Do you control your blood sugar?

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Do you control your blood sugar due to either; having diabetes or being at risk of developing diabetes? Or engage in self-management diabetes behaviours?

For my Health Psychology MSc thesis, I am looking for people aged 18 and over who either; have or are at risk of developing diabetes to complete two questionnaires, exploring the relationship between diabetes coping and self-management of blood sugar levels.

Completion will only take a short time and participation would be greatly valued.

Please click the link below to begin completing the questionnaires and share this link with any family or friends who may fit the criteria in order to aid research!
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Done! I had a bit of trouble with the question about whether I followed my doctors dietary advice. For a start, I wasn't given any, and I avoided being referred to a dietician, because if I had been, I'd probably have been given the notoriously carby Eatwell Plate as a guide.
Done! I had a bit of trouble with the question about whether I followed my doctors dietary advice. For a start, I wasn't given any, and I avoided being referred to a dietician, because if I had been, I'd probably have been given the notoriously carby Eatwell Plate as a guide.
I answered no to that one. Because I avoid that eatwell plate most of the time
Done, I had a problem with the same question, as I have had two different pieces of advice from doctors.
I enjoyed answering whether I followed the Dr.'s recommendation on diet....... Absolutely not!!!!!!!
Done it - and I answered Yes - because of course, medics have told me all along, for the last 45 years that I have to count the carbs - and I always have. Nobody has ADVISED me to cut anything out, although such words as 'you may prefer to limit' certain things or 'you could try cutting whatever out, if you wanted to' have been said. (Usually high fat items - unsurprisingly!)

So as far as I'm concerned I follow it to the letter! LOL
I've done it too 🙂
Done 🙂
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