Disturbing facts (which are suppressed)

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
An article from Dr Malcolm Kendrick which is too big to copy and paste into this thread. See link below.

A refutation of the Lipid Hypothesis of Coronary Artery Disease by Dr.Malcom Kendrick


For those of a more scientific nature, there is another great article linked to down in the comments from the above.

It is by Vladimir Subbotin about the way cholesterol enters the artery wall and was published in 2016 https://static1.squarespace.com/sta...34/2016+Vladimir+Subbotin+Paper+-+ATHERO+.pdf

Also linked in the comments from the Kendrick article is this video link of Dr Aseem Malhotra taking to Fr Jeffrey Gerber and Ivor Cummins.
In it Aseem highlights some startling figures:
1. It is fact that 1/3rd of the total US health care activity is on treatment which has zero benefit to the patient.
2. The number 3 killer after Heart Disease and Cancer, is prescription medicines.
Got a lot of time for our Malcolm and have done for a long time. Ever read his 'The Great Cholesterol Con' ?
Hi @ianf0ster thankyou for that info very informative. Another book to buy Jenny aka TW.
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