Do i get a say.

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all, on the 1st june i go to the diabetes clinic at the hospital to see about going on to injections thing is though do i get any say in what happens as regards say byetta or insulin or vice versa.

I didn't as I was told my referral came too late. So I went straight to 4 x daily insulin jabs after 9 years on tablets

Good luck thougfh - keep the Foum posted

In theory you should get a say it is your diabetes your life, but the professionals will preport to know best and in some cases they do, with me going onto byetta I was asked if I thought it was the right thing and i agreed because i did not like the amount of high readings i was getting it made me feel so down all the time so after the upping of doses on pills not working it seemed llike the right step.

Seems to me that the what you should be offered is not always what is on offer- it depends a lot on finances and the info available to each GP practice - same old story eh?

My GP practice suggested Byetta to me- I had never heard of it. I have a dedicated and sympathetic DSN who fights my corner - left to the GPs I doubt I would have got my Byetta. Ironically my DSN says that on the strength of my sucess, my own GP put himself on Byetta only last month and is feeling so good, that more patients are beign prescribed it. Not sure if I think that is a good thing or scary thing:confused:

All I can suggest is that you gather all the info which the lovely people on here give freely about both Byetta and insulin and go armed with this to your meeting. If you feel that Byetta is for you but are denied it, then ask for the reasons - if they are sound medical ones then, fair enough.

I don't want anyone to think that Byetta is the Holy Grail - it doesn't suit every one, it is relatively new so we are guinea pigs to an extent and it is expensive compared to insulin. The current guidelines are that it is only prescribed when the patient can not get control after using more traditional medication - Metformin, etc and if the patient is very overweight.

Good luck with your appointment🙂
I don't know about Byetta as I don't have a weight problem, but before I was put on insulin I had a discussion with the doctor and she said that due to the fact that my BG's had been getting higher and higher for the last year and the meds I was on were no longer effective she thought that insulin was the only option as she was worried about possible kidney damage if my BG's were not brought back under control.

She asked me what I felt about going on insulin and although the thought of injecting was a bit scary (I am needle phobic) I decided that it was the only way to go as I didn't fancy ending up with kidney problems plus all my pre-diagnosis symtoms had returned and I was feeling really crappy.

From my point of view now, going onto insulin was the best thing that I had done as I feel so much better now that my BG's are lower and I have got used to the needle thing and although I still hate needles I am less freaked out by them.

Whatever is decided I hope everything works out well for you.
Hi, first of all good luck.

I'm type 2 and my doctor is a complete idiot. I get offered whatever he feels like offering at the time. My choices are take it or leave it...
Hi, first of all good luck.

I'm type 2 and my doctor is a complete idiot. I get offered whatever he feels like offering at the time. My choices are take it or leave it...

I love this post:D I think every practice has one of these!
Hi all, on the 1st june i go to the diabetes clinic at the hospital to see about going on to injections thing is though do i get any say in what happens as regards say byetta or insulin or vice versa.

Depends on your levels. I use D&E, my levels are below 10.0 so I choose not to take drugs. My practice says I should, and I know I will have to one day, as this illness is progressive. I have control, not my Dr or Nurse, when my levels go up, I'll re-evaluate my position.
Hi all,

Byetta's fairly expensive, being so new and still under patent held by just the one drug company (that'll expire eventually and the price will come down but you might have up to seven years to wait...). So it will depend a bit on weather or not your local PCT (Primary Care Trust) thinks it's worth spending the money on you. This does sound a bit unfair, but that's the way the system works at the moment (and will until somebody decides who gets to be in government...). Foe example, my PCT has decided that it can't afford to give glucose test strips to type 2s.
There's also the dreaded NICE guidlines, which is a national thingie (institute...) that decided what drugs can be given for what conditions under what circumstances. If you don;t fall into NICE's range for people suitable for Byetta, you won't get it.

Caroline and TheDame...snap, i've got one too, he's supoosed to by the practice's diabetes expert, but my hospital diabetes clinic haven't heard of him, says it all really....

I should think so! In fact, I should hope so!!

The care team should talk TO you and not tell you!
To be honest im at a stage now where i realy dont mind what they give me so long as its not more useless pils that don't work, im still getting numbers up to 20.
To be honest im at a stage now where i realy dont mind what they give me so long as its not more useless pils that don't work, im still getting numbers up to 20.

Oh dear :(

Well, see what they suggest.

I hope things work out for you. x
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