Doctor - take 2 (I will be changing doctors!)

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Went into boots after work to try and pick up my lost prescription and my repeat I had ordered.

I got my lost one, but it wasn't what I asked for. I was waiting on two boxes of test strips - all I got was gabapentin and novorapid. I asked about the repeat due today, and apparently they were making it up.

However when I opened the bag, it was all the stuff I'd asked for YESTERDAY with the doctor for the new meter. No sign of ANYTHING I'd ordered two weeks ago. More novorapid too (even though I hadn't ordered it!). I looked at my prescription and guess what?

THE DOCTOR HAS REMOVED ALL OF MY INSULIN! EVERYTHING IS GONE. EVERYTHING. There was a note on there saying I have to go and see him.

Why was I given this new stuff and not the stuff I ordered and more importantly why has my doctor taken EVERYTHING off my prescrtiption?????

I am utterly LIVID over this. Yet ANOTHER blow which has made me feel even lower than I did this morning.

When I go on tuesday, he is goingto be given hell. How dare he remove the stuff from my script that keeps me ALIVE??? I will make him print out my whole prescription and I will then be changing doctors. I'll go back to the winchester surgery if I have to 😡

I am SO ANGRY. I have 2 1/2 boxes of levemir thankfully, which will last me. But COME ON! Everything is gone from my prescription. All I have now is the new stuff (which isn't on repeat btw!) which is useless til I get my new meter and I have had no word on when this will be dispatched yet


Looking into changing doctors tomorrow. Dyu think I'll be able to register at Winchester again?
Sam all i can say is i know how you feel i am currently in kind of the same situation i refuse to even see my doc anymore after the debarkle last week and im currently in the progress in changing over to my other halves surgery, all i can say is all you can do is try with winchester anything will be better then the shambles your going through with this idiot doctor .

I wish you luck xxxx
Sam, I'll talk to you on MSN about everything else, but I have a spare, unused Contour that I keep in my desk for emergencies. If you don't get your USB meter before your strips run out, I can always send it you xoxo
Sam, I'll talk to you on MSN about everything else, but I have a spare, unused Contour that I keep in my desk for emergencies. If you don't get your USB meter before your strips run out, I can always send it you xoxo

Thanks lovely 🙂 I'll be on msn a bit later as just popping to the shop and then doing dinner. You're an utter star :D xxxxx
I agree with Steff, who is this idiot? Dont just get out of this surgery Sam, run! And use your fantastic writing skills to your advantage and start on a written complaint xx
Just want to send you my warmest regards and well wishes. Quite who the heck does your doctor think he is?!!! What an outrageous and horrible man. I hope that you manage to put him right into his place hun. Best of luck with everything xx
this is getting totally rediculous sam hunny run ...
definitely put in a complaint about your dr.. if you are in your old GPS catchment area then there shouldn't be a problem.
definitely put in a complaint about your dr.. if you are in your old GPS catchment area then there shouldn't be a problem.

unfortunately winchester is a 20 minute train journey away. I could be stuck. The other doctors surgery in my area is one I have already ran from afer they started messing me around about 6 months ago.
Why are you, as a type 1, going to the doctors for your appointments. They should not be telling you anything about diabetes at all. You go to the hospital don't you (whether its good or not), you take advice from them not the GP. Your GP should not be removing any of your diabetic stuff from your prescription without seeing you as an emergency tomorrow morning.

I would be writing a letter of complaint stating that you are still awaiting test strips and because he deleted them they still haven't come. If anything happens to you because you run out of strips you will hold him responsible as he is being negligent in his duty of care to a patient.

Right got that off my chest.
Why are you, as a type 1, going to the doctors for your appointments. They should not be telling you anything about diabetes at all. You go to the hospital don't you (whether its good or not), you take advice from them not the GP. Your GP should not be removing any of your diabetic stuff from your prescription without seeing you as an emergency tomorrow morning.

I would be writing a letter of complaint stating that you are still awaiting test strips and because he deleted them they still haven't come. If anything happens to you because you run out of strips you will hold him responsible as he is being negligent in his duty of care to a patient.

Right got that off my chest.

Thanks Adrienne, my thoughts exactly. I refuse to go to the diabetic appointments at my doctors because I go to the hospital. I am utterly appalled that he is doing this to me, and I feel sick to my stomach at the thought of having to go and see him on tuesday. But if I ring for an emergency appt in the morning, I know I will be greeted with disdain.

