Dizzy, light headedness

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I don't think this is connected with Diabetes but thought I would run it by people here, knowing how well informed everyone is 🙂

This came on suddenly yesterday and still feels a bit strange today, it was happening in waves accompanied by a sicky feeling.

I checked blood glucose around 7.8
Blood pressure ok.
blood oxygen started at 93% but raised when doing diaphragm breathing to 96%
I slept alot last evening

This morning blood glucose is at 8.1 but I did have half and half gingerbeer / water drink

Perhaps its just a bug, just seems very strange how it came on so suddenly.
For 3 days I had only been eating meat free protein and salad for main meal, I did wonder if need to eat more protein.

Does any one have any ideas?

Many thanks
I get lightheaded and very dizzy when there’s been a big shift in BG levels.
It passes in time and with huge amounts of water but it’s usually a sign for me that I’ve screwed something up with food somewhere. But mine passes relatively quickly.

Monitor how you feel over the rest of the morning and maybe call 111 this afternoon if you’re still not right.
Thanks Colin
Meat free protein might not be a good idea - we can live on meat only, it is what we do well on, so not eating it might cause problems.
I really do appreciate the idea of not eating meat or fish - but it is going against our biology.
There are far more low carb options than salad too. Low carb is only described as restrictive by those who don't really know it.
Are you eating some natural fats? We need protein and fat to survive and thrive.
Probably not connected but Ive had labrynthisis the last 2 weeks. I was fine early morning but when sitting at the computer I felt the room spinning really fast and I knew I was going to fall so I made myself slip to the floor so I would not hit my head. Its an inner ear infection ... there are 2 types. The virus affects the balance and can make you sick as well as feeling sick. It has not gone completely as I still have headaches and nauseous at random times. All bloods normal. Just not eating much. As we begin to mix more and remove our masks we are exposed to viruses and bugs more than before.
Hope you feel better soon and find out what is bothering you.
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