disastrous fish and chips

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi all,

We fancied going to the seaside for fish and chips today.🙂

Big mistake!😱

We went to Barry Island in Wales and i had promised A he could have fish and chips as he hadnt had them since diagnosis. I thought i would be very clever and do a split dose and it had worked the other night for pasta and ice cream.
However, on the way,the car decided to flash up with a battery sign and a warning. So we called the green flag and they said they would send a chap in an hour.
We ate the fish and chips, but unfortunately A could only eat about a third of what we had carb counted for. No problem i thought, he had only had half the dose of insulin, so we decided not to give the second dose. 2 hours later he was 8mmols - great! Then the green flag told us our car needed a new alternator and it wasnt safe to drive in case we had to stop on the motorway and given the fact A is diabetic they thought it was a bit risky. We live a long way from Barry Island! They had to tow us all the way - i got A to test half way back and he was 19!!!!!!!!!! I didnt fancy asking the chap to stop whilst we injected - so i left A like this for 1 and a half hours. I feel really guilty about it - but i just didnt want to create anymore chaos for this recovery driver.
What a disastrous day! But we did enjoy the fish and chips and the seaside!:DBev
hi there bev aww god another case of diabetes
!!, personally i have cut out all types of takeaway i just feel that there all a risk really so i avoid them like the plague, how is A now? i know it is easy to say but please dont feel guilty i would of done the same as you if i had been in your shoes you just wanted to get home sort A and have no more stops etc etc

p.s barry island great chioce for a day out im very jelous :D xx
Hi Bev

Sorry you had problems with your car today, hope you enjoyed Barry Island, I used to love the place,, I was born in Swansea so used to go there a lot. I hope A is ok now and things have settled down.
I see you are in Wiltshire, which reminded me, when I was a Sales Rep I used to call on a store in Trowbridge called H J Knee, and just down the road from there I use to have lunch at a fish and chip shop, it was the best fish and chips that I have ever had in my life.

ah you need to try fish and chips from either Dudley or Black Heath (just outside Dudley)...amazing chips, honestly the best ever!

bev, does A not inject in the car? sorry if i am being ignorant here, how old is he? i inject when we're on the move if needs be, but i totally respect your decision!

hope he's feeling lower and happier now!
Hi all,

We fancied going to the seaside for fish and chips today.🙂

Big mistake!😱

Fish and chips can never be a big mistake 😉 !!!

Seriously, don't feel guilty, absolutely right for A to have a treat every now and then, as it's the first time he's had that since diagnosis it stands to reason that you may have misestimated the dosage, you'll have a good idea of it next time!
I can never get the dose for fish and chips right. Oh well, it doesn't happen too often and I'm pretty useless at carb counting chips! From memory a school friday lunch of fish and chips, rice pudding and a baked potato would require something like thirty units! Serves me right for being a greedy bugger at times!
ah you need to try fish and chips from either Dudley or Black Heath (just outside Dudley)...amazing chips, honestly the best ever!

bev, does A not inject in the car? sorry if i am being ignorant here, how old is he? i inject when we're on the move if needs be, but i totally respect your decision!

hope he's feeling lower and happier now!

I will have to try those chips then!:D

A is 11 - i must admit - we havent actually gone down the road of injecting in a moving car. The trouble was that he was 2 seats away from me in the recovery vehicle and i would have worried about him injecting because the lorry was all over the place - very bumpy ride!😱But we wont have to worry about this soon as he will be getting a pump in 9 days! Wooopeeee!:DBev
I hope Alex is OK. If Alex enjoyed the fish and chips it wasn't a mistake. Have you tried doing your own fish and chips? Then you will now what is in the batter or whatever coating you use.

Sorry about the car, I hope it was easy to fix.
Hi Bev , I hope A is feeling better today. Fish and Chips are always a hard one to cover , whenever Ive had them Ive hypoed within 30 mins then gone sky high when the Carbs have hit my system (Ive never split dose tho)
Im sure he enjoyed them after so long ... we all need a naughty treat sometimes :D I hope your car was easy to fix and not too expensive too 😱

A went low to 2.2 last night at 11pm - no idea why - maybe backlash from overcorrecting the 19 before dinner!

Also, car needs new alternator -?150 - and guess what ? The warranty ran out on tuesday last week! Grrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!🙄😱Bev

A went low to 2.2 last night at 11pm - no idea why - maybe backlash from overcorrecting the 19 before dinner!

Also, car needs new alternator -?150 - and guess what ? The warranty ran out on tuesday last week! Grrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!🙄😱Bev

ohh no bev sods law that is grr sorry to hear that sounds a very costly experience for you , I hope has A has a steadier day today

A went low to 2.2 last night at 11pm - no idea why - maybe backlash from overcorrecting the 19 before dinner!

Also, car needs new alternator -?150 - and guess what ? The warranty ran out on tuesday last week! Grrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!🙄😱Bev

Oh B***** hell !!! from bad to worse then :( wow that is low 😱 I hope A is ok today and that you both have a better day !!
I will have to try those chips then!:D

A is 11 - i must admit - we havent actually gone down the road of injecting in a moving car. The trouble was that he was 2 seats away from me in the recovery vehicle and i would have worried about him injecting because the lorry was all over the place - very bumpy ride!😱But we wont have to worry about this soon as he will be getting a pump in 9 days! Wooopeeee!Bev

I always inject on the move. I can also do eye liner and mascara in the passenger seat 😉

sorry to hear about the expense of fixing your car bev 😱
I always inject on the move. I can also do eye liner and mascara in the passenger seat 😉

sorry to hear about the expense of fixing your car bev 😱

Hmm yes I inject walking down the street if I need to and Yes makeup on the move is just one of the talents we share Twin 😉
lol, is there no end to our talents?!

HAHAH lets add boxing too 🙄 Im sure they are lying though , every person I speak to tells me another thing I did lol 😱😱
HAHAH lets add boxing too 🙄 Im sure they are lying though , every person I speak to tells me another thing I did lol 😱😱

hehehe :D Ive had nights like that, maybe something will jog your memory at some point and it will all come flooding back hehe
hehehe :D Ive had nights like that, maybe something will jog your memory at some point and it will all come flooding back hehe

Hehehe thats the bit that worries me !!! I really fancy fish and chips now though lol !! I think its the alcohol craving carbs !!
Hi Bev...

Hope A is feeling better today...🙂..How are you doing?...not long till the pump...🙂

Hi Heidi!

How are you and Nathan? Been anywhere nice? Its 9 days until A starts on the pump - but who's counting!🙂
Is Nathan feeling any happier after he had the swine flu?🙂Bev
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