Doctor's - an update

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
A much better appointment at the doctors today. He basically told me to ignore what the other dr told me the other week about testing too much, he says you know what is right for you and you are the one at the end of the day with diabetes not him (I like this dr!).
He agreed with me that my numbers are increasing and my diet overall is good and he cant really see where else I can make changes with that (I keep a detailed food diary, have done for a couple of years now). He is going to look at either changing or increasing my medications.
I am due to have my next Hba1c in about 2 weeks time and he said he will wait to make a more informed decision then, which I am happy with. He has told me to keep an eye on my numbers and to go straight back if I have any concerns. He is shocked with how porridge brings down my bg numbers. I did suggest that maybe I should have it for every meal!!!
Ah, sounds much better Stitch! 🙂 Someone who listens, and is prepared to learn new things (porridge!) and respect your common sense approach to testing. I hope that he can come up with an appropriate medication regime that will see you waking in the 5s and 6s 🙂
Good news Stitch, hope that HBA1C continues the positive trend at the start of the year.

With all these GPs who are against testing, how can they then be surprised when the HBA1C results aren't as good as for those who are testing regularly to ensure that the levels are stable in the right area? Mystery to me...
I like your doctor too. Sorry I mean the proper doctor who wants you to look after your condition not the idiot doctor who wants to look after his budget at the cost of the welfare of his patients 😉
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It's half the battle when you feel listened to and respected Stitch and he's recognising your considerable efforts. Hope he can come up with a longer term solution for you as you must feel so frustrated and angry with the high morning figures! I know how I felt when mine crept up during illness and I wanted to fling the meter at the wall! 😱
Yep, I have felt like flinging it at the wall, but then I think "No, i need that"
Well done Stitch. Sounds like a good doctor to me.🙂
Over the years, I have found that most meters have been surprisingly robust ....... 😛 :D
Yes I threw mine in a huff and aside from a scratch or two it survived 😛 Glad the appointment went well, and you seem to have found a rare GP who hasn't either failed to find their humanity or left it at the door. Hope the medication adjustment happens smoothly 🙂
Glad it's a more positive appointment cx
Well, I'll be having my blood taken in the morning for my next HbA1c ready for seeing my doctor on the 3rd June. So i should be able to see the results online within a couple of days. Im not sure i want to know though, as I know its going to be up on the last one. :(
Well, I'll be having my blood taken in the morning for my next HbA1c ready for seeing my doctor on the 3rd June. So i should be able to see the results online within a couple of days. Im not sure i want to know though, as I know its going to be up on the last one. :(
Que sera, sera, Stitch - if it is higher then it's not due to lack of effort on your part, just a case of getting the right balance of medication, particularly to reduce your 'base' level from the 8-10s to the 5-7s, as your pre/post meal levels are generally pretty good because of your diet and exercise. Perhaps worth pointing this out to the doctor if it's not already been discussed as it might affect the medication choices to be made 🙂
Well, I'll be having my blood taken in the morning for my next HbA1c ready for seeing my doctor on the 3rd June. So i should be able to see the results online within a couple of days. Im not sure i want to know though, as I know its going to be up on the last one. :(

If it has gone up then you have brought it back down before and you can bring it down again. Maybe its not gone up as high as you think. Maybe its not gone up at all 🙂. You obviously know what you are doing and we are all here to support you. That means you cannot fail 😉 (We won't let you 😛)
Que sera, sera, Stitch - if it is higher then it's not due to lack of effort on your part, just a case of getting the right balance of medication, particularly to reduce your 'base' level from the 8-10s to the 5-7s, as your pre/post meal levels are generally pretty good because of your diet and exercise. Perhaps worth pointing this out to the doctor if it's not already been discussed as it might affect the medication choices to be made 🙂

I agree with Alan here - it helps inform doctor's drug choices and treatment - OK it's useful to us too of course LOL - but it is NOT a stick to beat us with - so if anyone tries to use it as a weapon against you - just remind them what it's really for!
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