Doctor's visit

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Well, I have just been to the doctor's. Main reason for going was to get my blood pressure checked. It has come down - now 140/90 from 160/100, but doc thinks lower figure is still too high so has increased my meds by 50%. I'm OK with that.

I like to make the most of my visit, so I asked her about the retinopathy scan I had recently, that had shown 'moderate diabetic eye disease'. She pulled up the letter she had been sent which had more detail on it. Apparently, I still have background retinopathy, but the specialist had observed some deposits close to the macula in both eyes. If you're not aware, the macula is extremely important to vision, so this is why I am being asked to go for a further examination. If it had been further away they probably wouldn't have asked me back. So, worrying, but at least I know a bit more why now - sounds like luck of the draw as to where these deposits form and I lucked out :(

She spotted that I was still getting the multivits on prescription! She said I probably didn't need them any more, but I persuaded her that I would prefer to keep taking them so I could be sure I was getting all my essential bits and pieces (I like to use technical jargon to impress her). She also asked if I had stopped taking the statins, so I had to come clean about it. I explained how I didn't think I needed them as my cholesterol had dropped so low (2.4) on them, and is still only 4.5 without them. She tried to persuade me about the anti-inflammatory properties in addition to the cholesterol effect, but we agreed to differ on the risk/benefits of taking them, which was good. I did ask whether there was any safe lower limit for chol and she said she didn't think so, which I don't really agree with. If you agree with the studies that how high cholesterol to be a cardio-vascular risk, you should also recognise that low cholesterol is a risk factor for strokes.

Finally, to get maximum benefit from the visit, I persuaded her to prescribe me some Optium Xceed blood ketone strips and a box of test strips for my 'backup' meter - which I haven't actually got yet! I argued that the ketostix were less accurate and weren't really cheaper for me as I'd use them once in 6 months then have to throw the rest away. The blood ketone strips, although more expensive, should last a couple of years or so. Predictably, the pharmacy didn't have any in stock!

So, a mixed appointment, with good and not so good to report! :( 🙂
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Sounds like a very efficient visit in terms of NHS funding !

Could have been half a dozen appointments. Well done on gettings the strips, keeping the vits and the lower BP.

Not sure about the eyes, but at least you know what it is and it's better to get it treated early.

As for the statins, I'm still taking mine but will see if I can get a test done next visit.

Glad to hear I'm not the only one who goes to the GP with a list! 😛🙂

Sorry to hear about the eyes - I know it's a worry, but try not to let it get to you - until you see the eye specialist you won't know if it's something that needs action or might resolve itself I guess? Best not to assume the my experience any calories burnt by the stress are more than replaced by the comfort snacks! 😉 Fingers crossed it's not as bad as you might think.

Sounds like you've got a good doc there! 🙂

(btw - like the cholesterol level! jealous!)
Glad to hear I'm not the only one who goes to the GP with a list! 😛

Sorry to hear about the eyes - I know it's a worry, but try not to let it get to you - until you see the eye specialist you won't know if it's something that needs action or might resolve itself I guess? Best not to assume the my experience any calories burnt by the stress are more than replaced by the comfort snacks! 😉 Fingers crossed it's not as bad as you might think.

Sounds like you've got a good doc there! 🙂

(btw - like the cholesterol level! jealous!)

Thanks Twitchy 🙂 My GP is an angel!
Hope you feel slightly better for visiting the GP and hope it will all be OK when you know more about your eyes. When i saw my DN for my 6 monthly review and to get my HbA1c results, i was surprised that my cholesterol hadn't been done since January and she said that it's measured once a year so i will have to wait till Jan 2011 to see how my cholesterol measures up (with taking statins). I have a feeling that i will be put on BP meds as my last reading was 138/90 and she said it was high but she is giving me time to lose more weight to see what happens. Anyway, at least you've got some things 'off your chest' 🙂
Very nice doctor you have there Northerner shame she cant spread herself about abit and visit those of us who have dreadful docs lol,hope all goes well in the future with your eyes.
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"I've got a little list, I've got a little list". I have to take a list with me when I go to the doctor, if I don't I'll forget half of what I need to talk about.
my cholesterol had dropped so low (2.4) on them, and is still only 4.5 without them. She tried to persuade me about the anti-inflammatory properties in addition to the cholesterol effect, but we agreed to differ on the risk/benefits of taking them, which was good. I did ask whether there was any safe lower limit for chol and she said she didn't think so, which I don't really agree with. If you agree with the studies that how high cholesterol to be a cardio-vascular risk, you should also recognise that low cholesterol is a risk factor for strokes.

Sounds like you have a good gp there! We are only allowed to talk about 2 issues per visit whether related or not at our surgery. Interesting to read about your cholesterol as I was asking my husband last night if it was possible for the cholesterol level to go too low, neither of us know really. Was unaware of a low level being a risk factor for strokes though.

Sorry to hear about your eyes, hope things can be sorted for you.
Sounds like you have a good gp there! We are only allowed to talk about 2 issues per visit whether related or not at our surgery. Interesting to read about your cholesterol as I was asking my husband last night if it was possible for the cholesterol level to go too low, neither of us know really. Was unaware of a low level being a risk factor for strokes though.

Sorry to hear about your eyes, hope things can be sorted for you.

Thank you 🙂 Goodness! Some surgeries really do have stupid rules! How can these rules be compatible with good patient care? Right! You've had your alotted afflictions, close the door as you leave! Nonsense!
"I've got a little list, I've got a little list". I have to take a list with me when I go to the doctor, if I don't I'll forget half of what I need to talk about.

Lol my GP calls it a "shopping list."

Wish it was like that as normally those are things you want, but my list contains things I don't!
Northerner, I don't mean to alarm you, but I know that you like running by reading some of your posts, so when you do see your ophthalmologist at your next appointment, ask if it is ok to continue running. I've had diabetic retinopathy over the years which has been settled for some time now, but when I first got diagnosed with retinopathy my ophthalmologist said that it wasn't advisable to do exercises such as running or hard physical sport, also was told not to go on fair ground rides such as roller-coasters as this can cause pressure in the eyes and lead to bleeds.

Sorry to bring this up, but I thought that I had better warn you and others that have been recently diagnosed with retinopathy. It was 12 years ago since I was given this advice, perhaps this is not applicable now, but just the same always better to ask and clarify the situation on what is safe. Hope all goes well for you. Toby.
Northerner, I don't mean to alarm you, but I know that you like running by reading some of your posts, so when you do see your ophthalmologist at your next appointment, ask if it is ok to continue running. I've had diabetic retinopathy over the years which has been settled for some time now, but when I first got diagnosed with retinopathy my ophthalmologist said that it wasn't advisable to do exercises such as running or hard physical sport, also was told not to go on fair ground rides such as roller-coasters as this can cause pressure in the eyes and lead to bleeds.

Sorry to bring this up, but I thought that I had better warn you and others that have been recently diagnosed with retinopathy. It was 12 years ago since I was given this advice, perhaps this is not applicable now, but just the same always better to ask and clarify the situation on what is safe. Hope all goes well for you. Toby.

Thanks for that Toby. I certainly hope I don't have to give up running, but will ask for advice when I go for my appointment with the specialist. I don't mind giving up fairground rides - last time was probably in Blackpool in 1975!
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