Do you really need to drink eight cups of water a day?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Drinking eight cups or two litres of water a day is longstanding advice. But is there any scientific basis for it, asks Dr Chris van Tulleken.

Turns out the advice to drink so much water was sponsored by a mineral water manufacturer - so don't believe everything you read.
Hydration is very important for folks. I drink tea for England :D
I've drunk 3 litres a day for 5 years now and it's gonna stay this way
How Much Should You Drink During a Half Marathon?

If you?re debating your fueling strategy for an upcoming half marathon, a new study suggests that the two most recommended approaches?drinking when you?re thirsty and following a set hydration plan?are both effective.

Canadian researchers had 10 trained runners complete two half marathons on a treadmill in hot conditions (86 degrees, 42 percent humidity). During one half marathon, they drank when they felt thirsty. During the other, the runners followed a set fluid plan designed to prevent them from losing more than 1 percent of their body weight through sweat. Previous research suggests that performance falters if you lose 2 percent or more of your body weight.
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