Does Diabetes Still Compromise Your Immune System if Your Blood Sugars are Controlled?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 3c
So I tend to scratch myself in my sleep. Not badly enough to scar, but not just grazes, either. I tend to look like I lost a fight with a cat. My right upper arm is currently the worst.
I visited my cousin in the hospital this morning as she has what was initially diagnosed as cellulitis (I know that's usually not a hospitalisation thing, but she was generally feeling very unwell and had hypotension). Also on her arm. It was bandaged when I visited her and she must have developed a sore or something and it had seeped through. I gave her a hug and the wounds on my arm touched the bandaged area.
I just got a message from her as she's going into surgery today as unfortunately she's been diagnosed with Necrotizing Fasciitis.
Obviously, my concern is primarily for her as the only treatment (as well as IV anti-biotics) is debridement (surgical removal)n of the affected tissue.
However...while N.F. isn't especially contagious from person-to-person, I DO have an openish wound that touched fluids from her infected area, which is how the infection CAN spread from person-to-person, and my arm is aching weirdly (I noticed this aching pain BEFORE In found out about her diagnosis, so it isn't psychosomatic) and I'm worried I have it, too, now? I don't have a fever or any black/greyish areas on my arm, but I don't know if I should go to a walk-in clinic and just mention I've been exposed? Or am I being silly/paranoid?
My doctor DID say I had a compromised immune system, but this was several months ago before I was taking my insulin properly and my blood sugars were sky high (usually higher than the machine can read).
[I got cut off for reaching the character limit lol]

Another possible thing compromising my immune system...well, I have to admit to a lie I told on here on my first post. So...sorry for that. My first post on here was related to weight loss while newly on insulin as I'm trying to lose weight but finding it much more difficult now that I actually take it. I said my BMI was 24 because I thought nobody would help me (or might think I was trolling) if I told the truth which is that my BMI is 16.9. I apologise for that. But thought it might be relevant that I have anorexia as that can also mess with your immune system.
I’d think it was highly unlikely you’d get it @Austin_98 but you’re quite right that anorexia and a very low weight can compromise your immune system. Speaking as someone who very much knows what that’s like, I really hope you’re receiving support for the anorexia.

So, no you’re unlikely to have got NF but you’re wise to be aware of your low BMI and the additional risks that brings, not just regarding infection but in many other ways. Look after yourself x
Dunno, but its worrying you so prob best get checked out...prob nothing to worry about, but better safe than sorry
I would be inclined to give the arm which has broken skin and was in contact with your cousin, a good wash/wipe with an antibacterial solution like diluted Betadine. I am personally a big fan of Germolene and find it works brilliantly with any infected cuts or spots that I get.
I think it is important to be proactive with treating our own scratches and wounds rather than leaving them and then possibly needing professional treatment because things have developed and become more serious, so take control now and give your arm a scrub with an antibacterial product.
I am not saying that you are at risk of contracting this from your cousin as I simply do not know, but if you have broken skin on your arm then it would make sense to clean it and apply some cream.
Also sending very best wishes for your cousin's full recovery and sending ((((HUGS)))) to you in your battle with anorexia. It must be very difficult to talk about it so well done being open with us.
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