Doc's appt, wish me luck!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Ok folks, I'm off in a few mins to confess to good doc that I have stopped taking my statin! If I do not return you will know I have been imprisoned for such wicked behaviour 😱

I'm actually quite apprehensive. Spoke to the lady in Holland and Barrett yesterday and she said she wasn't allowed to advise but that lots of people stop taking statins for similar problems and that soya lecithin seems a good thing to take.

Lets see what the doc says.....................
Hay good luck flutter they cant force you to take it , hope all goes well, i will start arranging a search party if theres no sign of you by tonight x🙂
Good luck Flutterby
Don't worry about telling the doctor that you stopped taking the statin...My GP didn't know until 6 months after I stopped, all he said was, I'll remove it from your repeat prescription then 🙂

Good luck Flutterby and hope you got off lightly!🙂 Holland and Barrett, like other health food shops and suppliers are not allowed to make claims that herbal alternatives work just the same as drug therapy, so no surprise there. Try googling soya lecithin to see what comes up, I am a great believer in alternative medicine and take four supplements each day to aid my health, but not sure what I would do if ever I was told to take statins, so would have to cross that bridge if and when I come to it. Toby.
Thanks everyone, especially Steffie for being prepared to organise a search party if need be! Docs response was "Oh they wouldn't give you a cough, and certainly not a fever" I was one step ahead though "Well here's the patient info leaflet, I've underlined the relevant part" He peruses leaflet, turning it over and over, hoping to find a disclaimer saying "no doctor is required to know the side effects of this medication" so he looks up "Hmm, well it is possible that you've had a reaction to them but I still think you may have had a chest infection but we will halve the dose and see how you go"

I suppose it's a result but I wish I hadn't had to "force his hand" I wish I could find a doctor in whom I had absolute faith. This side effect is listed as serious, potentially life threatening if not sorted out and my dear doc didn't even seem to know about it.

I've been upset since I got home, it shouldn't be like this should it? He said start new dose next week so I suppose I will have to give it a try, not very confident though now.
Just to update those who don't go on the "off the subject" forum, Paul has just had a phone call to say he's got a job he recently applied for. More info on the other thread.x
i expect your pharmacist will know more then your gp(remember the thread)?
i expect your pharmacist will know more then your gp(remember the thread)?

I was only thinking that earlier, might speak to them first if any further problems. I don't expect GP to know everything but they are so quick to make definite statements which then make it hard cos you have to correct them!🙄
Good book

Everyone should have free choice and I've stood my ground against taking statins. Don't know if this book has been mentioned before but Stop that Heart Attack! by Dr Derrick Cutting is a great book by a doctor who looks at diet and livestyle for maintaining health. Wish he was my doctor! Hope everything goes well.

QUOTE=Flutterby;183045]Ok folks, I'm off in a few mins to confess to good doc that I have stopped taking my statin! If I do not return you will know I have been imprisoned for such wicked behaviour 😱

I'm actually quite apprehensive. Spoke to the lady in Holland and Barrett yesterday and she said she wasn't allowed to advise but that lots of people stop taking statins for similar problems and that soya lecithin seems a good thing to take.

Lets see what the doc says.....................[/QUOTE]
You can't be made to take the statins and from what you have said I don't think you want to its more that you are going to take them to keep the Dr on side and feel under an obligation. I have felt like this before but really any good Dr should take what you say on board.

If you start with the new dose, and then get any of your previous symptoms stop straight away and go back. You don't want your meds to make you feel worse. Has the GP arranged for you to see a dietician to give you advice on what foods may help you to bring the levels down?

I would speak to the pharmacist too - they have a better idea of drug interactions and side-effects.

Re the Dr not knowing what was on the PIL and potential side-effects. I asked a Dr whether I should take supplements of a vitamin as one meds side-effects was it could cause a deficiency. The first reaction I got was how do you know that - that has only just been discovered......

Good luck with it all
You can't be made to take the statins and from what you have said I don't think you want to its more that you are going to take them to keep the Dr on side and feel under an obligation. I have felt like this before but really any good Dr should take what you say on board.

If you start with the new dose, and then get any of your previous symptoms stop straight away and go back. You don't want your meds to make you feel worse. Has the GP arranged for you to see a dietician to give you advice on what foods may help you to bring the levels down?

Hi Margie, you are right, I don't want to take them but I'm scared not to in case I then have another stroke and everyone will say it's my own fault. I'm 44 years old, have low blood pressure, never smoked, rarely drink, weigh 8.5 stone and my cholesterol is 5.6. 3 months ago I was told my chance of a stroke in the next 10 years was 2% - now all of a sudden they tell me that I must reduce my cholesterol or I stand the chance of having another stroke. I'm scared, of course but I will certainly be going back if any symptoms return as they are listed as potentially life threatening if they develop into a condition called rhabdomyolsis.

Nobody mentioned me seeing a dietician but it was my first thought so I asked to be referred and have an appt in 2 weeks.

It seems you had another experience of a doctor not knowing about the drug they prescribe - it frightens me to be honest. Surely they ought to know.

Thanks for your support.x
Nobody mentioned me seeing a dietician but it was my first thought so I asked to be referred and have an appt in 2 weeks.

It seems you had another experience of a doctor not knowing about the drug they prescribe - it frightens me to be honest. Surely they ought to know.

Thanks for your support.x

Actually that Dr was quite good - it was the hospital that had prescribed the tablets, and I was there on another matter and brought the possibility up. He was just surprised that I knew something that he had only recently been made aware of.

I don't expect Drs to know all side effects as the companies add additional things all the time - but some should take more care. Another Dr who I try to avoid wanted to prescribe me Prozac whilst I was taking St John's Wort. I even queried it and was told there were no known interactions. All completely untrue and that combination can be dangerous. I avoid that Dr unless there are no other Drs about and I know exactly what should come out of the meeting.
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