Dinner Party Ideas


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I have 3 friends coming round, 2 of which are trying to put their type 2 in remission and the other who successfully has. What shall I cook? They eat anything and everything! What's your go to dinner party menu? :)
I once unknowngly invited 3 couples + ourselves of course. I then discovered that one chap would only eat meat and chips, there was 1 vegan + a vegetarian and a gluten free person. I made a curry buffet to which they helped themselves, so there was something that everyone could eat and the meat and chips bloke got exactly that! Steak and chips.
https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/flash-fried-prawns-chilli-lemon-parsley I have done this starter a lot and it goes down well and no carbs. So now a main course. just one chicken breast one person. Cut a slit in the thick part and push in a slice of blue cheese. Wrap it in some proscuito or similar and brush with oil. Pop in the oven for 20 mins.

Dessert I have a recipe for chocolagte cups. I will trfy to find it as it is very low carb
Thank you for your suggestions @Pattidevans and @Dishevelled. I like the idea of the prawns to start! Chocolate always goes down a treat so if you do find that recipe for chocolate cups as I’m intrigued :p
Hope you have a lovely evening @NeoUser :)