do you get those 'binge eating' times?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
The other day i had a bit of a binge eating evening, my first since diagnosis last October and i felt so guilty that i didn't bother to test - i was too scared! How do others cope when they have one of those days where you ignore you are diabetic and act like those 'pre-diabetic' days :(
I try to avoid them, but I have had one bad patch when I had a Dr Pepper and a Crunchie. My numbers went through the roof, I got such a scare and felt so awful that I've managed to behave myself since. I don't ever want to feel that way again.
I havent really binged since diagnosis, too scared to lapse, I did have a day off over Chrimbo though.

I've found I wake up really starving though - so I'm often half way through a bowl of cereal before I open my eyes properly 😛
Probably - per bar there are (according to the internet) 27.8g of carbs (69.5 per 100g).

Edited to add: the ingredients of the actual crunchie bit are: sugar, glucose syrup and flavouring, so nearly all sugar *yikes!*
does one crunchie really send your b.s. that high

Id say so cause aint the middle of it honeycomb as well,if you have a sweet tooth the lindt 90% or 70% cocoa chocolate is good you can have it in little each time.I think its very hard cause we are used to eating what we want when we want then going to being quite strict on what we eat and the amounts there for not eating when and what we want is hard to get used to, all these fatty sugary foods have been our weopon of choice for so long but now we are diabetic we know if we go back to them days we put ourselves in danger.
I have bingey days, I go for chocolate, and when no one else is around. If I have just one square some non diabetic know it all will tell me you're not allowed to eat that, so I wait till no one is looking and have a couple of bars.
I also binge on occasions, but as a T2 on loads of pills and byetta, I dont worry about testing the next day as I know what the result will be. Instead I just concentrate on being back to normal as quickly as possible and try to up the exrercise a bit that day.

No point in feeling guilty about things as that is a self destructive cycle, so relax, once in a while having a blow out is fine.

Everything in moderation, including moderation itself.


BTW I presume every other day binge would be a touch too often.......!:D
I have days like that sometimes. I was sat in the car after my retinopathy test the other day while husband nipped into the shop for me & I realised there was a bag of jelly babies sat next to me. I scoffed 3 very quickly then felt bad afterwards!🙄

Some days (at the wrong time of the month!) I want to eat EVERYTHING in sight! I try to stick yogurt or something low sugar but dont always manage it.

As long as your binge doesnt last a week I think we all need a very brief lapse sometimes, even if its just to scare us into remembering not to do it again for a couple of months! :D
I was really bad for binge eating before diagnosis, I think since diagnosis I've completely stopped enjoying food. I only eat now because I have to, and I dont love it any more.

I was bad the other night, the biccie tin was calling to me - I grabbed a biccie had two small bites, then felt so guilty I couldn't finish it so gave it to the dog. I think as I lose weight, he's going to put on an awful lot 😛
.., I think since diagnosis I've completely stopped enjoying food. I only eat now because I have to, and I dont love it any more.

That makes me so sad:( Mainly because I love food so much. Part of my problem I guess🙄
Luckily I enjoy lots of different types of food so for me it was a pain in the bum getting in the habit of switching what the types I ate were but since my "omg I am such a bad diabetic" post at the beginning of the year I seem so have got the hang of fairly stable levels & am still enjoying food. I just had to pursuade my tastebuds that the world wasnt ending & life with not a lot of sugar was bearable.

Your less than a year since diagnosis arent you LisaLQ? Or maybe I imagined reading that somwhere!(edit - its on your signiture isnt it!! I am sucha donut) I hope like me, 2.5 years in, you will get that love of food back. just not the binges & naughtyness from before😉
I will, I know I will one day. Just for now I have about 8-10 stones to lose (yes, I am that fat), and I'm too scared to be even the littlest bit lenient after finding out I've already got the start of retinopathy even though I was only diagnosed in November. I'm just frightened, I need to see a dietician and start with the monitoring so I can see how much freedom I can have.

Sorry for being depressing 😱 :(
Fell off the wagon last night...

Normally I have a long lie in the morning as I work 4-8 in the evenings and tend to eat late and go to bed late. I've been lucky so far in that I've managed to get my levels to within a reasonable range and generally my highest reading is in the 9's after eating.

Monday and Tuesday I was on Jury duty and had to get up much earlier than usual, therefore starting my eating day earlier than usual too. As a result, I've been hungrier in the evenings than usual. Monday I managed to keep a rein on it, and felt ok. Last night I threw caution to the wind and had a small portion of chicken fried rice from the chinese takeaway with prwn crackers and chicken noodle soup... I had been out for a long walk with the dog in the afternoon and was soooo hungry I felt I couldn't fill myself up.. Felt full after the takeaway though!! 😉

Checked my levels and highest was 9.4, dropping to 6.0 at the 2 hour mark, fasting level this morning was 5.6.

Looks like I dodged a bullet there but went for a 2 mile walk just to be on the safe side!! Back on track today though.. 😱

I will, I know I will one day. Just for now I have about 8-10 stones to lose (yes, I am that fat), and I'm too scared to be even the littlest bit lenient after finding out I've already got the start of retinopathy even though I was only diagnosed in November. I'm just frightened, I need to see a dietician and start with the monitoring so I can see how much freedom I can have.

Sorry for being depressing 😱 :(
Lisa, don't lose heart. I know it seems like you've got a mountain to climb but it can be done and you will do it. About a decade ago, I lost 9 stones in just under a year. It was hard - I was obsessed about food, thinking about it every moment of the day. Unfortunately, the diet I was on was not sustainable once I reached my target weight and over a few years all the weight went back on.

This time round, I'm not 'dieting'. I'm eating more healthily and getting lots of fresh air and exercise taking the dog for long walks. I'm also going to the gym a couple of times a week. I'm lucky, I'm able to do this - I'm aware that not every one has this option due to other health conditions. What I'm doing is working for me and I've lost over a stone and a half so far.

Last night was a blip. I did it, I enjoyed it and now I can resist it for some time to come. I enjoy the occasional treat, and then it's back to business as usual.

Good luck to all who are trying to lose weight. The hardest thing about dieting is trying to find what method suits you best. Luckily we have a fantastic support network here!

I will, I know I will one day. Just for now I have about 8-10 stones to lose (yes, I am that fat), and I'm too scared to be even the littlest bit lenient after finding out I've already got the start of retinopathy even though I was only diagnosed in November. I'm just frightened, I need to see a dietician and start with the monitoring so I can see how much freedom I can have.

Sorry for being depressing 😱 :(

Lisa, It can be done! I started WW in May 09 (before diagnoses) with approximatley 11 stone to loose and so far I have lost almost 4st, averaging approx 1.5lbs per week. Having been Super Morbidly Obese for most of my life I am not going to tell you it is easy, it not and it is a complete lifestyle change but it can be done x
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