do i need to test my blood sugar - type 2

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I am on metformin twice a day - my Blood sugar number is 58
Forgive me if this is a dumb question but do I need to test my blood sugar !!! I was diagnosed 4 weeks ago and wasn't given this information when I went to see the nurse but now i am rather worried as i havn't been doing it .
If i need to please can someone help me with what testing kit to buy

thanks xxx
Hi @Spangle0581 and sorry to learn of your diagnosis.
As Type 2, blood glucose self testing is optional. Some of us choose to do it to ensure we're on track, and to see the impact of different foods. Others don't. We're all different.
As you are newly diagnosed, I assume your GP has advised you about diet and lifestyle changes, as well as prescribing medication. I assume they will also call you back in within 3 months for a repeat HbA1c test, to see by how much your 58 has come down. These are my assumptions, not knowing any details about your specific situation.
You may be fortunate, in that if it comes down a lot, you may not have to worry about routine self monitoring. Alternatively, you may choose to self monitor for your own peace of mind.
If it's really bugging you, and you don't want to wait until your next appointment, get advice from your surgery.
It's early days. Good luck!
PS. The Diabetes UK website has loads of info about monitoring and monitors in the section on managing diabetes here:
Hi @Spangle0581 and sorry to learn of your diagnosis.
As Type 2, blood glucose self testing is optional. Some of us choose to do it to ensure we're on track, and to see the impact of different foods. Others don't. We're all different.
As you are newly diagnosed, I assume your GP has advised you about diet and lifestyle changes, as well as prescribing medication. I assume they will also call you back in within 3 months for a repeat HbA1c test, to see by how much your 58 has come down. These are my assumptions, not knowing any details about your specific situation.
You may be fortunate, in that if it comes down a lot, you may not have to worry about routine self monitoring. Alternatively, you may choose to self monitor for your own peace of mind.
If it's really bugging you, and you don't want to wait until your next appointment, get advice from your surgery.
It's early days. Good luck!
PS. The Diabetes UK website has loads of info about monitoring and monitors in the section on managing diabetes here:
Hi Nick
Thanks for the advice . I have made big changes to my diet and the dog has never been walked so much to so my exercise has increased . I am on a statin for my chlosterol as well as BP tablets and Metformin twice a day . I do suffer from anxiety and was having a panic about testing my blood sugar . I will ring my surgery and see what they say . Thanks again
Hi Nick
Thanks for the advice . I have made big changes to my diet and the dog has never been walked so much to so my exercise has increased . I am on a statin for my chlosterol as well as BP tablets and Metformin twice a day . I do suffer from anxiety and was having a panic about testing my blood sugar . I will ring my surgery and see what they say . Thanks again
Hi @Spangle0581
Sounds like you're doing all the right things and are on the right path.
Always good to discuss things with the surgery if you're not sure. They will advise if self-testing is necessary, and also when they want to next check your HbA1C which is what they go by.
Keep it up... diet and exercise...🙂
If you manage to get a HbA1C test fairly soon and the result has shown improvement in level then your dietary changes have obviously been successful so monitoring unless you want to may not be too important, however if it has not then monitoring would help identify any problem foods and that would be a better option than increasing medication.
If you can't get a test for another 6 months then it would probably be wise to start testing yourself to give you a better idea of your progress
I am on metformin twice a day - my Blood sugar number is 58
Forgive me if this is a dumb question but do I need to test my blood sugar !!! I was diagnosed 4 weeks ago and wasn't given this information when I went to see the nurse but now i am rather worried as i havn't been doing it .
If i need to please can someone help me with what testing kit to buy

