disappointed in dns

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tracey w

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
hi all,

just need a rant as dont want to bore nearest and dearest anymore, he has enough to cope with from me and my moods etc!!:D

Really disappointed in my dsn team. Started on new insulin regime 6 days ago now. Up to now they have been great. But told me to wait till 1st jan to start as imperitive I speak to them during first 4 days to make sure im ok. Have called many times last 3 days and left messages. am now struggling with bs and not sure how to deal with it (after all they are the experts) have increased all basal doses as running high, not able to eat supper as soo high and high still at breakfast, yet had hypo after lunch today. not changed basal as not sure how this is working for me and really need to discuss with them. so am feeling crap as just started new job and really tired and nipping off all the while to test etc.

finally get a call back today, from receptionist saying no one available to speak with me until next monday! ( off, and training days, and home visits etc), told her I need someone to call me as am struggling a bit and this is not acceptable, she will try and get someone to call me tomorrow. thanks for nothing😡

anyway feel better now Ive got that off my chest, thanks for listening guys. Him indoors asking why im so frantically typing, so told him after all, poor thing!! thanks for listening and soory to bore you.

Just wanted to say sorry things are so bad just now Tracey. I'm not able to help, but at least you know someone's listening.

Have the same problems with my son, it's impossible to speak to anyone when we need to, so you're not alone in your frustration.

Hope you feel better very soon.
My DSNs are wonderful, but I also have problems if I need to ask a question over the phone. You always get the answer phone, leave a message, but then have no idea when they'll call you back, so if you're off making a cuppa when they call, you've missed it!

Hope things get sorted for you soon!
its so bad they are doing this esp when they were the ones who said you'll need a lot of contact during the first few days! we cant really give you any medical advice as it would be awful if it went wrong because of us. i would keep pestering them and then they would have to do something (the receptionists) maybe they could give you a number to someone else? i must though my dsn is brill, i've got her mobile number and has told me to call her at 11pm once lol!
Sorry things are not so good for you. My diabetic care is with my GP, so if I need advice it is impossible to get it over the phone and sometimes have to wait 2 or 3 days for an appointment.

It is very much quicker to get answers here, and have a rant when you need to. Family nd friends try to be supportive, but unless you have it, you don't understand whst is happening.

Last night for the first time in ages my reading was UNDER 7 so I celebrated with a bar of chocolate, this morning it was 8.8...
Suggestion: email

Sounds like the DNS team made a bad choice of date for your medication change - 1st Jan being a bank holiday, 2nd also if you're in Scotland, then a weekend. They can't expect you to know about training days & home visits and no-one can predict sick days, although some sick days due to colds are more likely in the winter.

Just hope they're picking up your phone messages now. Just one possible suggestion - will they give you an email address? Email might not be so helpful when needing quick replies or discussion, but I've had email addresses from a couple of my hospital staff, and have used them for enquiries about DAFNE, to let my consultant know I've had my DVLA enquiry form, to arrange a talk about independent travelling with diabetes etc.
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I don't think it's very good that you can't get hold of them. I had daily contact for at least the first week and my DSN even gave me her mobile number as I started on basal bolus on a friday afternoon. After the first week they could see that I was coping well on my own and i only spoke a couple more times over the next week or two.

just to let you know it's best to change your doses one at a time not change lots of doses every day until you can settle things down. otherwise you don't know which dose change has caused what outcome. start with your basal (long acting) dose once that is set right bolus (fast acting) doses can be altered.

Did you take 2 doses of basal insulin or 1? (humalin i right?)
I don't think it's very good that you can't get hold of them. I had daily contact for at least the first week and my DSN even gave me her mobile number as I started on basal bolus on a friday afternoon. After the first week they could see that I was coping well on my own and i only spoke a couple more times over the next week or two.

just to let you know it's best to change your doses one at a time not change lots of doses every day until you can settle things down. otherwise you don't know which dose change has caused what outcome. start with your basal (long acting) dose once that is set right bolus (fast acting) doses can be altered.

Did you take 2 doses of basal insulin or 1? (humalin i right?)

thanks for all your support guys! I must say up to now they have been great but then again not needed to talk to them for the past 10 months or so! You are so right about doses, but was worried about changing basal without discussion as am really unsure how that was working for me. Am on one basal at night, before bed, yes humulin I.

Fanally spoke to someone yesterday, had to call them again though, then they said they could not remember who I was! lol
They dont have to remember me, they can look up my details on the computer right? Anyway have increased basal and have to keep increasing to get morning right. They told me to call them in a week.
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