Disappointed in Diabetes Uk

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all, just wondered what people thought of local support and in your area section from Diabetes Uk, i got in touch to find out what was out there for my area and was given loads of numbers and ran around in circles for ages before finally getting the number of someone who deals with support groups etc in my area to be told, well we may meet when its warmer!!!!
I just thought if your going to have a section on your site about local groups and the like you'd make sure it was actually out there, anyone else had the same problem as feel so alone in Norfolk :(
Aymes was looking for someone in Norfolk to run a 3D group with her-its a support group specifically for 18-30 year olds (if thats any good to you)-type in Norfolk to the search function in the top bar and you'll find the original posting.
Think support groups can be a bit hit and miss-depends on who is running them locally and how motivated they are and how well they can facilitate the meeting and stop it deteriorating into one endless moaning session. Maybe you should feed your expereince back to DUK so they can do something about it and maybe get someone a bit more motivated in place.
Norfolk Group

Yeah i know she was but i'm 36 so just out of the age range, but even so you'd think they'd have something in the area, even if it was a 'moan' group it would just be nice to meet other diabetics and talk about experiences and maybe arrange outtings or social nights etc
Oh thats a pain. Theres nothing wrong with a good moan but I was thinking back to a group I went to donkeys ago-I think I was the only one under 70 (I'm not knocking the over 70s but its good to have people a similar age to you as you tend to have the same issues) and it just went round and round in moaning depressing circles-felt worse when I left than whe I went in! The DUK group round here meets in the middle of a weekday so clearly not meant for those of us who are still of working age! There seems to be a gap between the 'youth' groups upto 30 and the meetings aimed at/dominated by older people (again not discounting their experience but at 30 you have different issues and needs in terms of support than you do at 70). Thats the good thing about this board but its not the same as face to face is it.....
I do agree that there is a need for something round here, if there are at least two of us in Norfolk on this site who want something there must surely be more. I've not to date had any luck finding another 18-30 to do the 3D course, still working on it but keen to get something togethern if that doesn't work so if you do think you may like to investigate setting something up let me know and maybe we can see what we can come up with. If not I'll keep you posted as to where I get with it all!
I do agree that there is a need for something round here, if there are at least two of us in Norfolk on this site who want something there must surely be more. I've not to date had any luck finding another 18-30 to do the 3D course, still working on it but keen to get something togethern if that doesn't work so if you do think you may like to investigate setting something up let me know and maybe we can see what we can come up with. If not I'll keep you posted as to where I get with it all!

I would be quite happy to start something up as have plenty of venue possibilities, i don't think it would be a waste of time and Diabetes Uk say they'll give you loads of help and the like so i may go for it as do loads of meetings for my business and had loads of positive trainings and been to seminars etc and i think we could help a lot of people out there
I was looking for a 3D group and found that any that were vaugly near to me weren't running at the moment. They then sent me an email to say that I could do the 3D training and start something up in my local area, I don't know anyone who would do it with me so have the same problem as you aymes.

I know my local area does have a DUK support group I've seen their meetings as I walk past then on my way to break. But they are all older, all above 60 I'd guess, I'd rather meet with people around my own age.
I would be quite happy to start something up as have plenty of venue possibilities, i don't think it would be a waste of time and Diabetes Uk say they'll give you loads of help and the like so i may go for it as do loads of meetings for my business and had loads of positive trainings and been to seminars etc and i think we could help a lot of people out there

Sounds like the beginning of a plan! I'm away this week but perhaps we should meet up in Norwich some time after and see what we can come up with? As someone said it's not necessarily the fault of DUK that there isn't anything very active in some areas, more a question of the motivation of those running the groups so I'm sure if we can get some ideas going we can get plenty of help from DUK. Support groups and similar is quite close to what I do for a living also so i'm sure between us we can get something going...?If you're up for it do you want to PM with when could be good for you? I'm back in Norwich from Sunday.

I was looking for a 3D group and found that any that were vaugly near to me weren't running at the moment. They then sent me an email to say that I could do the 3D training and start something up in my local area, I don't know anyone who would do it with me so have the same problem as you aymes.

I know my local area does have a DUK support group I've seen their meetings as I walk past then on my way to break. But they are all older, all above 60 I'd guess, I'd rather meet with people around my own age.

Frustrating isn't it? I'd love to do the 3D course, was given a place last year but it was then cancelled as there was noone else to do it with me. I do know someone who has done the 3D course and set up a group which is going really well so it definately can be done.
Hi all

I joined my local group. I am one of the younger members (at 53) but what is important for me, is the standard of the speakers at the meetings. They have all (so far) been health professionals who are able to explain the whats and whys of Diabetes. We have even had a speaker who is part of the research world who updated us on the progress in the search for a cure.

For me, it helps me to understand (at a basic level admittedly) my condition and enables me to ask the relevant questions and get properly explained answers.

The group also has all the latest leaflets and publications etc.

OK, I have a few years to go before I catch up to the average age, but we are all in the same boat, with varying levels of knowledge and experience dealing with diabetes.

(And their buffets at the social functions contain ALL the wrong stuff)

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