diverticular disease

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
hi everyone,
ive just come out of hospital after being diagnosed with diverticular disease im now awaiting day surgery for a sigmoidoscopy, not to sure what this really involves ive checked on nhs website, about this and all it seems to mention is cancer mainly ive been told i have quite a high white cell count and while in hospital was on an insulin slide and glouse and saline drips. has anyone else had treatment for this. after reading the nhs website its frightened the life out of me. any answers would be much appreciated. thanks😉

I had one of these when had very severe IBS after an op.
I wouldn't worry about it too much - it will just be investigative to see if anything going on.

I had one of these when had very severe IBS after an op.
I wouldn't worry about it too much - it will just be investigative to see if anything going on.

hi thanks very much ill try not to worry, stupid nhs website lol🙂
I also have diverticular disease and also terrified myself by reading everything about it on the NHS site.

I had not had the test you are having. Started with a barium thingy which confirmed the diagnosis and also showed potential polyps. Read up about those and it was cancer, cancer, cancer all the way. Thought about writing my will and having things valued. Next was an overnight stay in hospital for the camera up the bum trick and biospy. Was terrified as reading up about it you have to stay absolutely still for around 25 minutes. Turned out they put me out so it went quite well. The polyps weren't polyps so no cancer and furthermore, because of those tests, I will be cancer free for at least 10 years as that it how long it takes for the nasty things to develop.

Big change in diet - fruit, vegetables, water, water, water. At first I was told to drink 3.5 litres a day which I never managed but the consultant said 2 litres which could include tea! Yay! Oh, and fibre intake increased. Hated the side effects. Still do but they are not as bad.

I worried about it all the time until the Diabetes diagnosis - hardly think about it now.

Take each day at a time and try not to worry until things are confirmed. I felt I had to take responsibility and read up but there is not enough written by people like me who haven't got cancer.

Easy to say but try not to worry. If you want to pm me then please do.

Good luck.
thank you every so much, why do these stupid web sites frighten the life out of people.
was rushed intom hospital monday and had ct scan on tuesday which confirmed that i had diverticular disease got to have camera as well to make sure that its not ulcerated on blocked, embarassing isnt it, god thought it was indignant when i had my kids lol, they havent said whether ive got to stay in or not they just told me its day surgery, ill wait until i get the letter, my local hosp reckon its been booked as emergency and i should go in within the next two weeks, hopefully there'll give me the results straight away. im glad you told me they knocke you out im just hoping my hosptial do otherwise ill scream the hospital down lol.

thanks everyso much for your help take care and keep well sue🙂
Hi, I don't have diverticular disease but I have colonic polyps and have had a sigmoidoscopy on a couple of occasions, and will need one very 5 years or so for life to look for/remove polyps. The procedure isn't as bad as it sounds really and you get given the results while you wait usually too. The preparation you have to do the day before the procedure isn't great to clear out the colon completely but make sure you follow the instructions exactly as if the colon is not properly emptied you have to go through it all again at a later date. 😱

It is good that you are having the tests done so that you know exactly what you are dealing with - and to put your mind at rest. I too read the websites as soon as I was diagnosed with the polyps and was terrified but as I have found out, they usually state the worst case scenarios and not much else!

Hope all goes well for you. 🙂
thanks verymuch for your support i will let you all know how it goes thanks again everyone. sue😉
You are so right about the embarrasment but the more you have done, you get used to it. It didn't help that I got the giggles during the barium test - it was when they started pumping in air I almost lost it. Oh, and the instructions to clench and try not to let anything out - oh dear. At the end, they were talking away to me and all I wanted to do was get through that door to where the loo was. No idea what they said, went to the docs to get the diagnosis.

For the camera it was a liquid diet for about 3 or 4 days which concerned me as I also have duodenal ulcers. I survived.
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