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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I’m so disappointed with myself, over 2 years ago I was diagnosed with type 2. Hba1c was 89. I was stated on metformin and told I needed to make some life style changes. 3 months later I had the blood test again and my Hba1c wad 49. It stayed like that for over 2 years and then I just went off track. I was feeling like poo so went for a blood test. My Hba1c is now 94. I can’t believe I’ve done this to myself and that I have to start all over again
Welcome, it must be disappointing after all the hard work before which is why whatever approach you choose has to be something you enjoy and can be sustained for the long term.
You might find this link gives you a new take on managing to reduce your blood glucose level and be something more sustainable. https://lowcarbfreshwell.co.uk/
Sorry to hear you’ve fallen off the wagon @Beckyandbiff after getting your A1c down. As @Leadinglights has said, maybe the changes you made just weren’t realistic and too difficult to stick to. There’s lots of experience to tap into here on the forum. I’m sure you’ll find a new set of tools to help take care of yourself.
Hi and welcome

Sorry to hear that you are feeling down and have perhaps lost your way with your lifestyle changes, but please do not lose sight of the fabulous improvement you made before .... and can make again. You know what to do and that it is successful, so just start again and take it one day at a time. Set yourself small easily achievable targets and be loud and proud or achieving them.... we will all be happy to help you celebrate and virtually pat you on the back, because we all know that each little achievement involves a lot of effort.

Have you continued to take Metformin throughout or did you ease back on that when your levels improved.

One of the things that I find helps me to stay focused is to log into the forum here regularly and update with my progress and ask for advice or just document what I am doing to try to improve things. It is a way of staying accountable but also learning from other people by reading their stories and learning little tips and tricks or trying some of their recipes. There are some really inspirational and inventive cooks and bakers here on the forum who are happy to share their recipes or where they got them from. It certainly doesn't have to be boring when it comes to food.

Anyway, good luck climbing back on the wagon and restarting your new journey. We are here to help where we can.
Welcome to the forum @Beckyandbiff

Try not to be too hard on yourself. Sometimes life gets in the way and other things take priority. You can’t change the past, and dwelling on decisions you took then can just give you more to carry around weighing you down.

One very positive thing is that you can recognise that you aren’t feeling good at the moment, and also that you are aware of some changes in your eating habits that have crept in.

Making small, sustainable changes is a good way forward - and trying to find an approach and a set of strategies that you can adopt long-term and enjoy, as opposed to a temporary fix that must be endured, or a cycle of abstinence and relapse.

We are all rooting for you, and look forward to hearing your updates.

Are there strategies that worked well for you before that you are hoping to restart?
You can't change what your did in the past, so don't dwell on falling off the wagon - just climb back on it and continue the journey!
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