Do you have type 2 diabetes? Tell us about your views on bowel cancer and bowel cancer screening in an online survey

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Relationship to Diabetes
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I am intrigued, why the study into type 2 diabetes and bowel cancer and bowel cancer screening?
Hi, thank you for your question. This study is part of my PhD, which is examining people's views and experiences of cancer screening. The study aims to understand more about views on bowel cancer and bowel cancer screening, particularly among people aged 48-72 years old, when illnesses like type 2 diabetes and cancer become more common.

If you would like more information about the study, please feel free to get in touch with me on Thank you
Is this a follow-on to your request first made here in May 2022 and repeated from then on until August 2023:
Are you a woman with type 2 diabetes?
Tell us about your views on taking part in cancer screening in a research interview.

Did anything come of that?
I think they are different surveys. One is face-to-face; the other is quantitative online. The results would be part of the PhD thesis I guess.
Is this a follow-on to your request first made here in May 2022 and repeated from then on until August 2023:
Are you a woman with type 2 diabetes?
Tell us about your views on taking part in cancer screening in a research interview.

Did anything come of that?
Thank you for your question. These are two different studies, which will form part of my PhD thesis. The results from the first interview study were used to inform the development of this online survey.
I think they are different surveys. One is face-to-face; the other is quantitative online. The results would be part of the PhD thesis I guess.
Thank you for your comment. Yes, that's correct. They are two different studies, which will form part of my PhD thesis.
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