Doctors unite to combat obesity

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Organisations representing nearly every doctor in the UK have united in a single campaign to tackle rising levels of obesity.

The campaign will start by reviewing the case for fat taxes, promoting exercise, restricting food advertising and other measures.

They criticised sponsorship of the Olympics by fast food firms as sending "the wrong message".

The Department of Health said it was taking action to combat obesity.

A spokesman for the campaign, Prof Terence Stephenson, said the government's current strategy of "partnering" food firms in order to tackle obesity "might be seen as counter-intuitive".

Almost a quarter of adults in the UK are thought to be obese and some predictions suggest half of children will be obese or overweight by 2020, with Prof Stephenson saying they were "storing up problems for the future".
I just have a mental picture of shedloads of doctors (probably in 'scrubs' and white theatre clogs) joining hands and forming a human barricade round all fast-food outlets and Sugar refinieres. With mattresses round the ouside so people trying to get in would bounce off ......
I can remember reading adverts in newspapers in the 1950s for 'Super Weight On' pills. People were so thin in the 40s / 50s because of food shortages due to the war and rationing. There was no fast food only Fish and Chips. There was loads of home grown veg and meat was becoming easier to buy. Every kid at my school was so thin compared to todays kids. I was given 6d (2.5p) for sweets every week but I had to work for it. There was no TV either and people were much brighter than they are these days.
Yes - if you saw someone extra fat, you automatically were very sympathetic because it usually indicated they had something wrong with them.

My mother didn't pull any punches and even she didn't suggest it was due to over indulgence. If we queried it she would say poor Mrs Bloggs, she's ill you know - and it's VERY rude to stare - if I catch you doing it again you'll feel the weight of my hand etc etc etc.

Well AFAIK the Fact that it's rude to stare hasn't ever been rescinded - but frankly I wish it was against the Law! 😉
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