I'm going to write a letter of complaint tomorrow and over the weekend and I will be taking it in. I have 100 strips left to last me until the new meter arrives. It *should* last. But what if it doesn't? I am completely terrified. I feel sick that he is witholding insulin from me too - Levemir is no longer on my repeat and I couldn't see novorapid on there earlier (even though there was three boxes in the bag...) what if he refuses to prescribe me any insulin? What do I do then? I feel sick about having to go on tuesday. I don't want to go. What if he shouts at me?
Hey don't worry. He can't refuse to prescribe you insulin, he would be struck off, all type 1 people need insulin, do not despair.

I can hear how annoyed you are - aren't there any more zombies you can attack.

Firstly your GP will not refuse to give you any insulin - he wouldn't want to risk the GMC. Yes the insulin is not on your prescription but it was prescribed today. Is it possible that he is confused with all the changes of late, knows that you are coming in Tuesday and hopes to sort it out then. Its also possible that a prescription clerk has messed the prescription up and he has only signed what has been put in front of him .

There have been many a time I have worried about Drs shouting at me and so far none has, the nearest I got was when one was impatiently tapping his feet and then told me he had to get on with the surgery - I had made a double appointment - I don't think he realised.

I have had trouble with scripts lately mainly due to a chemist having a dodgy wholesaler saying there were manufacturing problems when there were not. I rang the manufacturer and they sent me a complementary box. A while back however, my OH picked up a prescription for me on a Friday and it said that one of my insulins had been discontinued. When I called I was told to call on Monday and speak to the prescription clerk. Fortunately I had enough for the weekend. I checked that the pharmacy had it - they did it transpired that the name on the system had changed. Anyway I asked for a prescription and was told 48 hours - I politely pointed out that I had already waited a week and that I wouldn't have sufficient to last till then. She said she would put it through as an emergency prescription. About 10 mins later one of the Drs called and said that the insulin did not exist. I explained that it did - he then wanted me to call the DSNs to confirm the insulin as he wouldn't want me to have the wrong one (pity that hadn't happened with the previous prescription). It was all very stressful and a bit of a farce but we got there.

Given that you said that your GP has been generally good to you, you may find on Tuesday that it is some politics in the practice ie the practice manager complaining about costs - or the prescription clerk has misinterpreted something.

If you do write a complaint you could always point out that you have been advised that in times of stress you should test more often as stress tends to cause BMs to rise.

Have you checked the Southampton PCT website for a list of GPs in the area ? They may be able to help if you do end up changing Drs

Please take care of yourself
Sam - is it the one touch strips that you are using at the moment - I just got a prescription yesterday so I could send you a couple of pots if you want.

You should be fine with the Levemir insulin - how much do you take? I never have more than a couple of boxes in the fridge. Do you still have some lantus you could take if you do run out?

It is ridiculous that they have taken the items off your repeat prescription. I would write a complaint letter about it. I had to do that a couple of months back as they got completely confused when I ordered some ketone strips and kept then getting them rather than glucose strips. SInce the letter it has all been fine.

Try not to let them get to you too much - I know easier said than done.
Sam - is it the one touch strips that you are using at the moment - I just got a prescription yesterday so I could send you a couple of pots if you want.

You should be fine with the Levemir insulin - how much do you take? I never have more than a couple of boxes in the fridge. Do you still have some lantus you could take if you do run out?

It is ridiculous that they have taken the items off your repeat prescription. I would write a complaint letter about it. I had to do that a couple of months back as they got completely confused when I ordered some ketone strips and kept then getting them rather than glucose strips. SInce the letter it has all been fine.

Try not to let them get to you too much - I know easier said than done.

hi rachel. Yeah its the onetouch. Hopefully I'll be ok til the new meter gets here. It should be by saturday or if not early next week. But thank you for the offer 🙂

I do have some lantus so at least thats an option.

I really think I will write a letter of complaint, I am utterly seething about the whole thing. I intend to make them fully aware of the situation and how I'm feeling and I will have the complaint letter in my hand when I go on tuesday morning. If nothing is done then it will be handing in to the receptionist to give to the guy who runs the practice whoever he is.
I got levemir you can have =) I got prefilled or cartridges. Me & my twin are on the same so there is always plenty.

Id ask to give it to the practice manager in person and wait if you can to see him - the receptionist could lose it accidentally on purpose....
Salmonpuff- so sorry to hear of your woes.:( I suspect a administrative mess up with your scripts- it took me months to sort mine out due to slack admin at my practice. However, you should not be in fear of your GP and I hope you can find someone to go along with you to your appointment for support. If like me, you burst into tears when under stress, you could get this companion to explain to the GP how upset you are on your behalf?

Best of luck xxx
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