Do we have any GP members?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2

As Northerner said yesteday on a thread, it does seem to be quite shocking as to how bad some people are told (or not) of their diagnosis and how little support and correct care is actually given to those of us that are newly diagnosed.

I was just wondering if we have any GP members (not sure Northerner if there is any way they can respond anonymously) but it would be good to hear from an actual GP of what we should do when we receive poor support. After all they are closest to the issue.

GP's are not immune from diabetes and was jsut wondering their view and how to deal with this shoddiness.

I would love it if I could be seen by a GP that actually has it too - and would therefore understand the frustrations and concerns first hand.

Sorry I guess I am just waffling today as frustrated at reading all the newly diagnosed who aren't getting what they are entitled to. I don't think for one moment the above would be possible so feel free to treat this as me just ranting!
I'm sure GPs and other health professional do read this board, but the ywould be advised by professional bodies not to post / respond in any way. I know that's the advice I've had in another context.
Interesting post- it is easy to forget that doctors are mortals too! Funnily enough, my registered GP has been my doctor since I had my son 26 years ago - he is a charming man but being the senior partner now, he rarely sees patients as he has other duties. I found out only recently that my GP is also T2 and had prescribed Byetta for himself following the positive signs I was showing since using it - at the time there were only 2 of us patients on it. I heard that he thinks it is helping him a lot- I would love to book an appointment with him for a chat but that would not be fair on others waiting to see a doctor would it!
That would be my dream Dame - to see a Gp who truly understands. I was also wondering if anyone else (not sure who that could be) actually prevents the GP from being able to offer the care (eg budget holders etc).

I have always considered my gp very good until I got the diabetes. Just made me think if its not all down to them - although I suppose the final responsibility for our care rests with them.
I have a great GP (non diabetic) who specialises in Diabetes and my DSN is T1 diabetic so understands when I need to have a moan or cry or get angry!! I thank my lucky stars evryday that I have such a gr8 team to look after me. Jus wish evry1 had the same sort of care!
The Ophthalmologist I seen seen a few years back before leaving for ventures new was a type 1 diabetic, great guy who fully understood the high's and low's(no pun intended) of living with this condition. Use to sit and chat about diabetes and control, he was very knowledgeable about diabetes and would openly offer advice totally unrelated to the eyes. I was sad when he moved on as I had never come across a fellow diabetic in the medical profession, and still believe that gp's and consultants cannot possibly relate to what it is to live with diabetes without having the condition themselves. Suppose you could say this about any condition or illness though! Toby.
The Ophthalmologist I seen seen a few years back before leaving for ventures new was a type 1 diabetic, great guy who fully understood the high's and low's(no pun intended) of living with this condition. Use to sit and chat about diabetes and control, he was very knowledgeable about diabetes and would openly offer advice totally unrelated to the eyes. I was sad when he moved on as I had never come across a fellow diabetic in the medical profession, and still believe that gp's and consultants cannot possibly relate to what it is to live with diabetes without having the condition themselves. Suppose you could say this about any condition or illness though! Toby.

When I went for my optician's appointment last time we were talking about my diagnosis and experiences and it turned out she had been Type 1 for 17 years!

In answer to Lucy's original question, the answer is now a definite yes, as we have just had one join - she is also Type 1! 🙂
See.. ask and we shall get!
Hi Lucy,

I asked my friend, who is a GP, what the options were, and she said the best one was to write to the practice manager outlining what had happened and what your complaint is. You should then get a response & improvements in treatment/etc.

She's not a diabetic but I've been friends with her for 20 years, and I was the subject of one of her studies (on diabetes, of course!) while she was at med school so I guess she knows a fair amount about it all - from helping me treat hypos as a 15 year old to prodding and poking me to gather data for her work lol.

I only asked her in general terms rather than your specific question, but hopefully that's helpful?
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