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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Just been informed by the out of hours doc i have DKA, bs up at 28, +2 on the ketones and a headache that feels like a sledge hammer, my sugars are high, this morning 14.9, had my cereal as per and it dropped to 4 within an hour and had the shakes and all sorts, then back up again this evening, anyone else have these problems, talk about pee for britain and a thirst that is driving me nuts, any help would be gratefully welcomed :confused:
Ive had DKA twice, its is horrible!!

Once on diagnosis and once due to a dodgy lantus pen and kidney infection.

Both times i was in hospital on a drip and insulin. Whats your doctor said? are you feeling sick or vomiting? are you checking the ketones in your urine?

Keep an eye out for getting worse and if your worried call nhs direct or an ambulance, it happened to me really quickly. i was ++++ on the sticks and starting being sick, id had a BG of 5 an hour before.

DKA is not to be messed with! Hope you feel better soon 🙂
Been on the drip last time, that was horrid and my ketones are ++ at the minute, i am on insulin already, am just mega thirsty and peeing loads and a bad headache, feel a little sick and very bad indigestion for some reason
thats strange your not in hospital. my diabetic nurse says you double your correction bolus when you have ketones. what did the dr say to do? i've had it before and i was in hospital for a week

My out of hours doc is useless, the last time i went in with bs of 30 and ++ i got told to wait in line as 10 other patients were there before me and this was at 10pm, i then rang a & e who told me to get my butt up there and ended up whizzed in as near collapsing and put straight on a drip but this time they told me to take some more insulin and drink loads of fluids without even seeing me hence the question on here as so new to this (5 weeks):confused:
do you feel sick or loss of appetite? if you dont feel better soon i would ring nhs direct or a& e again, its too serious to ignore
If it was me, knowing how seriously ill i was last time i would ring nhs direct at least for a second opinion. Specially if youre starting to feel sick.

Cant believe your doc hasnt given you more comprehensive advice to be honest. i had already been on insulin for a yr when i got it and i had no idea i had a kidney infection, it came totally out of the blue.

If youve had bgs in the 30s and shown ketones in the past and this doc told you to wait in line i would really not trust their opinion on the situation!! They are clearly not appreciating how dangerous it can be. Id def ring someone.
Last time I had DKA I went to the GP and she gave me a letter to show the hospital who checked me in double-quick. The only other time was when I was diagnosed. How are you this morning and can you get to your regular GP rather than the out of hours one? Or maybe the diabetic clinic? Whoever you ring explain it is an emergency. I think if you just go to A & E they might make you wait for a long time, the only time I went to A & E for some glass in my eye, I was there for hours, which would be horrible if you are feeling rubbish with DKA. Thats why I think you should contact the clinic or regular GP first so you can jump the queue. Meanwhile check BG regularly.
Any news of how you are today, Angel30eyes ? Don't like the sound of what your Dr is telling you and I'd do as the others on here say and get some help over his/her head. All good wishes and hope to hear that you are being better looked after.😱
I think doctors forget that DKA and high blood suagrs with ketones are not the same thing. one can usually be managed at home the other needs hosptial admission for IV insulin fluid replacement etc.
if the DR suspected DKA you should have been sent to A&E /medical admisisons unit.

I think you should ask your DSN for a blood ketones meter it's much better than testing urine for ketones.

hope you are feeling better
Hi all
Just to let you all know i went to see my proper GP this morning who a) went mad at the out of hours and b) told me I am way not in control and need to increase my insulin and am now seeing the specialist this week, the diabetic nurse team at the local hospital have me managing at home due to the hospital being closed with this winter sick bug, Norfolk & Norwich hospital is on black alert, i am now on increased insulin and testing every 2 hours, seems to be ok not feeling sick anymore and just getting the odd twinge in my stomach, drinking loads and loads of fluids though and keeping a close eye on everything
Glad to hear that your team has increased your insulin and should help with t hese high blood sugars. What instructions did your Nurse/GP give you if this happens again?
Well got to bleep them first thing to let them know how i went through the night, plus got to set my alarm and take my bloods at 3am which i don't mind as am usually awake on loo break then anyway lol
Got to just drink alot if it happens tonight and let the out of hours know instantly and if it goes about 30 then off to a & e regardless of the alert
I am on novomix and novorapid but as of now i have no idea what there going ot have me on, all they keep saying for today is if my bs won't come down give myself a dose of rapid and drink loads unless it hits 30 :(
drinkign alot is good it flushes out the ketones. and correction doses of novorapid is good too.
are you usually well controlled or has this come on over last couple of days?
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