Dizziness/vertigo and diabetes

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hello lovely people,

I wondered if anyone had any experiences of vertigo with diabetes.
I am a type 2, on Metformin and previously ate very low carb. My blood sugars have been in the 5's, so I've foolishly been indulging in sweet things recently.
I've maintained my weight because my calorie intake hasn't increased and my bg's have stayed in the 5's.
I've been swapping meals for a few biscuits or chocolate. I know it's terrible, but yeah that's what I've been doing, not eating much at all, but what I do have is rubbish.
I had vertigo before my diagnosis and it seemed to improve.
Tonight I went out for a meal which was very carb heavy, I allowed myself on account of having no breakfast or lunch.
5-6 hours later my bg's are 8.1
So that's given me a kick to stop with unhealthy eating patterns and go back to low carb, it's scared me a little. Which is probably a good thing, I needed it.
But just wondering is the vertigo linked or do I just have vertigo?!
If I turn quickly in bed or get up too quickly I feel as though the room is moving and I might fall over. I should also mention that my blood pressure is very low, which I know could be a cause.
Thanks everyone
Hi , yes it could be blood pressure, but if it happens when turning over in bed it could also be Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo, just Google BPPV , lots of info on treatment for it.
Best wishes Martin
Could you have an ear infection?
I always think not having carbs all day and then having them all in one meal is a bit like having a heavy thunder storm after a drought, you get a flood and everything overflows. Less likely to cause problems if nice and even.
Hi @LilLady, I also get similar odd bouts of morning vertigo, so also interested in the answer!
I'm Type 2 and like you have low blood pressure.
I'd not thought of linking it to diabetes.
In my case I think it's congestion in my sinuses, which I believe might arise owing to reactions to certain foods, or just be consequences of our beautiful climate .. However, I have sometimes also cleared it by the "clear water from your left ear" manoeuvre suggested to clear BPPV. I suppose the same symptoms might have more than one cause in the same person...
Hope this helps...even though it's more questions than answers..
Cheers, Nick.
My guess would be low blood pressure. I’d take getting up more slowly and speak to your GP if things get worse.
Hi @LilLady, I also get similar odd bouts of morning vertigo, so also interested in the answer!
I'm Type 2 and like you have low blood pressure.
I'd not thought of linking it to diabetes.
In my case I think it's congestion in my sinuses, which I believe might arise owing to reactions to certain foods, or just be consequences of our beautiful climate .. However, I have sometimes also cleared it by the "clear water from your left ear" manoeuvre suggested to clear BPPV. I suppose the same symptoms might have more than one cause in the same person...
Hope this helps...even though it's more questions than answers..
Cheers, Nick.
Thanks Nick, it's probably not linked to my diabetes, but you know how it is, anything that you experience in your body which is out of the ordinary you start to wonder if it's linked.
My blood pressure is 60/90, apparently this is better than a teenager. It's nice to know it isn't high, but I am also aware that any lower than this isn't good.
To keep fit I walk, anything else is a struggle for me with my blood pressure, as I feel as though I may faint if I do anything high intensity, things like yoga I can't tolerate because the positions I put my head make me so dizzy.
I think for me it could be a bit of both, this positional vertigo and the low blood pressure.
As I understand it, it could be lots of things. Many will resolve themselves with time, but if symptoms persist (or get bad enough to disrupt your life significantly) then seek help. You might be lucky and have something which is diagnosed, though apparently many cases never are. (Though again, most resolve themselves in time.)
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