Do you think I sound like I have type 1, type 1.5 or type 2 diabetes ?

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Upset Racoon

Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi ,

Just over one year ago now, I was diagnosed with type one diabetes.
I had lost weight unintentionally ( I was overweight , about 17 and a half stone and went down to about just under 15 )
Apparently I had ketones . And I hadn’t been on a low carb diet, so this wouldn’t have been dietary keytones.
My blood was not acidic , and therefore, I was not in DKA.

I was put on insulin straight away .

I’m just confused and have several times questioned the professionals . Yes I tested positive for high GAD levels .

I know you can test positive for those even in type 2, though this is rare . and I don’t know if someone with type 2 would test for high levels ?? ( mine were 2000) usually that’s the highest there test for in Laboratories.

After researching, I learnt about with LADA, you can actually be ‘LADA 1 or LADA 2’ ( the first one ( i think !) being positive for high levels of GAD antibodies and therefore pointing towards a immediate need for insulin ) I was very worried about this , as, I know it’s only one potential factor in developing LADA, but obesity is a contributing factor, aswell as a lack of exercise, which both sounded like me.

I hate the thought of carb counting . In fact , I don’t . I just always guess , and it seems to
not matter to be honest, as is reflected in the results. quite resistant . For example , for one slice of toast , 2 eggs, a spring onion and some olives , you wouldn’t think I would need 7 units?? Well, that’s exactly what I had . NO I didn’t hypo . Didn’t even get close to it . Two hours it’s meant to be under 8 right ? Well there I was as 10.

My basal is 14 . A couple of months ago , the diabetes specialist nurse said I don’t look resistant. ( I’m on the free trial of the freestyle libre 2.)
How can she know this though if I havnt been inputting my food data , how could she possibly know ?

In the past (Mental health problems ) i’ve managed to take hundreds of units . (Overdose) People on forums would say , go to hospital , you could die .
Yet I could ward it off by eating a whole massive trifle and/ or whole cake etc. Yes it would ruin my night of course , but I could actually deal with the ‘huge’ overdose myself ??

I have been diagnosed with PCOS about 5 years ago now . And apparently, with that , you are four times MORE likely to go on to develop type 2.

I don’t really understand it, but apparently when on insulin injections, it can only ‘match’ with up to 40g of carbs , otherwise it’s not as accurate ?

What do you think ? Thank you 🙂


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Hi I'm LADA, I have the GAD antibodies. I was diagnosed just over a year ago with but was originally diagnosed as type 2 in 2012. It's from a virus that is slowly killing of your pancreas. It mimics type 2 for many years . The indicators are that your hba1c rises, you may be under weight or have lost weight.

I'll let those with far more experience than me though help you with your difficulties and understandings.
I wish you all the best with your journey.
Hi ,

Thank gpu
for your reply 🙂

My HBA1C at time of diagnosis was 118. I have searched this and found out it fits in with LADA rather than their guess of type 1. I just don’t like the nurse saying ‘no, it’s not LADA or type 2’
They didn’t test my C peptide level .

Thank you , and you too 🙂
Welcome to the forum @Upset Racoon

Weight loss before a diagnosis, ketones, and high GAD antibodies would all be factors that would prompt me to suggest to a newby arriving who had been told they were T2, that they should be asking for specialist review as it sounded like they were T1 or LADA.

How has your basal dose been set? Have you done a series of fasting checks to see how it is working at different periods of the day?

It doesn’t sound like your background and meal doses are matched as they would commonly be? Have you checked the proportion of total meal doses vs background? Usually it’s roughly 50:50, or ranges 40:60 to 40:60.

Feels like yours might be more bolus-heavy?
Hi. Yes do try to get a C-Peptide test. Do check the Basal dose by fasting for a good few hours and seeing the BS trend. It wouldn't be easy for the nurse to determine whether you were insulin resistant or not without specific tests. High GAD antibodies strongly implies T1/LADA but you need more tests.
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