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Doctors appointments


Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
We have had several posts on the difficulties of getting doctors appointments, so I will share with you my recent experience.

I phoned my surgery wanting just to speak to my doctor regarding a semi medical situation which I wont go into, but it was important to me.
The receptionist said the doctor had no available appointments, I explained the situation and said I don't want an appointment, I just want a quick chat to the doctor, she repeated her last comment, to which I replied, very politely, that I just wanted to talk to the doctor, once again she repeated, that he had no available appointments.

Yes, I was annoyed, very annoyed, but realise that she is only doing her job ( as the gate keeper)

So, still being very polite, I asked her to pass on my message to said doctor and let him decide if it was important enough to phone me.

Guess what, I received a phone call this morning at 09.30, we had a 10 min chat, problem resolved and a prescription waiting for me at the chemist.

I guess what I'm saying is, if you are persistent, polite and use the right terminology, you may just get what you want.

30 years in sales didn't totally go to waste
We need to use the Ask My GP app to request an appointment or raise a health related query. I do get a message or a call from either the GP or a practice nurse the same day. They will arrange an appointment if needed. So far no complaints with the health support at our medical practice.
We need to use the Ask My GP app to request an appointment or raise a health related query. I do get a message or a call from either the GP or a practice nurse the same day. They will arrange an appointment if needed. So far no complaints with the health support at our medical practice.
That's useful to know, thanks for posting it and here is a link to an AskMyGp video if anyone is interested.
We can contact our GP practice online through Accurx. I always get a response within the same working day, by text with either a link to book a face to face or telephone appointment with the appropriate HCP or saying it has been referred to the clinical pharmacist, as appropriate. Simple to use and very effective.
I get what you're saying but think about this from the practice point of view. The majority of people just want a 'chat' with the doctor or nurse (emergencies are a rarity) but this cannot possibly be accommodated, hence the need for appointments, structure and traceability.

You were probably booked into an appointment at 9.30 am this morning.
I get what you're saying but think about this from the practice point of view. The majority of people just want a 'chat' with the doctor or nurse (emergencies are a rarity) but this cannot possibly be accommodated, hence the need for appointments, structure and traceability.

You were probably booked into an appointment at 9.30 am this morning.
I think that is likely - at my surgery, most appointments are only 10 minutes.
However, I think @Alan44 's polite persistence got him the appointment.
At my GPs its a long wait to get an appoiment however im lucky because of where i live we have a ANP come every Thursday to do her rounds
Well I will be setting off at 7:15 tomorrow to walk to the doctors. I'll get there at 7:30 and hopefully be near the top of the queue for when it opens at 8. It's the only way to get an appointment here.
(Just back from a doomed holiday. Firstly my sis-in-law couldn't go as she's still in a pot from breaking her leg before Christmas! Then my sister had to leave yesterday to get to a funeral today. I've had a dicky tummy for a couple of months, and this week I'm so bloated that my stomach looks like it did when I was over 12 stones!!! It's at least doubled in size and is very uncomfortable and sometimes painful. Hence coming back early in the hope I'll get a doctor's appointment tomorrow before the weekend.) Please keep your fingers crossed I get an appointment tomorrow! 😉
You were probably booked into an appointment at 9.30 am this morning.
Trust me, when the receptionist says there are no appointments, there are no appointments, which is why I asked her to just pass my message onto the doctor and let him decide, he made the judgement call and phoned me, he knows I don't waste his time, in fact I do part of his job for him with lots of home monitoring, which he has on the odd occasion double checked.

I think the point I'm trying to make when trying to get a doctors appointment is

1) Be polite
2) Be courteous
3) Be firm, but in a nice way
4) Show respect for those who are just trying to do their job
5) Be concise and use key words
6) There is always a back door if you look for it ?
My current frustration is when I get a letter from the Surgery saying the GP needs to speak you please ring us. Of course when I do I'm told there's no appointments and having a letter saying the Doctor wants to see me doesn't make any difference.
I see from what others have posted, maybe I should consider myself lucky to have a surgery who uses a simple online appointment request, that someone human in the surgery then decides who should be asked to come in that day, replies by text message
having decided who needs a phone call / or referral to elsewhere etc…

the online booking opens at 07:30 and has apparently a certain amount of availability before the system closes (usually about 10:30)
GP it seems is calling patients and seeing those who need a face to face appointment from 07:45

for people who prefer to phone in as we all used to, they can call anytime from 08:00 as long as they are lucky enough to get through, walk in requests to see a GP or nurse are not allowed