Does losing weight really bring BS levels down?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I have a long way to go to get to my 'ideal weight' (another 4 - 5 stones) but of course this is not going to happen overnight and will take me months to achieve. I have already lost 2 stones and am on my way to stone 3. What i would like to know from others is have you really noticed a big difference in your BS levels? it's just that after losing 2 stones my levels haven't dropped that much although still in control (apart from my FG which i can't do anything about) but i'm just getting impatient and i suppose am expecting wonderful things to happen to my BS levels when i get to ideal weight - am i just kidding myself?
I think the idea of losing weight as a diabetic is that the blood sugars become more stable and consistent rather than lower.
My understanding is if you are over wight your body is more resostent to insulin, therefore loosing weight will help your body use up more of the glucose in your blood because the cells with the help of the insulin will absorb it better and make better use.

Well done at the weight loss so far, you are doing all the right things.
No, but as others have said, it can help to control them.

I'm an example of that. 30lbs lost, insulin resistance has been reduced and I don't need medication to control my BG.

I think reduction in IR has a far more subtle effect on your BG levels than carb control (the latter showed immediate results).

As my weight has reduced from 17st 6lb to 13st 8lb, I've noted a very slow but consistent reduction in my fasting readings which were more often than not in the high 6s and low 7s but now are more often than not in the high 5s and low 6s. In addition, I have found that my post-prandial readings are consistently lower than they were before and that I can tolerate a little more carbs in my diet.
I think my problem stemmed from insulin resistance.

Since getting my weight down from 16 stones to 12 via diet and excercise my last 3 HbA1c's werre less than 5. Most recent 4.3.

My GP said losing weight was the best thing I did..

Keep up the good work with the weight loss!

Thanks for that, that has given me more encouragement now to carry on but i have a question for MacLister, you say that although it doesn't bring the BS levels down, they become more stable - you still have to carb watch though don't you?
Hi there, I am a type 1 diabetic and recently lost 2 and a half stone which took me about a year to do. I did it through weight watchers as with diabetes i found it really good as it doesn't limit you to just eating sprouts or no carbs etc etc but helps you to monitor what you eat and supports eating carbohydrates (ie rice, potatoes etc).

I agree wholeheartedly with many of the comments on here but i wanted to add that since losing the weight i came off Metformin which i took as well as insulin. This shows that when you carry more weight your body works harder to absorb insulin and so you need to take more. Since losing weight i wouldn't say my blood sugar levels have got lower but i certainly don't need as much insulin or Metphormin tabs and therefore my bm's are easier to control.
Hope this helps and well done on your weight loss its not easy i know xx
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