do eye drops hurt

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi all,
Alex will be having the eye screening in a couple of weeks. Do the drops sting or hurt in any way? Thanks.🙂Bev
Hi Bev, I wouldn't imagine someone as young as Alex will need the eye drops - they are more for people over 25 whose pupils don't dilate sufficiently with the bright light. They do sting a little, but not too bad - the worst thing is not being able to see properly for several hours if you have them. They usually try without the drops first.
Hi Bev, I had this test done two weeks ago and was dreading it but the drops stung for about 10 seconds and then it was fine. If he does have to have the drops perhaps he will like the fact his pupils will be huge!! Little boys being little boys (my excuse is that I grew up with 5 brothers).
if he needs drops they dont hurt Bev ...but make sure hes got some cool shades with him 😎 because even on a dull day its incredibly Bright x good luck Alex xx🙂
I always find the drops sting for a short time. With children I have always taken the line of being honest with them. I'd tell Alex if he needs them some people find they sting for a short time but it is so they can get better pictures of his eyes.
The drops hurt for about 5 seconds , but like Caroline said honesty is the best policy where kids are concerned, hope all goes well at the screening x
Hi Bev

The drops sting when first put in and then my eye's feel really uncomfortable for quite a few hours afterwards. I'm under 25 and always have them and they never bother checking that I don't before hand :confused: I suppose it depends who does it as to whether they check to see if you need them or not.

I hope that it goes well for alex 🙂 xx
Hi Bev,

They use those on me sadly and they do sting a bit. Getting them isn't the worst part. It's getting really bright light in your eyes afterwards due to excessively dilated pupils. Make sure Alex has a pair of sunglasses for afterwards otherwise it will be a bit nasty. After the first time I had that done I was obliged to stay in a darkened room for a few hours until things had calmed down! That was when I was twelve or something like that. They do like to use the drops on alot of people.

I find them uncomfortable for a few seconds but not unbearable - make sure he has sunglasses with him because your eyes get very sensitive to light after. Hope it goes well.
as everyone has said, they sting a little bit when they go in (my optician always gives me a tissue as they make my eyes run), and i always have sunglasses with me, paracetamol if i get a headache and a good old nap, if i've got time!

it's not pleasant, but a necessary evil.
C is 13 and has had 2 eye screening tests so far. Both times the tests were done without eye drops. They said she doesn't need them yet at her age.
I have had the test and drops twice now, personally they didnt sting or hurt in any way.
Hi Bev,

They dont use them on me, because i have young eyes apparently 🙂 might be worth asking them if its necessary. But if they do its more of a shock than pain, its pretty much over by the time youve even realised its done.

Just tell alex to make sure hes wearing his waterproof mascara that day 😱

(he he just kidding - sunglasses for afterwards is a good shout though, can give you a bit of a headache if its sunny or there are bright lights)

I had drops and they stung a little for 10 seconds or so. Then you know they are working. And bring some sunglasses. A will need them because everything will be very bright after the photos have been taken.
Hi Bev,

Like the others, I have found they just sting a little...

Can I suggest making sure he has his music player or something with him? I get so bored, they take ages to work on me and Im sat the for half an hour, you cant read, text, make a phone call (I cant see the names!) and it drives me nuts!

Hope all goes well
Thanks for all your replies. I asked the same question on the other forum and I am told that if you are young (under 25 or so) you dont actually need the drops as the pupils dilate when required - so I think I will ask them to do it without the drops - I dont see any reason why he should undergo yet another 'proceedure' if he doesnt really need to.🙂Bev
Thanks for all your replies. I asked the same question on the other forum and I am told that if you are young (under 25 or so) you dont actually need the drops as the pupils dilate when required - so I think I will ask them to do it without the drops - I dont see any reason why he should undergo yet another 'proceedure' if he doesnt really need to.🙂Bev

They might not even put the drops in in the first place. I never asked them not to use them on C. They automatically did the test without them (And we jumped queue, as she didn't need to wait 15 min for the drops to work :D)
Thanks for all your replies. I asked the same question on the other forum and I am told that if you are young (under 25 or so) you dont actually need the drops as the pupils dilate when required - so I think I will ask them to do it without the drops - I dont see any reason why he should undergo yet another 'proceedure' if he doesnt really need to.🙂Bev

Hmmm- I always have the drops in! But then again, I am very short sighted so maybe it helps the nurses a bit?
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