doctor has NO CLUE what's going on with me and my feets!!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
So I went up the docs this afternoon as I'm running out of gabapentins, and as we all know i HATE taking them. He suggested the chilli cream, and I said yes.

He then checked my feet and a look of confusion came over his face "You're sensitivity is second to none and you've got really strong pulses...I wouldn't expect that in someone with nueropathy!"

How very bizaare. He then started mumbling to himself about what could be going on with me, asked me a few questions and said it was definitely most likely my body kicking up a stink to a better HbA1C. I mentioned the epic pains I've had recently and he nodded, and said that these sort of things (the transient side of it) got worse before they get better. He said to keep my HbA1C down and keep going as I am (and was horrified when I told him about what specialist said!!!). But he is indeed very confused bless him. He asked how the feets were, and I said that they were much much better than they had been when I first hobbled in to see him all them months ago. Just the sensitivity in the morning and now the odd shooting pains. No burning any more and only rarely do i get pins and needles, like when i bend down. He said that was a good thing, and that it would very likely start easing off.

I have to wean myself off the Gabs, which I'm not looking forward to. I'm not entirely sure how to do it...I've recently cut myself down to 2, so I'll have my second one today with dinner but what should I do tomorrow? Have one and supplement it with chilli cream? (LOL!)

I love my doctor, he's ace :D He was like 'now have a good christmas and write a letter of complaint about that moron at the hospital' hahahaha.
It was confusing for me at first, as I have neuopathic pain but like you have good pulses and have complete sensitivity when they prod with that filiment thingy. I spoke to the lead podiatorist and she confirmed that is if possible to have painful neuropathy without loss of sensation.

If I was you i would cut it down gradually, I won't say exactly how I would do it because I think that would be too much like medical advice, but it would be over a couple of weeks.

Will be interested to see how you find the cream.
I am the same have very sore burning feet and numb at the edges of big toes but have excellent pulses and senstivity aswell

Neuropathy isn't always about being in pain all the time, or indeed being numb all the time.

My pulses are always good, but my sensation is poor below my knee to none existant by my ankles and into my feet.

As I've said in earlier posts it took a lot of visits to neurologists, pain specialists and the likes to discover that the pain of neuropathy isn't in the limb itself, but in the spinal cord - now, I stand to be corrected here, but when I stepped back and applied this to my neck, shoulder, arm and hand pains, these pains can be agonising one minute and 30 seconds later gone - I'd done nothing, they have vanished. You begin to question yourself as a nutter! Ok, I am 😉

But when someone sits down with you and listens to your pain history and descriptions and takes the time to explain the problem is in your spinal cord, hence sometimes cotton wool is agonising, where the next time it's the pin that hurts and the cotton wool can't be felt that began to make a whole lot of sense to me. I'm a simple bloke.

Seemingly neuropathic pain and neuropathy is an interesting area and not many people know too much about it. Neurologists perform a load of tests, essentially to rule out there being a physical nerve problem, if they can't find it, then they diagnose neuropathy. Worth asking the question and being seen by the relevant specialist(s) at the hospital who can diagnose neuropathy, senses on one day don't reflect the pattern of neuropathy, pulses dictate circulation not nerve problems.

Regarding dropping your medication, I don't know the strength of Gabapentin, but would it be possible to get some half the dose of your normal tablets and lower the dose by half a tablet every four or five days, rather than removing 50% of your dose in one hit, you'd be removing 25%..?

It's an area of pain control and sensation that is a black art and seems dogged by ignorance of a good many doctors. Afterall, not many people suffer to such a great degree from it.

Good luck.
its wierd though cuz it *is* getting better. And its only happened since I started controlling my sugars. Right now, there's no issues. Most of the time, there's no issues. It's very strange and I don't like it.

😱 nuerologist? That sounds proper scary! I might have a word with the doc in the new year and see about getting referred though if it would mean a proper diagnosis. I mean, the sensitivity in the morning is easing off (again) but then its there other days :confused:

I don't like it. No i HATE IT! I feel proper bad because I'm 21 years old for crying out loud and ive got this, be in transient or not. Its c**p. I hate it i hate it i hate it.
can you see a specialist PAIN nurse, when my hubby had seroius sciatica(?spelling)when we lived in scotland, it was when they carted him off to Inverness that he finally saw the Pain nurse she sorted out the right combination, before that he was on valium
can you see a specialist PAIN nurse, when my hubby had seroius sciatica(?spelling)when we lived in scotland, it was when they carted him off to Inverness that he finally saw the Pain nurse she sorted out the right combination, before that he was on valium

AM, ultimately after a successful diagnosis, then you're best option is a referral to a pain clinic.

Sam, the neurologist may do little more than your GP, but may also elect to run some EMG tests to ensure the conductivity of your nerves is ok. Once they make a positive diagnosis of neuropathy they are then quite keen to let go of you :confused:

That's the point I'd look to get referred to the pain clinic. Many from what I gather and from my experience are more into pain management and alternative therapies than pumping you full of drugs.

I found TENS to be a great relief, with a cost of around ?40 for the machine and ?5-?10 a month in pads - rechargable batteries are a good idea though 😱
heres a question too, probably me being insanely paranoid but

Can it spread to the hands? I only ask because since playing the ole Resi 5, my hands have started burning. I do think this may be to do with the fact they are insanely dry and chapped. But still, just for future referance?

