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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Im just wondering what the symptoms are of DKA and what are the long term effects/complications etc.

I know high BG's can result in DKA but are there any other symptoms like stomach cramps etc......
As you all know my levels used to be out of control but as far as I know I never had ketones.... Was never given the stuff to test for it and when I asked the doc for ketosticks he asked me why I wanted them and ended up not giving them but thats another story.

I've suffered from bad stomach pains for years, had scans etc all clear. Just wondering really....
I became very thirsty, but also very sick so couldn't keep even water down. I lost a huge amount of weight very quickly due to dehydration. The whole affair can affect all your vital organs, as it increases the acidity of your blood. Demand some ketostix on prescription - as a Type 1 on insulin you should definitely have some to hand if you are ill.
High levels can cause stomach pains - that is one of the first symptoms Alex had before we knew what was wrong with him. Then for a few months after diagnosis - when we couldnt get his levels down - he always had stomach ache when high. DKA basically damages all the major organs if it is left without medical treatment - so i doubt whether you were in DKA as i think you would have needed to be in hospital with the effects of it. But - you probably were suffering the effects of high levels and as you know they do have an effect years later. But the good news is that you now are getting on top of levels and you are being pro-active about it. As long as you have regular tests at the hospital and eye tests - you will be fine.🙂Bev

p.s. dont bother with the wee sticks - useless! Ask for an optium exceed meter with strips - this is the only meter that tests blood for ketones and is accurate.
p.s. dont bother with the wee sticks - useless! Ask for an optium exceed meter with strips - this is the only meter that tests blood for ketones and is accurate.

seconded. I've got one and its brilliant. Demanded the strips on prescription and got them after one hell of a fight
Symptoms to look out for include the 'peardrop' smell on the breath, problems breathing (called kussmaul breathing - hope I've spelt that right) and vomiting. On dafne we were told that if we had two of those three symptoms (although of course there are more symptoms than those three) and ketones to get medical advice straight away.
I'm just sick of the stomach pains and the doc not doing anything bout it.
Hi Lou - has you Dr screened you for celiac disease - it can cause stomach ache and is alleged to be more common in diabetics?
getting the doctor to do anything is a miracle Margie x
i have had a lot of experience with DKA unfortunately through noones fault but my own.

yes stomach cramps are a symptom, as is dry mouth, out of breath, rapid shallow breathing, tiredness

also being sick, like someone else said, thats the worst thing as you have to drink twice as much as the water you do keep down will go towards flushing out the ketones and not necessarily hydrate you. some people say that going to hospital is vital as soon as you are in DKA but I have never had to go as yet, you just feel super sluggish and exhausted for the next few hours.

May i ask how long you've been diabetic for?
If you are really in DKA then you need hospital treatment. DKA is very serious and shouldn't be treated at home.

High blood sugars and ketones may be managed at home with appropriate correction doses and fluids, you must follow your teams instructions and seek help if things are not improving.
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