Does anyone else have endless faulty Guardian 4 Sensors

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Type 1 Teddy

Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I have just used 2 boxes of the above both of which have been faulty. The sensors last for 3/4 days if I'm lucky and I either get the message 'change sensor' or the sensor updates for a couple of hours and then tells me to change it. On Sunday I used a sensor from a different batch it was OK for a few hours and then asked me for a calibration as it's sensor reading didn't match up finger prick test, this happened several times and to cut a long story short even though it revived itself, yesterday afternoon the change sensor message occurred again.

I've used Guardian 4 since August and the sensors rarely last for a week, a friend who recently started on them has also been having the same problem. It's not easy to get them replaced by Medtronic, they don't always seem to have them in stock, I've spent hours troubleshooting on the helpline and my only conclusion is that this is a very faulty product. Is it just me?
I have just used 2 boxes of the above both of which have been faulty. The sensors last for 3/4 days if I'm lucky and I either get the message 'change sensor' or the sensor updates for a couple of hours and then tells me to change it. On Sunday I used a sensor from a different batch it was OK for a few hours and then asked me for a calibration as it's sensor reading didn't match up finger prick test, this happened several times and to cut a long story short even though it revived itself, yesterday afternoon the change sensor message occurred again.

I've used Guardian 4 since August and the sensors rarely last for a week, a friend who recently started on them has also been having the same problem. It's not easy to get them replaced by Medtronic, they don't always seem to have them in stock, I've spent hours troubleshooting on the helpline and my only conclusion is that this is a very faulty product. Is it just me?
Hi yes I rarely get a sensor that lasts the full 7 days, I found that when I placed on my stomach I would get constant “sensor updating “ and then change sensor after 2-3 days, I’d also notice low blood sugar readings before it failed, I now only place on the back of my arms and they seem to last 5 days before the sensor updating malarkey starts and it has to be replaced, I think they’re programmed to stop after a certain amount of time and rarely last 7 days, but it’s really annoying when we’re only given enough to last 3 months, I have put in for replacements but I’ve had to wait a while to get them
I have used the system for over three years. Self funding until last month.

I did go through a batch of sensors that did not last their full time. Very frustrating but I phoned and they were always replaced. (I haven’t tried replacements online) These did sometimes take a little longer than hoped but they always came. I have set up a buffer of sensors so that any delay was not a problem for me. I think I would prefer that the system played safe and told me to replace if it is not confident it is going to behave.

Apart from that run of dodgy ones, others have proved very reliable, but still get some that finish early. They are replaced even if I get to day 6. With the replacements I have learnt to stick to my routine of changeover on Sundays.

I find that the HCL works so well for me that I wouldn’t want to switch back.
Where are you positioning your sensor? Is it on the same side of your body as the pump? Is it in your arm or abdo.
I had a lot of trouble when I started a few months ago. But i have since had all sensors lasting the full 7 days since using my upper thigh ( as suggested by a particularly helpful Medtronic adviser) . Apparently need to check suitability with Dsn before doing this. I also have to use a Mepitel one dressing under the sensor and put Mepitel over to secure, due to being allergic to the overtapes,iv3000 and tegaderm. But now loving the system
Thanks everyone for your responses, they are very helpful. I wear the sensors in my abdomen and swap sides and areas every time. It's not practical to put them in my arm as I'd need my husband to attach them and we've both agreed it's too fiddly and he's too impatient to take this on. My experience is more like Scooby Sue above and it's so frustrating as, like everyone, I just need consistency - i just have no faith in the system and it currently is too anxiety provoking, and I appreciate they can't test every box of sensors but I do wonder how many they do check.. I've been using the libre as a back up but it obviously measures different things and I don't want to use 2 systems. I like the idea of the thigh and will ask about this at my appointment next week.

Medtronic told me their new sensor will be available in July for use on the arm and will combine the transmitter and sensor in one, it will still need changing every 7 days, so fingers crossed this will improve things.
Hi, I'm new here, so hello. My experience with the Gen4 sensors is that they are pretty good as long as the sender is no more than 12 months old, in which case Medtronic will not replace sensors that "do not work". On a similar point, there is a manufacturing issue with the Gen4 sensors that means readings can be high or low. The Lot number on the back of the sensors should be checked to see if any you have are affected. Check here:
I currently only have 2 sensors left and Medtronic advise me they "have no stock" and don't when they will have any
Hello, thanks for your reply, that's extremely helpful, I've spoken to the Medtronic helpline sadly quite a lot and they've never mentioned that a Field Safety Notice had been issued for some of the sensors. They focus on whether your transmitter is working etc.. I used to work in healthcare and am familiar with the fact that these Notices are issued for faulty medical devices and was wondering if Medtronic needed to do this. That's a lot of faulty batches. I guess that explains why there's no stock, they must need to replace lots, plus the NHS are rolling this out big time and I suspect don't know about these problems.

