Doc cant decide

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi everyone

Havent posted in a while as just been busy with work and things, hope you are all well and had a nice Easter

Well was at the Diabetic consultant on Thursday and he still cant make his mind up wihether Im type 1 or type 2. He got the nurse to take blood samples and will know the results in the next couple of weeks.

He is planning to get me into hospital and observe me over a day to see how well my body is producing insulin. So I guess we will have to wait and see

Sometimes think I would rather be type 1 then at least I would have more control over things.

he also praised me for my attitude and I told him I had joined this site and he said that was great as its great to have the support around

Also been back at work now five weeks and they have been great to say the least. Had one hypo whilst at work and the other whilst with family, and managed to cope well.

Just to say thanks again for all your help guys, really need it at the moment and though I dont always post I read as many of the posts as I can

Take care for now

Hi Ally,

Good to hear progress is being made. Sounds like a clear plan is being formulated for you at least and one way or the other you'll be sorted.

Keep us posted on how you get on.

Good luck!
AT least you are being noticed by the consultant. Good luck with getting the type 1 type 2 bit sorted. It is easier to control things when you know one way or the other.

It's great you are back at work. That in itself is a major achievment for many people. I agree the support here is great and I'm glad everyone is here for each other too.
great to see your back to work and im pleased steady progress is being made
You need a GAD65 antibody test and/or a c-peptide test to determine your type. Glad to hear you appear to be getting at least one of these (I hope!) since being misdiagnosed in the first place can drastically affect your treatment by the NHS for years afterwards.
You need a GAD65 antibody test and/or a c-peptide test to determine your type. Glad to hear you appear to be getting at least one of these (I hope!) since being misdiagnosed in the first place can drastically affect your treatment by the NHS for years afterwards.

Agreed 100%

Nice to hear from you again too.
Best wishes
As already mentioned, I was diagnosed Type 2 in April 2008 but the Consultant who picked up on the condition when I was in hospital last Oct/Nov said he thought I was LADA (or Type 1.5) and had been misdiagnosed by my Dr (understandably, he said, as I am an older diabetic) - he wasn't criticising my own Dr. My Dr wasn't totally convinced until I'd had the antibodies and c-peptide test results which show I'm more Type 1 than 2...... Now they are basing my treatment on that and I am confident they are doing the right thing with the monitoring of my situation. I hope all goes well for you too in whatever is diagnosed/recommended for you.

Let us know how you get on please. All good wishes,
Hi Ally, hope that the blood tests will confirm your type for youa nd then you can be on the best treatment. I just re-read your intro post and see you weren't in DKA when diagnosed and maybe didn't have any symptoms as your blood sugars were fund to be high on an unrelated hospital admission (correct if I got any of the wrong). Then there may be a possibility that you do have type 2. Just wondering if you had any other risk factors for type 2 other than the family history?

Hope that you are able to get some answers 🙂
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