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Dka Symptoms


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
thirsty all the time,
urinating more frequently
dry or flushed skin
feeling sick or being sick
feeling tired and/ or confused
finding it hard to breathe
pains in your stomach
breath that smells of pear drops

if you test for BLOOD KETONES and your readings are below 0.6 it is in the normal range.
readings between 0.6 and 1.5 with a BLOOD GLUCOSE level higher than 16.7 may indicate the start of a problem.
readings of more than 1.5 and a GLUCOSE level higher than 16.7 suggest that you are at risk of DIABETIC KETOACIDOSIS. ketones are produced when the body breaks down fat instead of sugar. this happens when there is'nt enough insulin available or not enough sugar. ketones become a problem when you do not have enough insulin to control ketone production, when ketones are produced too quickly they upset the balance of the bodys chemistry and can lead to DKA.

where your health is concearned my motto is " IF IN DOUBT CALL THE DOCTOR OUT"
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yep spot on.

Just wondering if most of you have access to blood ketone testing?

I have and it has prevented me going into hospital before.
OMG i have just read this and i have all the most of the symptoms but my cheeks (facial) are bright red and have been everytime i've gone up to ++ ketones over the last 24 hours, i thought it was cause i was stressed!
I test with urin strips but am currently looking for a bg meter that will test for ketones as I don't trust the strips that much.

Anyone have any recomendations for a meter that can check ketones?
I test with urin strips but am currently looking for a bg meter that will test for ketones as I don't trust the strips that much.

Anyone have any recomendations for a meter that can check ketones?

Yes, i use optium xceed meter, does bg and blood keytone strips. Was given it by hospital, not seen them in pharmacies. Your diabetic nurse should sort you out.

My gp originally wanted me on the "cheaper" meter, told me the strips cost ?50 a pack. I told him this is what the hospital put me on and I will be staying on it. No problems with gp or prescriptions since. Hope this helps:):)
I test with urin strips but am currently looking for a bg meter that will test for ketones as I don't trust the strips that much.

Anyone have any recomendations for a meter that can check ketones?
hi alan i always test my blood ketone level as ketones show up a few hours before in your blood than in your urine. i use the optium xceed meter which you can test blood glucose and ketone levels aswell. ask your diabetes nurse, thats where i got mine from, it is a life saver ( ive had DKA) i would'nt be without it.
i use the optimum exceed meter too which tests both blood and ketones. just ask your diabetes nurse for it! i think i read something about blood ketone testing being much more accurate than urine so hospitals should be willing to give out these meters?
I test with urin strips but am currently looking for a bg meter that will test for ketones as I don't trust the strips that much.

Anyone have any recomendations for a meter that can check ketones?
I have an Optium Xceed (Abbott), but my Doc won't supply ketone tests strips free of charge!
The only meter is the optimum xceed that tests for ketones and thats what i use.

I would think Dodger thats because you have type 2 and DKA is such a very minimal risk that it isn't necesarry.

only think to watch out for is the strips seem to have quite a short shelf life, so keep an eye on the expirary date
The only meter is the optimum xceed that tests for ketones and thats what i use.

I would think Dodger thats because you have type 2 and DKA is such a very minimal risk that it isn't necesarry.

only think to watch out for is the strips seem to have quite a short shelf life, so keep an eye on the expirary date
You are absolutely correct - it is because I am Type 2!
..... They are expensive though, ?38.00 for a box of 10 strips.

you'll probably find one of the reasons they are so expensive is because there isn't a big market for them, if more people started using them then the price would drop, that said i've never tested for ketones in years and the last time i did a test it was a urine sample
You are absolutely correct - it is because I am Type 2!

Fair enough but if you don't have good glucose control you can still get ketones which causes HONK in type 2 diabetics and can lead to coma and even death. Your sugars would be extremely high to cause this, but not unheard of. It's not as if you would be using them daily like glucose strips, unless ill. They are expensive though, ?38.00 for a box of 10 strips.

ketones don't cause HONK, and they are not generally a symptom of HONK.
heres a link

I would tend to agree with the GP decision not to prescribe ketones strips
That info on HONK was very interesting, as I was unaware of it, than you for posting it. :)