Does medication cause hair thinning?


Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I was diagnosed with Type 2 last December, started with Metformin then, in February, was put on statins, upped Metformin to four a day and started with Rampiril as well. Eventally after good results with blood pressure right down, and blood sugar down to 42, I was able to go back to 2 x Metformin. I have also lost 3.5 stones in weight that I am surprised and delighted about. My cholesterol had been normal from the start so wasn't happy about statins however, during May and June I had a virus (very good for weight loss as no appetite) and blood tests showed liver blood enzymes were very high, had an ultra sound where nothing seemed untoward, apart from discovering I have had gallstones for years, and was told I could go back on statins but declined at that moment. It is up to me and would need another blood test after taking them again for a while if I decide to take them again.
Anyway, after rambling on about my diabetes story, I wondered if anyone has experienced thinning hair from the medication they take? My hair has been a little thinner for a few years, perhaps it was because I had diabetes without knowing as I had no symptoms at all. It was picked up from a well-woman appointment.
Sorry to hear about your thinning hair @Jenty

Some members have experienced some hair loss related to vitamin deficiency (eg Vit B12), or hypothyroid conditions.

It might be worth getting your B12 level and thyroid function checked?
Sorry to hear about your thinning hair @Jenty

Some members have experienced some hair loss related to vitamin deficiency (eg Vit B12), or hypothyroid conditions.

It might be worth getting your B12 level and thyroid function checked?
I did have a thyroid check when I had the high liver blood enzymes and it was fine but the B12 is an interesting idea, thank you.