Does any one here has a diabetic partner?

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Active Member
Hi All,

I have found this website extremely friendly and useful from the word go. However, I was wondering whether anyone uses this website who has a partner/wife/husband with diabetes? I would be interested to see if they have experienced any of the same feelings etc as me.
Hi sponge! There are a few people on here who have partners with diabetes 🙂

My partner (and I) has type 1 - but we kind of cheated, being as we met on the forum! 🙂
Hiya, My hubby has been T2 for 10 years now and I have been T2 for just over a year. Welcome to the forum 🙂
Hi sponge! There are a few people on here who have partners with diabetes 🙂

My partner (and I) has type 1 - but we kind of cheated, being as we met on the forum! 🙂

awwww our own forum romance 🙂 how cool! at least you both know what the other is going through...that's got to be soooo useful.
Yes my husband is also a T1 diabetic😱

Several years ago one of our gp's worked out the likely hood of 2 T1's meeting and marrying, can't remember the exact figure, but apparently static's suggest we had more change of winning the lottery..

Yes his hypo's do make me frustrated, more so when I know he could have avoid one
awwww our own forum romance 🙂 how cool! at least you both know what the other is going through...that's got to be soooo useful.

It gets entertaining when we're both low or both high, or one of us is high and the other low...we can get very annoyed with each other LOL. Only because of the BG levels.

It is good though having that mutual understanding of it all. Oh and not having to worry about disturbing the other person at 3am, being as we're both up and testing :D
Hi everyone,

I am not a diabetic and just wondered how everyone else in my situation handles things, because I sometimes find things extremely difficult, mainly because I can't control what my bf does/doesn't do in relation to his diabetes.

Wow, a forum romance - I am soppy, so love to hear things like that 🙂 Just proves romance isn't dead!😉
Hi spongey.

My partner only managed to make such a difference to me because I wanted to change.

You might need to play it softly softly for a while and maybe subtly make changes to your joint lifestyle until he sees improvements or just wants to try for better control.

Hi Rob,

I am trying, it is a little awkward as we don't live together, so I can't always keep an eye on what he eats etc. I'm going to try and improve the way I eat (more fruit and veg etc), so will probably try and drag him along for the ride - a positive step for us both I think 🙂
Nothing like finding a new interest in life to get your partners attention ! :D

I'm guessing he'll see his way of managing it to be the best way there is. And that role models such as diabetic sports stars have way more help so it's easy for them. And he's been doing it that way for so long that he's the best person to decide what's best. Etc. 🙄

I'm sure we're all similar in our little bubbles 😱

Not sure what else you can try but any positive change you inspire will be worth the effort.

Welcome to the forum. I know there are several people here with diabetic partners. My dad and one of my uncles are diabetic, but they wont talk about it.
welcome to the forum. My husband and I are both type 1. Hubby started just before his 18th birthday before we were married and I started when I was pregnant with our son thats 35 years ago now. We have had a few laughs with it over the years. Well you have to laugh havent you but some of the thing we have done, haha. My mam always says that we should wright a book it would be good reading.😎
Along came another one

Spongey, Welcome.

My partner and i were born one day apart, and developed diabetes about 6 months apart.
Like Shiv, I met partner cause of diabetes.

Anywho, now that we are living together, his bloods have leveled out abit.
If your partner is like mine, if you tell him he cant have something, or hide the biscuits, he will go and look for them. mainly just to be akward. ?_?
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