Disabled man 'put up for auction' on care website

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
The family of a man with a learning disability say they are horrified that their local council put him "up for auction" on a care website.

Emma Knight found Devon County Council was inviting companies to bid to look after her 45-year-old brother James.

The website listed other personal details that James's family say could easily identify him.

Devon County Council says it was not an auction and it needs to be open and honest with care providers.

James Knight suffered brain damage at birth, and for 28 years lived in a residential home in Exeter.


That's disgusting, immoral and inhuman. 😡
Well - they are forced to make the tendering process open, aren't they? So how else would you suggest they do it?

It's no good moaning about it unless you can come up with an alternative. And I certainly don't know how to.

I actually agree with you and am equally hacked off on his behalf. But he just happens to be the THIN end of the wedge doesn't he? And it's a lot fatter with people needing care at the thick end .......
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