thanks xxx
Hi Spangle,
I am also pretty new to this. Hba1c of 51 and diagnosed about 3 months ago, on Metformin twice a day. I was just following the doctors surgery advice and cutting out sugar and white carbs like bread, rice, pasta but then I was given a Libre2 monitor by someone and I have become obsessed with charting my blood glucose after every meal and every different food. It has been a bit of a shock but I'm not sure I wouldn't have been better just sticking to the basic no sugar/white carbs advice to see what effect that had over the first 3 months and then if necessary getting the monitor. I think I've brought my HbA1c down but I'm a bundle of nerves, very confused, racing heart and I've lost another half stone which I really did not need to lose.
Hi @Pookie, if the constant information is causing you stress, maybe ease off on the monitoring. What you have done so far should have helped find out which foods make your blood glucose spike the most, and which exercise brings the level down.
It's early days, and this is a marathon, not a sprint. You've probably already done a lot to reduce your HbA1c. So stick with the foods and exercise that appear to benefit you, and review it when you have your next HbA1c test - which should be soon, given you're recently diagnosed. You may find you have little to worry about.
Good luck. Nick
Hi Spangle,
I am also pretty new to this. Hba1c of 51 and diagnosed about 3 months ago, on Metformin twice a day. I was just following the doctors surgery advice and cutting out sugar and white carbs like bread, rice, pasta but then I was given a Libre2 monitor by someone and I have become obsessed with charting my blood glucose after every meal and every different food. It has been a bit of a shock but I'm not sure I wouldn't have been better just sticking to the basic no sugar/white carbs advice to see what effect that had over the first 3 months and then if necessary getting the monitor. I think I've brought my HbA1c down but I'm a bundle of nerves, very confused, racing heart and I've lost another half stone which I really did not need to lose.
Hi Spangle,
I am also pretty new to this. Hba1c of 51 and diagnosed about 3 months ago, on Metformin twice a day. I was just following the doctors surgery advice and cutting out sugar and white carbs like bread, rice, pasta but then I was given a Libre2 monitor by someone and I have become obsessed with charting my blood glucose after every meal and every different food. It has been a bit of a shock but I'm not sure I wouldn't have been better just sticking to the basic no sugar/white carbs advice to see what effect that had over the first 3 months and then if necessary getting the monitor. I think I've brought my HbA1c down but I'm a bundle of nerves, very confused, racing heart and I've lost another half stone which I really did not need to lose.
Hi Pookie . I am cutting out sugar and white carbs like you and am losing weight. My surgery said it wasnt necessary to test . I think i would be obsesses too . I test my blood pressure every day and become obsessed with that . i need to calm down a bit 🙂
It is a fine line.
I tested, but only because I like to know.
If I couldn't change what I saw, I didn't worry.
If I could, I worked on doing something the next time round.
So to me, it's just information.
If I saw spikes, I just concentrated on the the lows that followed, and first off, how to get the spikes down to the lows.
Then, how to keep them reasonable.
Everybody spikes, can't avoid it
It is a fine line.
I tested, but only because I like to know.
If I couldn't change what I saw, I didn't worry.
If I could, I worked on doing something the next time round.
So to me, it's just information.
If I saw spikes, I just concentrated on the the lows that followed, and first off, how to get the spikes down to the lows.
Then, how to keep them reasonable.
Everybody spikes, can't avoid it
Everybody spikes...sometimes...
I think it would be more realistic to say that most people's BG levels spike as a result of food most of the time.... even non diabetic people. It is the height of the spike and the speed at which levels come back down which is of concern/importance.
I think it is really important for people to understand that, so that they don't get too anxious about their levels going up and down, but at the same time learn how to limit the height of the spike to help manage their diabetes well. Having a realistic expectation is what helps to prevent people from panicking or getting obsessive when they use a BG meter or flash CGM.
Hi Pookie . I am cutting out sugar and white carbs like you and am losing weight. My surgery said it wasnt necessary to test . I think i would be obsesses too . I test my blood pressure every day and become obsessed with that . i need to calm down a bit 🙂
Just don’t get an Apple Watch! With the ECG, pulse, respiratory rate and blood o2 I’m a nervous wreck !!
Hi Pookie . I am cutting out sugar and white carbs like you and am losing weight. My surgery said it wasnt necessary to test . I think i would be obsesses too . I test my blood pressure every day and become obsessed with that . i need to calm down a bit 🙂
Just don’t get an Apple Watch! With the ECG, pulse, respiratory rate and blood o2 I’m a nervous wreck !!
I have one but havn't worn it for a while - its too scary
Hi Pookie . I am cutting out sugar and white carbs like you and am losing weight. My surgery said it wasnt necessary to test . I think i would be obsesses too . I test my blood pressure every day and become obsessed with that . i need to calm down a bit 🙂
Just don’t get an Apple Watch! With the ECG, pulse, respiratory rate and blood o2 I’m a nervous wreck !!
I have one but havn't worn it for a while - its too scary
Tell me about it… and don’t even start me off on heart beat variations, according to those I passed away several months ago :rofl:
Sorry Emma but that did make me chuckle - i get heart palpitations as well as anxiety . I have come off the heart pap group as that was giving me anxiety - 🙂
I'm just starting my 4th week of changing my diet exercising like mad i'm still not sure if i'm doing every thing right i am at risk of type 2 diabetes what i would like to know if i can have treats/snacks and how i can fit it into my diet.I have been looking on Amazon there are lots of low carb and no added sugar snacks.??? i won't be having another test for a year.
I'm just starting my 4th week of changing my diet exercising like mad i'm still not sure if i'm doing every thing right i am at risk of type 2 diabetes what i would like to know if i can have treats/snacks and how i can fit it into my diet.I have been looking on Amazon there are lots of low carb and no added sugar snacks.??? i won't be having another test for a year.
Just be careful of things which say no added sugar as they can still be high carb. There are things like Nature Valley Protein bars or KIND or shop own usually nut and chocolate based which are less than 10g carb per bar. You could have nuts or some berries or cheese, or veg sticks with a dip. A square of dark chocolate, you could make some keto muffins.
It really depends on when you want to have snacks and why as to what is suitable. If it is because you are hungry then increasing healthy fats and protein in your meals will help.
There is really nothing that is right or wrong, it is what suits you in order to keep your blood glucose in range.
I'm just starting my 4th week of changing my diet exercising like mad i'm still not sure if i'm doing every thing right i am at risk of type 2 diabetes what i would like to know if i can have treats/snacks and how i can fit it into my diet.I have been looking on Amazon there are lots of low carb and no added sugar snacks.??? i won't be having another test for a year.

That depends on you.
You need to choose a diet you can live with in the long run.
Just don’t get an Apple Watch! With the ECG, pulse, respiratory rate and blood o2 I’m a nervous wreck !!

I didn't look at any of that stuff until recently, when I realised it had been recording my heart rate for years. It showed me an interesting trend - in early 2021 (June/July) my resting heart rate went up (I was quite stressed at work and not sleeping due to this.). This was the time I developed a pain in my right thigh that also kept me awake. In August I decided to have some routine health checks and they noticed the high heart rate (It was 120 just in the surgery) and made me do an ECG which was OK. The blood tests came back as diabetic. By now I was feeling horrible, stressed, and in pain in my legs after a long hike in the Wyre valley up three big hills. (When I mentioned leg pains to the GP he just said 'wear and tear').

In November/December my resting heart rate suddenly shot down. This was about the time I started to feel back to normal, the legs pains had gone, the stress at work had gone, and the next blood test was hba1c of 36... Not sure if there's a link there. People at work said during summer I looked like a 'ghost' with pale skin and now look slim and healthy with all the colour back in my skin and back to my normal jokey self having a laugh.
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