I think I'm going to try this:

tomorrow: 1 tablet with cream as a backup
weds: 2 tablets
thurs: 1
fri: 2 (maybe needed, as xmas day)
sat: 1
sun: 1

and then from there gradually edge it to zero. Whadya think?
heres a question too, probably me being insanely paranoid but

Can it spread to the hands? I only ask because since playing the ole Resi 5, my hands have started burning. I do think this may be to do with the fact they are insanely dry and chapped. But still, just for future referance?

I think I'm going to try this:

tomorrow: 1 tablet with cream as a backup
weds: 2 tablets
thurs: 1
fri: 2 (maybe needed, as xmas day)
sat: 1
sun: 1

and then from there gradually edge it to zero. Whadya think?

As it's a neuropathic condition, and as it's not actually (as I am advised) a single nerve that's 'damaged' then it can move at it's will around the nerves, therefore the pain can be in any of the peripheral nerves or limbs. So yes, it could me. But then it could be dry skin with the cold etc.

As for the reduction of your tablets, I wonder if you're perhaps kidding your system, more confusing it by lowering, then raising the dose. Have you looked at the information leaflet that come with your tablets to see if there is a lower dose than the individual tablets you're on at the moment?

If there is a lower dose it might be worth holding back on the reduction until you've seen your doc and got a prescription for the lower strength tablets.
As it's a neuropathic condition, and as it's not actually (as I am advised) a single nerve that's 'damaged' then it can move at it's will around the nerves, therefore the pain can be in any of the peripheral nerves or limbs. So yes, it could me. But then it could be dry skin with the cold etc.

As for the reduction of your tablets, I wonder if you're perhaps kidding your system, more confusing it by lowering, then raising the dose. Have you looked at the information leaflet that come with your tablets to see if there is a lower dose than the individual tablets you're on at the moment?

If there is a lower dose it might be worth holding back on the reduction until you've seen your doc and got a prescription for the lower strength tablets.

doctor man says there's not a smaller dose

i might just say sod it and go onto 1 tablet. I *think* he suggested something similar to what ive suggested do it that way then go onto 1 tablet a day for a while, then onto 1 tablet every other day...

i'm really not sure how else to do it...
My coming off antidepressents schedule looked similar to what you have posted (different type of drug but chances of withdrawals).
What strength are you on? I know that gabapentin comes in 300mg and 100mg tablets, it may come in others that I am not aware of.
doctor man says there's not a smaller dose

i might just say sod it and go onto 1 tablet. I *think* he suggested something similar to what ive suggested do it that way then go onto 1 tablet a day for a while, then onto 1 tablet every other day...

i'm really not sure how else to do it...

Suck it and see - if you feel like pooh, either weather it out, or give in and take a tablet. But why not get Christmas out of the way and make this your first project for the new year - enjoy your time with friends and family for a few days?
I don't know whether your tablets could be cut in half? Some can't as it interferes with how the coating is set up. Why not have a chat with a pharmacist and see if he/she can advise?
I don't know whether your tablets could be cut in half? Some can't as it interferes with how the coating is set up. Why not have a chat with a pharmacist and see if he/she can advise?

Memory serving correctly both pregabalin (diffinately are) and gabapentin are capsules... :(
Memory serving correctly both pregabalin (diffinately are) and gabapentin are capsules... :(

Strike that idea then! Back to the drawing board but pharmacist may still be able to advise on best way to manage reducing the dose.

Like your idea tho, Einstein, of leaving it until after Xmas. 2 reasons: (a) change associated with going home for Xmas and potential impact on diet/exercise/cold/warmth and (b) NHS out of hours service likely to be best option for a few days and, with best will in the world, they won't have access to relevant medical history
Hey guys, I only hve 24 tsblets left, not been prescribed more so am kickig the habit as it were. 1 tsblet today, not sure about the rest lol. But I am. Suffering! :eadache, tearful etc. Gunn take my 1 ina bit. I've put the cream on...not sure if its working. All I know is tht since putting it on my feet are BURNING. I either put too much on and accidentally got it in a cut, or its the n. I'm going 1st option on borth counts! This is shite already, nevermind...
Hey guys, I only hve 24 tsblets left, not been prescribed more so am kickig the habit as it were. 1 tsblet today, not sure about the rest lol. But I am. Suffering! :eadache, tearful etc. Gunn take my 1 ina bit. I've put the cream on...not sure if its working. All I know is tht since putting it on my feet are BURNING. I either put too much on and accidentally got it in a cut, or its the n. I'm going 1st option on borth counts! This is shite already, nevermind...

Hang on in there Sam, although not sure about the chilli cream, can't you get a chilli paste, then at least you can cook with it if it's no good on your feet? 🙄
right, its definitely the cream thats causing the burn. Big time. Maybe I'm putting too much on, I dunno. But OW! I wish I hadn't asked for something different now 😱 nevermind, gotta put up til after xmas now!

Todays been alright with just 1 tablet actually. I felt a bit wierd ealrier, headache, jitters etc. But it soon wore off. So that's good :D

And even better in that I have just had an early christmas, and wine. WOO WINE
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