Doctors hail new ?wonder drug? to help fight diabetes

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
A NEW drug to block the advance of the most acute form of diabetes in its early stages has been ?strikingly effective? in preliminary trials.

It helps the body to keep *producing its own insulin, *effectively stopping Type 1 *diabetes in its tracks.

The latest trial results of *teplizumab showed it helped stave off the complete destruction of insulin-producing cells in half of those taking part.

It opens up the very real possibility that, if caught early enough, the onset of full-blown Type 1 diabetes could be halted before irreparable *damage is done.

Complications of diabetes include blindness, heart disease, kidney failure and the need for limb amputations.

Dr Kevan Herold, professor of immunobiology at Yale University in America, who helped carry out the trials, said: ?We are very excited.?

'most acute form of diabetes' 🙄 Not the chronic form then?
You really should stop reading these rubbish papers, Alan.

Loved the ' Daily chore: A Type 1 diabetic checking his blood and glucose levels (PIC POSED BY MODEL) ' wish I could have seen the result of the finger prick.:D

Is it me or is the sentence grammatically incorrect?:
Type 1 diabetes develops when insulin-producing cells are destroyed, either by infection or the immune system attacking the pancreas which creates it.

The pancreas creates the immune system or does it create the infection, I'm undecided.
Well, we knew the pancreas did other stuff as well as producing insulin, so maybe it does both of those things ! :confused:
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