Doctors involvement

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Much missed Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Something that I've notice. People here often refer to their doctors (actual gp, not just the practice) when taking about their diabetes care. It appears the gp is actual involved and sees the patient.
I was told the diagnosis by a Dr when I was being seen for something else. Other than that, I've only see a doctor because I made a fuss about my level of care & told them not to bother with reviews. I also said, in an English quiet way, that I didn't want to see that nurse again. If it wasn't for that, it's all fallen to the nurse and dietien.
I wonder how many people see the doctor and how many the nurse.
Should say: what difference do you think it makes?
I see the practice nurse for all my diabetic care, which amounts to an annual review. I then see my GP for an annual medication review, which usually takes 30 seconds and involves her saying, sorry about dragging you in, we have to see you once a year, and altering the review date on the computer to the following year. Having said that, though, if I did have any concerns, that would be an opportunity to mention them. Though I'd ask the nurse first, because I think she knows more than my GP about the day to day living with diabetes aspect.
I'd don't know if my old gp did a medication review. They never had me in for one. I've been on high blood pressure tablets since early 2011.
When I changed practice they had me in for one within 9 months. I thought that was because I was a new patient and they where checking up. They also dropped my bp tablets from 3 months worth to 1.
I see the Nurse for my review and blood test for my hbA and my GP for my diabetes too. In fact the other week all 3 of us sat in a room and discussed the next move for me which was insulin
GP has absolutely nothing to do with the care of my diabetes, other than producing the prescriptions for the insulin and strips etc I need, which the hospital clinic tell him I need. GP's Nurse does all the 'review' things like toe tickling and pulses. Otherwise they are absolutely not involved other than always needing to take the D and the insulin into account when prescribing anything else for me for other health concerns.
I have also see my Diabetic Nurse at the surgery for reviews, they also do the prescribing too of the Diabetic medication. I see the Doctor every 6 months for medication review, always have done and never had 3 months of anything on repeat. I am not sure wether this will change as i noticed on the surgery website that another one of the Diabetic Nurses is retiring and are advertising her job. I also had a Pharmacist medication review about 18 months ago.
As Robin said mine know more than Doctor.
GP has absolutely nothing to do with the care of my diabetes, other than producing the prescriptions for the insulin and strips etc I need, which the hospital clinic tell him I need. GP's Nurse does all the 'review' things like toe tickling and pulses. Otherwise they are absolutely not involved other than always needing to take the D and the insulin into account when prescribing anything else for me for other health concerns.
Do you see the doctor at the clinic TrophyWench?
I don't go to the clinic. I'm completely under the GP practice.

Sorry, I don't remember everything everyone has said. I'm sure you've seen the doc on occasion.
Since dx I've seen the doc once and it was only when I complained which got me no where.
It's been one nurse and she isn't even a diabetic one at that. I have told them I do not wish to see her again as she was being patronising towards me.
M Can I have my results please
A why you don't need them
M yes I do to improve them
A oh I suppose then
I have now discovered I can have my diabetic notes through the internet as I'm Scotland and I also discovered my practise didn't know about it and didn't like it either well tough they are mine and for me to improve my care.
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All my care is through the DSN. My GP has nothing to do with it.
My GP referred me to the practice diabetes nurse when I went onto insulin and she did everything. She left and has been replaced by another nurse - not so knowledgeable but just as nice. Both were/are prescribing nurses so renew and change my prescription as needed. It works well.
Well I see the hospital D consultant and DSN twice a year - and can see one of the DSN's ad hoc in between if I need to.

Didn't mention it cos I know T2's don't often even get the chance to see the waiting room at a hospital D clinic and now in quite a few places T1s are treated by their GPs too. I just worry about that since as I've said - I've never had a GP who actually knows that much about T1 to inspire anyone let alone motivate them when they've got the glums or a dose adjustment problem - grief - we've had GPs putting young, newly diagnosed T1s on ruddy MIXED insulin, they're living that ruddy far in the past!
Like Jenny my reviews are with the consultants at the Diabetes Clinic which suits me down to the ground as the hospital is only a few minutes walk for me. Providing the farm track isn't a muddy quagmire. I presume that's standard for T1s in our area.
Like Jenny my reviews are with the consultants at the Diabetes Clinic which suits me down to the ground as the hospital is only a few minutes walk for me. Providing the farm track isn't a muddy quagmire. I presume that's standard for T1s in our area.

The muddy farm track or the reviews :D
I gave up with the DN at the practice I just moved from as just did not get on with her, freshly qualified know it all and would not listen to the patient. In the end was seen by a decent doc and sorted out the referral to hospital that is needed. Not seen what the new practice is like, but they seem very keen in getting ones blood pressure down to a more reasonable level.
I gave up with the DN at the practice I just moved from as just did not get on with her, freshly qualified know it all and would not listen to the patient. In the end was seen by a decent doc and sorted out the referral to hospital that is needed. Not seen what the new practice is like, but they seem very keen in getting ones blood pressure down to a more reasonable level.
You can only try and see. I think sometimes realtionship s with health care staff have to mature. I did not see eye to eye with my Diabetic Nurse ( now retired)previous to getting Diabetes when i saw for something else. Though by the time i had Diabetes we got on well and had good discussions.
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