Disability Living Allowance

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hello all.

We’ve been given a Disability Living Allowance form to fill in for our daughter (4 years old, type one diabetic) and I’m wondering if anyone had any guidance or tips for filling this in?

Tom, make an exhaustive list of the expenses, obstacles to daily life and requirements that result from the condition. get as detailed a medical assessment as possible, in writing, from your GP to support your application. If you live in an area with a local disability association - we have the Harrow Association for the Disabled, who are v helpful - get their advice. If DWP cut up rough get the support of Citizens Advice and consult legal team at Child Poverty Action Group.
Hello all.

We’ve been given a Disability Living Allowance form to fill in for our daughter (4 years old, type one diabetic) and I’m wondering if anyone had any guidance or tips for filling this in?

If in doubt ask your DSN for help. Do also mention that you have to get up in the night to check blood sugars as this will give you more points.
Tom, make an exhaustive list of the expenses, obstacles to daily life and requirements that result from the condition. get as detailed a medical assessment as possible, in writing, from your GP to support your application. If you live in an area with a local disability association - we have the Harrow Association for the Disabled, who are v helpful - get their advice. If DWP cut up rough get the support of Citizens Advice and consult legal team at Child Poverty Action Group.
Brilliant thank you. So it pays to be thorough then! It’s obviously not something to rush through, I’ll put the leg work in on this one I think. Thanks again for the info.
If in doubt ask your DSN for help. Do also mention that you have to get up in the night to check blood sugars as this will give you more points.
Will definitely be mentioning that! Oh and what is a DSN?
Get in contact with your local welfare rights group (done by the local council normaly) they are very good at dealing with dwp and all benifit types and claims also the citizens advice.
This is a the best resource for ensuring you fill in forms properly and don't miss out anything that might be important. It also explains the best way to express your information so it is easier for the decision makers to understand your situation and what to do if the claim does not at first turn out as you deserve.

I recommend it to everyone I know who has this sort of process to deal with.

Hello all.

We’ve been given a Disability Living Allowance form to fill in for our daughter (4 years old, type one diabetic) and I’m wondering if anyone had any guidance or tips for filling this in?

Hello @Tom1982 ,

I have sent your a private message. Please answer when you can.
Hi sorry I know this is an old thread. But how did you get on with your application? And what did they grant you?
My daughter was diagnosed with T1D 2 months ago at the age of 4. And we’ll be applying for DLA soon. Just wondering how you found it, any tips etc?
Thank you
Hi sorry I know this is an old thread. But how did you get on with your application? And what did they grant you?
My daughter was diagnosed with T1D 2 months ago at the age of 4. And we’ll be applying for DLA soon. Just wondering how you found it, any tips etc?
Thank you
I applied for PIP recently and got two zeros. I would recommend getting as many professionals involved as possible, boat loads of evidence, documents, care plans etc and as much detail as possible in the application. And don't be suprised if it has to go for appeal and expect to wait months. For PIP anyway. As I understand it PIP has replaced disability benefit. Good luck. Looks like children under the age of 16 is a bit different. No doubt other members will have additional advice.
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I think children still get DLA, once they reach 16 years old they have to apply for PIP. My daughter got full points for mobility (she’s in a wheelchair at the moment, nothing to do with diabetes). I understood that you should also get something for daily living allowance for diabetes, she didn’t get that but can’t be bothered to complain at the moment as she’s got more money than she needs now. Maybe when it comes up for renewal she will argue the point as she’ll probably be living away from home then.
Hi sorry I know this is an old thread. But how did you get on with your application? And what did they grant you?
My daughter was diagnosed with T1D 2 months ago at the age of 4. And we’ll be applying for DLA soon. Just wondering how you found it, any tips etc?
Thank you
My son was 8 when he was diagnosed so we get the middle level of DLA until he ages out without having to reapply. You may get the higher level for a younger child but then have to renew later.

The diabetes nurse will give you a letter to go with your application and should be able to point you to a guide to filling it in. It’s a while since we did ours so I can’t remember the exact details.
The link mentioned above, https://www.benefitsandwork.co.uk/ , is an amazing resource.

You need to check the points required and then word your application to just answer the question and nothing more.
Folks can trip up over giving too much detail sometimes but the key really is looking at the required points tally for your claim and being prepared to push back if they say no.
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