Ding Don the nail has gone!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Ding Dong the nail has gone!

A while ago i fell over and bashed my self up, my big toe nail decided it had enough and was going to fall off - finally last week after a few months of hanging on my nail fell off- yay! 🙂 the toe is looking good - if not a little strange :D now i wonder if it'll ever grow back - although this is probably the best time to get a tattoo on it 🙂
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Hi Simon - good to hear from you.
I have lost 2 toe nails (not the big one) and they have grown back but are very hard and very discoloured. My nurse told me to only file these nails now rather than cut. You can get some stuff from the chemist which softens them.

Hope its not too sore anymore.
cheers 🙂 if it grows back i will have to try that 🙂 the big nail has always been very hard 🙂 its no longer very sore - my knuckles (if thats the right term) of my whole foot hurt today - i think i may have slept on the funnily 🙂
I hate to ask...but did you ever make it to the GP? Any foot pain should be checked out - i think. I won't nag you though.
hahaha i've not been yet - my kids start back to school next week so i'm going to try and find out how to make an appointment / bloods done. i've been monitoring my blood sugars every morning over and they are always pretty high. but i wonder if this is because of the dawn phenomenon, i think i may try taking my tablets after tea.
Oh simon.......
:D i know but will get it sorted
Good lad Simon.
Back in the day when I was able to play footie I lost quite a few big toe nails whilst trying to win or hold onto the ball amongst clumsy opponents. I only have two big toes so yes they do grow back! 😉 I think after losing the first nail from each toe the next ones were more vulnerable but in the (far too :() many years since I last played I have not lost any more. 🙂

I did normally endeavour to get mine checked up, and sometimes the broken ones removed, by suitable medical staff if only to get the reassurance that my toes were ok. I am sure yours will be too if you act upon Lucy's excellent advice. 😉

BTW I did not stop playing the beautiful game because of my lost nails, it was just my advancing years and creaky knees left me to finally accept that my abilities would always just be like that of an Accrington Stanley reject rather than those of the Barcelona squad that I always aspired to resembling!
My dad said that it'd grow back 🙂 it doesnt look bad :D i keep thinking about starting to do some sport, i want to take up jogging - but being a big bloke i think it may just get me more grief than i actually want 🙂
Simon - I am a very large lady that is shrinking gradually since I have taken up the gym which includes running. What is it that scares you? Is it what other people would think? I hope you don't mind me asking this as it is quite personal.

You have made me think back to when I first went to the gym. I was terrifed as there was all these absolutely fit people, both men and women in there and I thought they would find it hilarious me on a treadmill. I have now come to realise that they are far too busy with why they are in a gym doing their own program than what i was doing...and I have to say they are now very supportive friends - who give me a friendly grin and thumbs up when i get sweaty!!

It is hard making that move on your own - is there maybe a gym you could join for the short term where someone could show you the ropes and support you? You wouldn't need a PT as gyms have to give you a review before you start.

Seriously Simon take a deep breath one day and take the plunge - no matter how litte, and I promise you, you will never look back.

I just wish I lived close by and would offer to go for that first jog with you.

Can anyone else help support Simon to make that first jog?
I too understand your reluctance but would support Lucy's encouragement for you to get out and do some exercise.

I started jogging by myself for the first time a few years ago. My reason for doing it was that having stopped playing football my exercise levels had dropped off completely for quite a while and although I was not too big I was out of condition. I was very self-conscious about that first run because I am a shy person anyway, I am a slow runner and I felt my lack of fitness meant I would not be able to manage 100 yards without stopping. I also dislike the actual jogging. I think if they are honest everyone does, or at least I have certainly never seen anyone smiling broadly whilst jogging by themselves! The appeal for me was that it was cheap, easy and, I thought, effective.

Anyway my solution was as follows: -
  • Started after sunset (it would have been early morning had I not been such a night owl).
  • Did it wearing full length tracksuit bottoms rather than shorts so that if I did have to stop running and walk I would look less conspicuous to a passer by - provided they were not too disturbed by my heavy breathing!
  • I set the targets to be realistic, I did manage 100 yards in my opening run but not much more! I would advise targeting to run and walk around say just one block of houses and then start aiming to do it going longer and longer before that first stop and then when you can do it without pausing start to extend the distance.
  • I chose a location slightly away from where I live and work. This was to reduce the likelihood of being spotted by a neighbour or acquaintance. I did however choose a well lit residential area so that it was reasonably safe and if I did collapse there was a better chance that someone might spot me.

And so I began. And generally it was trouble free. It is effective and I believe that it does keep my weight down.

I still hate jogging mind but the satisfaction for me comes from completing the run so that I have both done some exercise and it will be at least another 24 hours before I have to suffer the ordeal again! To be fair there have been times when my mind has started to wander whilst pounding the streets and I have felt quite content, but still no likelihood of a smile appearing on my face at the time!

Lucy's point that people in say a gym are far too concerned about themselves to be judging you is spot on. This is what I find with fellow joggers that fly pass me whilst I am out.

Good luck!
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