Docs appt this afternoon

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hate having docs appt in the afternoon, much rather get it over and done with in the morning, especially this one.

If the air across the country turns blue and you hear fireworks going off you will know that he hasn't listened to a word I'm going to say! Only 3 words so you wouldn't think it difficult really "No more statins" Wish me luck!
Good luck 🙂

You know your body & your health better than anyone else - don't let the doc tell you different!
I'm sorry that the last lot of statins weren't suitable for you. I hope that the appointment goes well for you.
Hi flutter good luck today hun

Hope things go ok x

p.s glad to hear your not going alone
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Good Luck - glad you've some support x
Good luck for the docs. The person who knows you best and understands how you feel is you, so give the doctor what for...

Quite technical post from Dr Michael Eades (a low-carb diet advocate) which you might find interesting:

I believe he gets quite a bit of stick from the mainstream 'everyone should be on Statins' lobby, but sometimes it's interesting to get different points of view. Especially if the mainstream view is for you to continue taking medication that you have such a massive reaction to!

Thanks Mike, have just had a read of it,as you say quite technical but the gist of it is clear enough. All very interesting for those of us who probably do have a reasonably high carb intake.
Good Luck hope it goes not to badly.
Good luck from me too🙂
Thank you all so much for your concern and support. I took my sister in with me but it seemed that the doc had prepared himself for the inevitable. I don't know whether he'd spoken to the other doc or what but he seemed ok about the fact that I can't take these awful drugs any more. He told me about several other types of medication that may reduce my cholesterol but I told him how the dietician had recommended plant sterols and omega 3 supplements and also that my cholesterol is made up of lots of the good stuff. He looked it up and agreed. I said that I'd had enough at the moment and don't want any more drugs. I explained that I feel I am still coming to terms with the stroke and trying to reassess what I can and can't do, he agreed with that too. My sister backed me up when I said "I've had enough" and told him that I'm like a different person when not on the statins. He listened to what she said.

Then he started talking about my poems! And we had a laugh about the Novopen one I wrote some time back, he said he loves it and thinks I should send it to Diabetes UK and also write one about statins!!

A good result - and I told him about all you lovely people and what a help and support you are so maybe he will recommend this site to others. Better start being polite about doctors now!! Thanks again everyone.xx
Thank you all so much for your concern and support. I took my sister in with me but it seemed that the doc had prepared himself for the inevitable. I don't know whether he'd spoken to the other doc or what but he seemed ok about the fact that I can't take these awful drugs any more. He told me about several other types of medication that may reduce my cholesterol but I told him how the dietician had recommended plant sterols and omega 3 supplements and also that my cholesterol is made up of lots of the good stuff. He looked it up and agreed. I said that I'd had enough at the moment and don't want any more drugs. I explained that I feel I am still coming to terms with the stroke and trying to reassess what I can and can't do, he agreed with that too. My sister backed me up when I said "I've had enough" and told him that I'm like a different person when not on the statins. He listened to what she said.

Then he started talking about my poems! And we had a laugh about the Novopen one I wrote some time back, he said he loves it and thinks I should send it to Diabetes UK and also write one about statins!!

A good result - and I told him about all you lovely people and what a help and support you are so maybe he will recommend this site to others. Better start being polite about doctors now!! Thanks again everyone.xx

Sounds like a really positve outcome on this visit to the doctors hun nice you got on to chatting about your poems, sometimes when you go to appointments it seems like they just weant you in and out within the 5 minute mark.Hope he does mention this site to others as well.
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