Disappointed by lack of weight loss

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Carol. 52

New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I have had a massive hike in my blood sugar and have started metformin. So have been so good with my food for 2 weeks so far, and not lost a pound. Very disheartening. I have denied myself so many things and eaten really well (and surprisingly enjoyed it) What I need to know is.... Will my weight move soon?
Are you counting calories? Might be worth doing that to see how what you’re eating adds up. Sometimes it’s easy to be eating nutritious foods but be eating too much of them.

The nutracheck app usually gives a free 7 day trial, you could try that and see what your calories and carbs are averaging?
I have had a massive hike in my blood sugar and have started metformin. So have been so good with my food for 2 weeks so far, and not lost a pound. Very disheartening. I have denied myself so many things and eaten really well (and surprisingly enjoyed it) What I need to know is.... Will my weight move soon?

What are you eating in a day now?
I don't always eat breakfast because I'm just not hungry then. For lunch I have homemade soup and a wholemeal roll. Then for dinner I have a slimming world type meal with minimal pasta or potatoes. I eat apples and tangerines in between if I'm hungry
Are you counting calories? Might be worth doing that to see how what you’re eating adds up. Sometimes it’s easy to be eating nutritious foods but be eating too much of them.

The nutracheck app usually gives a free 7 day trial, you could try that and see what your calories and carbs are averaging?
Thanks, I will try this
I use MyFitnessPal which is free unless you want their premium service, but the free has everything you need. It has an amazing database of food, and you can use the app on your phone to scan the barcode on your groceries to enter information yourself.
Weight gain is not caused by too many calories, it is caused by insulin, which tells the body to store blood glucose, which is converted to fat. So you do not need to cut calories to lose weight, you just need to cut carbs, especially sugar. Dietary fat does not make you fat, it cannot be stored and is merely burned for energy.
Weight gain is not caused by too many calories, it is caused by insulin, which tells the body to store blood glucose, which is converted to fat. So you do not need to cut calories to lose weight, you just need to cut carbs, especially sugar. Dietary fat does not make you fat, it cannot be stored and is merely burned for energy.

Erm, no.
There's an app called 'My Fitness Pal', it's free and it's very good for food tracking. You can set daily calorie goals, weight goals and it will also track your carb intake to some degree. I think the paid version does carbs better :rofl:

It has a barcode scanner, which is really useful in the supermarket. You can simply scan an item and it will instantly give a breakdown of the food, rather than having to read the minuscule writing on the actual packaging.

I REALLY struggle with weight loss and get very disheartened and often give up, hence why I've finished up as a T2 diabetic. As any good nutritionist will tell you, weight loss is a marathon not a sprint and 1lb a week is a healthy and sustainable target. The weight will shift eventually - keep motivated, even though it's so hard.

I have an issue at the moment where my blood sugar is coming down but my weight isn't. I'm obviously eating the right stuff but that's not having the same effect on my weight. Hopefully it will catch up soon.
So the scientists are all wrong and you have a different theory?

The "scientists" aren't wrong.
Because they don't say that.
That's booksellers you're thinking of there.
I have had a massive hike in my blood sugar and have started metformin. So have been so good with my food for 2 weeks so far, and not lost a pound. Very disheartening. I have denied myself so many things and eaten really well (and surprisingly enjoyed it) What I need to know is.... Will my weight move soon?

I did a low fat diet for a year, with the NHS, then I did the Newcastle Diet which worked for me, (800 calories for 8 weeks).
I lost 5 stones overall.

It's worth keeping a food diary, everything sounds good there, but I'd trying to swop out the fruit for lower calorie snacks, I had a few carrots in my diet instead.

Have a look at

I did a low fat diet for a year, with the NHS, then I did the Newcastle Diet which worked for me, (800 calories for 8 weeks).
I lost 5 stones overall.

It's worth keeping a food diary, everything sounds good there, but I'd trying to swop out the fruit for lower calorie snacks, I had a few carrots in my diet instead.

Have a look at

Thanks for the advice, so much to learn
Weight gain is not caused by too many calories, it is caused by insulin, which tells the body to store blood glucose, which is converted to fat. So you do not need to cut calories to lose weight, you just need to cut carbs, especially sugar. Dietary fat does not make you fat, it cannot be stored and is merely burned for energy.

The Carbohydrate Insulin Model is one theory on how weight gain happens, and there are several well known and popular proponents (eg Dr Ludwig).

It gets discussed from time to time on the forum, and there seems to be significant evidence to show that weight gain and obesity are more complex and nuanced.

and also

There are people on the forum who find the carbohydrate insulin model matches their own experience, and find it a helpful way of looking at things - but like most things connected to diabetes it isn’t the one simple thing that works for everyone 🙂

Welcome to the forum @aljo
Welcome to the forum @Carol. 52

Sorry to hear you’ve been disappointed by the results you’ve been getting in weight loss, and that your glucose levels have risen. :(

If your glucose levels have risen dramatically it might suggest that your body is not able to cope with the amounts of carbohydrate in some of your meals?

Interesting that you say that you don’t often eat breakfast. I was reading something today that suggested skipping breakfast may not be ideal for weight loss. Many members here like a creamy greek yoghurt with berries (the lowest carb fruits) and a sprinkling of granola for texture. It’s a satisfying and fairly low carb start to the day 🙂

Don’t give up! It would have been nice to get some encouragement in the first two weeks, but diabetes is a long game. Keep going!
I say, go low carb. the Freshwell app helps with what to eat, and to count, I use myfitnesspal app on my phone, and keep my daily carb between 50 to 80 grams a day MAX. I lost 2 stone on the newcastle diet to kickstart this and then maintain with low carb and keeping daily calories below 1200. As a 50ish woman with a desk job this is enough food. My HBA1C is now normal.

I will probably do the Prof Roy Taylor Newcastle diet 8 week stint again in March-April to reset and get another 5kg off. I 2 used exante shakes a day (breakfast and lunch), with a fibogel sachet mixed in each, and one food meal a day consisting of protein and green leaves: usually a large chicken breast or a portion of fish/beef or a 2 egg omlette with cheese, and a pile (200g) of steamed veg dressed with lemon juice and butter. after 8 weeks of that I was 2 stone lighter.....
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