Does anyone wear their cannulas in their legs?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Just wondering. Because of all the problems I have been having recently with my quiksets and lipos, my DSN suggested inserting them in my leg. If anyone does this, can they tell me is it just as easy to wear them there as on the abdomen? Does clothing restrict the tubing? And can they still wear their pumps in their pockets? Thanks 🙂
I don't, but some pumpers I talk to, do. I don't see why you couldn't still have it in your pocket but obviously depends on length of tubing and your dimensions! LOL
I've currently got a cannula in my leg. The only difference I find is that I have to be more careful when pulling trousers up and down. I have forgotton a couple of times and pulled the cannula out. I haven't noticed any difference in absorbtion really, but I am still new to the pump so need a little more time to be sure of that.

I wear my pump either in my pocket or bra and can do both with a leg site.
I wear them in my thighs and my buttocks too. Same as sofaraway, you just need to get used to it being there, I pulled it out a few times pulling my trousers up too. I carry the pump on my belt or in my bra. If you're worried about the tubing being too short, you can get longer tubing with your sets.
Thank you guys, it's really good to hear from other pumpers using these sites 🙂 I feel much more confident about it now! I'll have to remember to be extra careful when pulling my trousers up/down.
Not tried it myself yet (still early days for me) but I think my next port of call will be my back.

I tried a Silhouette in my leg while on saline and would need to position a thigh set carefully to avoid all the junk I keep in my pockets!
Carol's never tried it yet either, but then- nobody has suggested it to her. She keeps it in her bra mostly. She needed new ones and we had to make sure it was the right style to accommodate the pump. She tried on a really lovely one, but unfortunately it wouldn't accommodate the pump
Inserted a cannula in my thigh yesterday it was horrible getting up the courage to insert it but everything is going ok so far 🙂 And it means I'm not worrying about hitting lipos 🙂 Thanks for your help everyone!
Hi Lauren,
Haven't tried my legs.......yet. Afraid I'm less than 50% successful on bum, so gonna have to try legs sooner or later.
Inserted a cannula in my thigh yesterday it was horrible getting up the courage to insert it but everything is going ok so far 🙂 And it means I'm not worrying about hitting lipos 🙂 Thanks for your help everyone!

mmmmm! You are making me think I should try my thighs as well now! 🙂
I've had two in my thighs now and no problems, I will definitely keep to the legs for a while to give my stomach a break. It's surprisingly easier to insert them into your thigh - you can sit down and you can see exactly what you are doing, whereas inserting into your abdomen can be a bit fiddly (I find). I'm really pleased I tried it 🙂
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