I'm moving to Belgium at the end of this month and my DSN said I should have 3 months supplies to take with me to tide me over while I'm get into their healthcare system, she's kindly authorised this for me on my Medtronic account. This clearly isn't going to happen but I really appreciate your response, I feel less stressed now and know that extra supplies of the libre and finger pricking test strips are my priority. I really hope the stock comes in soon and you can also get your sensors.
I have just used 2 boxes of the above both of which have been faulty. The sensors last for 3/4 days if I'm lucky and I either get the message 'change sensor' or the sensor updates for a couple of hours and then tells me to change it. On Sunday I used a sensor from a different batch it was OK for a few hours and then asked me for a calibration as it's sensor reading didn't match up finger prick test, this happened several times and to cut a long story short even though it revived itself, yesterday afternoon the change sensor message occurred again.

I've used Guardian 4 since August and the sensors rarely last for a week, a friend who recently started on them has also been having the same problem. It's not easy to get them replaced by Medtronic, they don't always seem to have them in stock, I've spent hours troubleshooting on the helpline and my only conclusion is that this is a very faulty product. Is it just me?
Yes I am having the same issue. I went through one whole box of five as I was getting the message after inserting a new one. 'Sensor updating.' The pump would instruct you to replace the sensor.
I am still waiting on my 3 month supply from March and the extra 5 sensors I used in one day.
Medronic didn't inform me that there's issues with the suppliers. They can not give me a date of when the sensors will be back in stock.
I am now down to my last sensor. I'm frustrated as, being a supplier they should me notifying us as customers, if there are issues. Its complete lack of care on Medtronics end.
I had a lot of trouble when I started a few months ago. But i have since had all sensors lasting the full 7 days since using my upper thigh ( as suggested by a particularly helpful Medtronic adviser) . Apparently need to check suitability with Dsn before doing this. I also have to use a Mepitel one dressing under the sensor and put Mepitel over to secure, due to being allergic to the overtapes,iv3000 and tegaderm. But now loving the system
Hi, I'm allergic to practically all dressings and tapes out there ever hypoallergenic ones. I've tried not just a patch, expressions over patch, micropore, mepore, IV3000, tegaderm, cavilon spray, barrier spray, you name it. I'd blister up within two hours of applying an over dressing. At present I'm applying my sensor on my abdomen.
I was wondering is the metipel is it a self adhesive dressing?
Yes Mepitel is self adhesive , I find it very comfortable, Mepitel One has some sort of cushioning effect. I use the applicator as a template , drawing round on on side of the Mepitel One dressing (size 6 by 7 cm), then cutting a hole for the sensor to go through. It does seem a bit Blue Peter style, but I can now do it very quickly ! Once I have connected the transmitter I cover the lot with Mepitel film, which is cheaper (I was buying at one time , and things got very expensive when sensor only lasting 4 days ). My Gp has now added these dressings to my prescriptions, and I have spare stock from when I was buying, so if you want some to try just PM me and I could send you
I have just used 2 boxes of the above both of which have been faulty. The sensors last for 3/4 days if I'm lucky and I either get the message 'change sensor' or the sensor updates for a couple of hours and then tells me to change it. On Sunday I used a sensor from a different batch it was OK for a few hours and then asked me for a calibration as it's sensor reading didn't match up finger prick test, this happened several times and to cut a long story short even though it revived itself, yesterday afternoon the change sensor message occurred again.

I've used Guardian 4 since August and the sensors rarely last for a week, a friend who recently started on them has also been having the same problem. It's not easy to get them replaced by Medtronic, they don't always seem to have them in stock, I've spent hours troubleshooting on the helpline and my only conclusion is that this is a very faulty product. Is it just me?
possibly explains why when my G4 sensor terminated the odd day short of the 7 days life, the promised replacement from medtronic is well waiting?
I have just used 2 boxes of the above both of which have been faulty. The sensors last for 3/4 days if I'm lucky and I either get the message 'change sensor' or the sensor updates for a couple of hours and then tells me to change it. On Sunday I used a sensor from a different batch it was OK for a few hours and then asked me for a calibration as it's sensor reading didn't match up finger prick test, this happened several times and to cut a long story short even though it revived itself, yesterday afternoon the change sensor message occurred again.

