Discrimination at work? Need advice please

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hello I am new here. I am type 1 diabetic, have been since 2 years old. Fairly well controlled as a whole. Sorry this is long and may not be in the right thread.

Worked with currently employer for 5 years and they have been aware of diabetes from the start. Unfortunately I had a crash in a company vehicle which was during a hypo. I walked away without a scratch but the car wasn't in a good condition. Work told me to get confirmation that I was safe to continue to work and drive. My consultant confirmed I overall am well controlled and I am safe to drive, felt very supported by the hospital.

However even since this I feel discriminated at work they are refusing to let me have another vehicle because they feel I am not safe and will tarnish the reputation of the company. They have now said I will need to find my own way to work and pay for it myself this can be 2 hours away from home at times. On a daily basis I am reminded that they have had to fork out a lot of money because of my accident and it has made a huge financial implication to the company. I don't understand how, it is making me doubt they declared my condition for insurance. All colleagues got their annual pay review and had an increase but I have not had an increase because of how much I have cost them because of the accident even though I am a very hard worker. I am really upset by the whole situation and don't know where to turn.

Thank you if you managed to read all of this.
Speak to the Diabetes UK Careline ASAP, because Yes - you are being discriminated against, IMHO.

(If they care more about their reputation than they care about their employees wonder how they'd feel if you took em to an industrial tribunal?)
On a daily basis I am reminded that they have had to fork out a lot of money because of my accident and it has made a huge financial implication to the company. I don't understand how, it is making me doubt they declared my condition for insurance. All colleagues got their annual pay review and had an increase but I have not had an increase because of how much I have cost them because of the accident even though I am a very hard worker. I am really upset by the whole situation and don't know where to turn.
It does indeed make you wonder if they declared your condition to the insurers. May I ask if this is a large company or a small family business in order for it to have such a huge financial impact on them? That's actually rather beside the point and they shouldn't be rubbing your nose in it continually - which really could be construed as bullying at least, if not constructive dismissal. Ask yourself what would have happened if a non-diabetic colleague had had an accident? Would they have been treated in the same manner? If not, then it very well could be discrimination. As @trophywench says, please do consult the Diabetes UK careline. Other than that ACAS have a very good website and deal with discrimination issues.
Sorry to hear about your accident and the way your company seem to be responding to it.

I don’t suppose your work has any kind of union structure?

I agree that the Helpline would be well worth calling as Diabetes UK have an advocacy team who may be able to support you.

The Helpline is open Mon-Fri 9-6 and you can call them on 0345 123 2399 or email helpline@diabetes.org.uk

You may also be able to get some pointers from Citizen’s Advice?

Hopefully with a bit of a nudge, your company will be encouraged to treat you fairly.

Wish you all the best for a satisfactory resolution for all parties.
Worked with currently employer for 5 years and they have been aware of diabetes from the start. Unfortunately I had a crash in a company vehicle which was during a hypo. I walked away without a scratch but the car wasn't in a good condition. Work told me to get confirmation that I was safe to continue to work and drive. My consultant confirmed I overall am well controlled and I am safe to drive, felt very supported by the hospital.
I'm confused by this as it's an automatic driving ban for hypoing at the wheel of a car. So I assume you didn't tell the DVLA.
So if this is the case then you are driving illegally, thus no insurance cover either.
I can actually understand your employers point of view, even though it not something you want to hear. If you have done all the right things then yep I would be annoyed. The damage would have been paid for under the companies insurance so obviously there's a major problem somewhere.

As to them providing a car so you can get to work, you must have an exceptional company. I would have thought it was your own responsibility to get there but then my views are old fashioned.
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I was wondering about that as our neighbour drove into the front wall of our house and demolished it due to going hypo and his licence was suspended for some time.
Hello I am new here. I am type 1 diabetic, have been since 2 years old. Fairly well controlled as a whole. Sorry this is long and may not be in the right thread.

Worked with currently employer for 5 years and they have been aware of diabetes from the start. Unfortunately I had a crash in a company vehicle which was during a hypo. I walked away without a scratch but the car wasn't in a good condition. Work told me to get confirmation that I was safe to continue to work and drive. My consultant confirmed I overall am well controlled and I am safe to drive, felt very supported by the hospital.

However even since this I feel discriminated at work they are refusing to let me have another vehicle because they feel I am not safe and will tarnish the reputation of the company. They have now said I will need to find my own way to work and pay for it myself this can be 2 hours away from home at times. On a daily basis I am reminded that they have had to fork out a lot of money because of my accident and it has made a huge financial implication to the company. I don't understand how, it is making me doubt they declared my condition for insurance. All colleagues got their annual pay review and had an increase but I have not had an increase because of how much I have cost them because of the accident even though I am a very hard worker. I am really upset by the whole situation and don't know where to turn.

Thank you if you managed to read all of this.
What does your contract say about transport? If it is a key part of your job to visit customers or such like, then it could be in your contract. I'd also look for anything relating to your base and expectations for travel.
Have you informed the DVLA about the hypo and have they agreed you are okay to keep your licence? If you haven't informed the DVLA then you aren't driving legally and any insurance would be invalid, so it wouldn't be appropriate for work to provide a car.

Page 5 of the document below "You must tell DVLA if you suffer severe hypoglycaemia while driving"
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