Dawn phenomenon) and taken fewer units of bolus, then it doesn’t work, it comes out at 4-5, and I know that doesn’t work for me, whereas 3 always does.
I did it same was as @helli - ate 10g carb which increased my meter reading by 3.0. I jabbed 1u of bolus insulin which reduced my meter result by 3.0
I was not aware there was a formula.
Yeah the "100 rule" for insulin sensitivity so 100 divided by your TDD and then for carb ratio there's the "500 rule" so 500 divided by your TDD (sorry if you were aware of that one) but we all know things don't generally work as easy as that lol xx
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