I've used Guardian 4 since August and the sensors rarely last for a week, a friend who recently started on them has also been having the same problem. It's not easy to get them replaced by Medtronic, they don't always seem to have them in stock, I've spent hours troubleshooting on the helpline and my only conclusion is that this is a very faulty product. Is it just me?
The sensors don't always last 7 days. Some times on the day you change them, I found you could end up using 3 or 4. When you contact meditronic they are slow to replace. They can take up to a week to arrive (if there's no issues within the warehouse), as they are shipped from Switzerland to Watford, packed and shipped onto yourself.
So I was advised by my DNS that when you are half way through your supply (3 months) place a new order. This is to cover you in case you end up using more due to faulty sensors.
I hope this helps.
Hi, I'm new here, so hello. My experience with the Gen4 sensors is that they are pretty good as long as the sender is no more than 12 months old, in which case Medtronic will not replace sensors that "do not work". On a similar point, there is a manufacturing issue with the Gen4 sensors that means readings can be high or low. The Lot number on the back of the sensors should be checked to see if any you have are affected. Check here:
I currently only have 2 sensors left and Medtronic advise me they "have no stock" and don't when they will have any
Do you mean Medtronic will not replace the transmitter if its faulty?
I've had no issues with the transmitter, (if you imagine the entire CGM as a mushroom, the transmitter which is white that charge on the grey docking station. The sensor you insert is the stalk of the mushroom, which you change weekly, or more frequently as most of us are finding that the sensor isn't lasting the seven days).
The transmitter lasts 12 months, you receive a notification to say its coming to the end of its warranty. Medtronic will replace free of charge.
As for the sensors, again up until recently I never had any issues with Medtronic replacing faulty sensors.
I have just used 2 boxes of the above both of which have been faulty. The sensors last for 3/4 days if I'm lucky and I either get the message 'change sensor' or the sensor updates for a couple of hours and then tells me to change it. On Sunday I used a sensor from a different batch it was OK for a few hours and then asked me for a calibration as it's sensor reading didn't match up finger prick test, this happened several times and to cut a long story short even though it revived itself, yesterday afternoon the change sensor message occurred again.

I've used Guardian 4 since August and the sensors rarely last for a week, a friend who recently started on them has also been having the same problem. It's not easy to get them replaced by Medtronic, they don't always seem to have them in stock, I've spent hours troubleshooting on the helpline and my only conclusion is that this is a very faulty product. Is it just me?
You are not alone. I find it annoying when the pump vibrates at 2-3 am wanting a BM reading!
Thanks everyone for your responses, they are very helpful. I wear the sensors in my abdomen and swap sides and areas every time. It's not practical to put them in my arm as I'd need my husband to attach them and we've both agreed it's too fiddly and he's too impatient to take this on. My experience is more like Scooby Sue above and it's so frustrating as, like everyone, I just need consistency - i just have no faith in the system and it currently is too anxiety provoking, and I appreciate they can't test every box of sensors but I do wonder how many they do check.. I've been using the libre as a back up but it obviously measures different things and I don't want to use 2 systems. I like the idea of the thigh and will ask about this at my appointment next week.

Medtronic told me their new sensor will be available in July for use on the arm and will combine the transmitter and sensor in one, it will still need changing every 7 days, so fingers crossed this will improve things.
Which sensor is this Teddy?
I was told by my rep to apply the G4 to my arm. It was fine until I started having issues with practically every over dressing/plaster out there.
I am currently applying the G4 to my abdomen, and im using not just a patch air as an over dressing.
The only issue is, that you have to be careful when pulling clothing down in a hurry to use the loo, as you could end up ripping the entire sensor off. I think the same goes for the thigh.
The Medtronic was not designed for women as you need something to clip on to. One guy at Medtronic suggested clipping the pump to my bra, if I would like to wear a dress?!!!!!
I don't think he understood that, you need access to the pump. So you're in public, you can not lift up your dress to access your pump!
I thought of buying a dress with hidden pockets, unpicking the seam to make a small hole, enough for the infusion to go through. I can then have the pump in my pocket for easy access. NO indecent exposure. I know you can purchase leg straps etc.
Medtronic are so tight fisted you have to buy EVERYTHING, Accu-chek supplied, belts, clips, pockets!
Please let me know the name of this new sensor as I'm intrigued. Thanks
Morning! it's the Guardian4 sensor which is used with the 780 pump i.e. the Smart guard system. I can't apply them to my arm alone i.e. so always use my abdomen. I've got a new box and so far so good with the first one, so hopefully the problem was boxes of faulty sensors, they do seen to have a lot of these in circulation, and seems pot luck as to whether you get them or not. I've been extremely careful with them as regards to not getting them trapped in clothes, not sleeping on the sensor side, ensuring my pump is placed as near the sensor as possible. I do my pump in my bra, you get some funny looks when it's starts beeping and you need to urgently have a look at it and start trying to get it out but hey so be it.
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