Discrimination and Diabetes

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Ok I could really do with some advice at the moment having a hard time at work.

Recently we got a new supervisor at work and I feel like she is making my life hard I explained to her about my diabetes but she went on at me about where I kept my injections and I had advised her that I keep it in my bag all the time as no one else has a write to go through it. Then she was questioning as me and another colleague's where working together again explained at the job is physically hard work that it?s was best that we worked together and that the manager before had made it like this.

Then a new post had come up on another building her and the manager explained that someone would need to volunteer to go to the other side, everyone made it clear that we did not want to go there but I was picked. Knowing how hard the job would be after explaining about my situation she still picked me.

She also made a new schedule for everyone, I am working 3 hours in the evenings and seeing others schedules that are stronger and more physically capable plus they have more hours then me it seemed like she had given me a lot more work then them.
She has also confided in our team leader not being aware that we are friends that she wished to flush me out from the team. The stress and amount of work has sent my number sky high last night after I got back I was 21.3 I feel like I am being pushed harder then anyone and knowing my weakness as a diabetic she is using that to make me hate the job and feel like a failure:(
Please someone advice me on what I can do.

Thank you.
Hi Osob, so sorry to hear you are being treated like this. As a person with diabetes your employer does have to consider your situation and make reasonable allowances for it. It sounds like this manager is doing the exact opposite - trying to make things as difficult as she can for you, to the point that you are suffering great distress. You are protected by the law. Have a read of the Diabetes UK advocacy pack on employment rights - click on the link at the right of the screen on the following page:


Hope this helps 🙂
Im sorry to hear about this situation. Eventhough I havent gone back to work since my diagnosis in July this year I have been subjected to this kind of agro at the Jobcentre. I think the best thing to do is remember to keep calm and try not to get stressed as you dont want your levels to go up.
I would make a formal complaint if this is affecting your health and work environment. Hopefully there is someone in your department who is in a higher position you can confide in or even just talk to to get it off your chest.
Good luck, hope everything works out. 🙂
Northerner you are spot on about her trying to make my life harder at work she wants to make it so hard that I end up leaving but she does not know I deal with diabetes 24/7 and someone like her is not even on the same level,I have just read Diabetes UK advocacy pack it has made me see that I do have rights about a lot of changes that she has made.

glitteryredshoes its really hard honestly I am trying and have a great group of friends at work keeping me calm and collected.Fingers crossed for the best results.
She has also confided in our team leader not being aware that we are friends that she wished to flush me out from the team. The stress and amount of work has sent my number sky high last night after I got back I was 21.3 I feel like I am being pushed harder then anyone and knowing my weakness as a diabetic she is using that to make me hate the job and feel like a failure:(
This is awful , are you in a union ? i had a bit of trouble at work and the union got involved and they've never been nicer to me since
I hope things work out for you. I think we have all had managers like that at sometime or other.
Go to your HR as soon as possible. This is discrimination - you are covered by the new Equal Opportunities Act that superceeds the DDA. Employers are under an obligation to make 'reasonable adjustments' and this person is not taking into account your diabetes and how it can affect your levels. Also, will you be alone when you do this other job - there could be health and safety issues around this and you need to find out whether there has been a risk assessment done for you to be safe. Do not take any more of this behaviour and start a diary now - ask your friend if she would be willing to say that this person wants to flush you out of the team - this is evidence enough that this is discrimination.🙂Bev
Go to your HR as soon as possible. This is discrimination - you are covered by the new Equal Opportunities Act that superceeds the DDA. Employers are under an obligation to make 'reasonable adjustments' and this person is not taking into account your diabetes and how it can affect your levels. Also, will you be alone when you do this other job - there could be health and safety issues around this and you need to find out whether there has been a risk assessment done for you to be safe. Do not take any more of this behaviour and start a diary now - ask your friend if she would be willing to say that this person wants to flush you out of the team - this is evidence enough that this is discrimination.🙂Bev

I second Bev - HR straight away, this is bullying and discrimination and you could also take out a informal or formal grievance against this person. Don't delay act today!! I look after HR at my company - so if you want any info, please ask.

Di x
I second Bev - HR straight away, this is bullying and discrimination and you could also take out a informal or formal grievance against this person. Don't delay act today!! I look after HR at my company - so if you want any info, please ask.

Di x

I go with Bev and Dizzi on this one - do take care of yourself- remember don't let the ******** get you down. You have rights, bullying must not be tolerated! Good luck and keep your chin up. Sheenax
Thanks guys its good to know I am not alone when I need help.
I have been under the weather these last couple of day I have informed her and have been keeping her up to date and today she said that she will make my time off as unauthorized! I am sure that is not right!
Informed her its not my fault I am not well and had an allergy to something,she went on to say that its my fault for being ill.:(
She is also getting in the way of my holidays saying that if I want to take a week?s holiday I have to let her know a month in advance, so if I need two weeks I have to let her know 2 months in advance. Arghhhhhhhhhh😡
I am keeping everything written down and going to take it to HR soon.
This woman sounds like she has a personal problem with you and is making life difficult for you just to be spiteful.

I would make an official complaint against her for her totally unreasonable attitude and behaviour.

She sounds like a total cow!

Hope you get things sorted out soon.
I second Bev - HR straight away, this is bullying and discrimination and you could also take out a informal or formal grievance against this person. Don't delay act today!! I look after HR at my company - so if you want any info, please ask.

Di x

Go to your HR as soon as possible. This is discrimination - you are covered by the new Equal Opportunities Act that superceeds the DDA. Employers are under an obligation to make 'reasonable adjustments' and this person is not taking into account your diabetes and how it can affect your levels. Also, will you be alone when you do this other job - there could be health and safety issues around this and you need to find out whether there has been a risk assessment done for you to be safe. Do not take any more of this behaviour and start a diary now - ask your friend if she would be willing to say that this person wants to flush you out of the team - this is evidence enough that this is discrimination.🙂Bev

as well as this not being fair, if she is treating you differently (in an adverse way) to your other colleagues, this is also grounds for victimisation. (I also work in HR!!)

I would go down the route of raising a grievance, but go with the attitude that you just want to sort things out (if your company deals with a lot of grievances, it can make them more unsympathetic if you go in all guns blazing.....go for the sympathy vote and wanted to get things resolved in as nice a way as possible.....well, try that first. if not, go in all guns blazing! plus the person she told she wanted to 'flush you out of the system' should be called as a credible witness.

and you are definitely doing the right thing to keep notes of everything, that will really, really help you if you wanted to take it to an ET (Employment tribunal).

sounds like you are going to have to 'play the game' and just pretend like she's normal and report in as you should, and tell her when you're not well, and tell her if it's too much etc....ignore what the response might be, as if this goes further, you'll be able to turn round and prove you did EVERYTHING you were supposed to do and she had plenty of warnings that you weren't well/struggling etc and she failed to do anything about it.

Hope some of that rambling helps!! Keep us updated!
If you are not in a trade union, join one!

I received great support when I had problems at work. Unions have departments that specialise in this.

In the meantime keep a diary of events. If there are witnesses, make a note of these too.
Spoke to Manager

Hey everyone thank you for your messages and advice I have spoken to the manager myself and a few other workers we talked to him about everything,how stressed she has been making me feel and how its affecting my levels.
He has made excuses for her but I had informed him thats there is no reason in the world for her to be acting the way she is,we are giving till the end of the week if no changes are made I shall take it to HR. I am also going to see someone about my work scheduale as its just over the top.😉
Hey everyone thank you for your messages and advice I have spoken to the manager myself and a few other workers we talked to him about everything,how stressed she has been making me feel and how its affecting my levels.
He has made excuses for her but I had informed him thats there is no reason in the world for her to be acting the way she is,we are giving till the end of the week if no changes are made I shall take it to HR. I am also going to see someone about my work scheduale as its just over the top.😉

Well done Osob, I hope that things improve for you soon 🙂
Well done for saying something - but make sure you keep a diary too and log everything down - even if its just how this person made you feel.🙂Bev
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