Dilema Heeeeelllppppp

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

ok, so on thursday I have an appointment with nursey which I need time off work for. The following wednesday I'll have to leave work early to get to bournemouth for the 30stm show (have to pick up the guest list tickets by a certain time)...and I'm not entirely sure how work will feel about this.

Do I phone up nursey and switch my appointment to weds and have the whole day off? Or do I see if I can get an after work appointment? Do I talk to my big scary boss about it and risk her telling me I can't have the time off?


I don't know what to do..........I'm guessing big boss lady would be a bit funny of me needing the odd hours off here and there (it'll be 3 weeks in a row by then), so do I just say sod it and take the whole day off on the 24th? Go see nursey in the morning and then get on the train to bournemouth? (I'll be saying its a late birthday pressie from my nana...it kind of is as Im going to use some of the money she left me for it. It's been a dream of mine to see 30stm for years and years so i think she'd be happy I was using some of it for that)

But still


ok, so on thursday I have an appointment with nursey which I need time off work for. The following wednesday I'll have to leave work early to get to bournemouth for the 30stm show (have to pick up the guest list tickets by a certain time)...and I'm not entirely sure how work will feel about this.

Do I phone up nursey and switch my appointment to weds and have the whole day off? Or do I see if I can get an after work appointment? Do I talk to my big scary boss about it and risk her telling me I can't have the time off?


I don't know what to do..........I'm guessing big boss lady would be a bit funny of me needing the odd hours off here and there (it'll be 3 weeks in a row by then), so do I just say sod it and take the whole day off on the 24th? Go see nursey in the morning and then get on the train to bournemouth? (I'll be saying its a late birthday pressie from my nana...it kind of is as Im going to use some of the money she left me for it. It's been a dream of mine to see 30stm for years and years so i think she'd be happy I was using some of it for that)

But still


S*d it, take the whole day off. What's another b********g !!!
S*d it, take the whole day off. What's another b********g !!!

the problem being...that there will be no one there who knows how to cancel the contact appointments and deal with issues that will arise.........unless L is there...I don't know :confused: i think a chat with boss lady might work. But she's scary.....
the problem being...that there will be no one there who knows how to cancel the contact appointments and deal with issues that will arise.........unless L is there...I don't know :confused: i think a chat with boss lady might work. But she's scary.....

I used to believe I was indispensable but after the 4th redundancy it occured to me I wasn't. 🙂😉
I used to believe I was indispensable but after the 4th redundancy it occured to me I wasn't. 🙂😉

hmmmm. I'm only contracted there for 3 motnhs. Need to make a good impression if I want to be kept on. I think a chat with the boss is the way to go

maybe big boss lady would be happier with me just having a few hours off...because then messages can be taken while i'm out. If I have a whole day though, especiallyw ith V (supervisor) away...then my poor workers won't have anyone to talk to if they have any issues :( I don't want to let them down. Plus, I love it there to much to take a day off unless it was absolutely needed (march 11th - retinopathy and clinic). I might say sod it to nursey and see her on clinic day instead. Might make life a bit easier....

This is making my head hurt

Because there is no way on earth I'm missing out on seeing Jared Leto live in the flesh...and for FREE :D
the problem being...that there will be no one there who knows how to cancel the contact appointments and deal with issues that will arise.........unless L is there...I don't know :confused: i think a chat with boss lady might work. But she's scary.....

I would be honest about it Sam, and talk to her to see what the best arrangement is. I'm not exactly sure where you work in town, but hopefully the DSN appointment won't take you too long out of the working day. And work out the latest you can leave for Bournemouth (but still give yourself enough time so you're not rushing). Or is there anyone that they could leave the tickets with?

I would imagine this would be better than taking the whole day off - at least you would be covering most if the time - they might view it better if you are working aorund them rather than them around you. Alternatively, you could postpone the DSN meeting and then say that the early Wednesday is for that purpose, but that would be dishonest and lay you open to discovery - not really worth it.

Bosses can seem scary, but I've dealt with enough of them to know that they are only ordinary people, and if you treat them with respect, this will be reciprocated.

edit: I see you have taken my advice before you heard it!
hmmmm. I'm only contracted there for 3 motnhs.

Ah! didn't realise that.
I used to be a contractor for 7 years with a very large Blue Chip comms company. Boss always told me never to leave as they would be in a right fix. Holidays and sickness didn't matter, they would phone me for help. Then the work was outsourced to india, the big big Boss said Thanks, there's the door. 😡
Ah! didn't realise that.
I used to be a contractor for 7 years with a very large Blue Chip comms company. Boss always told me never to leave as they would be in a right fix. Holidays and sickness didn't matter, they would phone me for help. Then the work was outsourced to india, the big big Boss said Thanks, there's the door. 😡

I know the feeling well...have sweated blood for companies in the past just to be treated like an expensive inconvenience and irritation. I think it's different if it's not a commercial enterprise though, people are more appreciative of your efforts in such an environment, as in Sam's case.
I would be honest about it Sam, and talk to her to see what the best arrangement is. I'm not exactly sure where you work in town, but hopefully the DSN appointment won't take you too long out of the working day. And work out the latest you can leave for Bournemouth (but still give yourself enough time so you're not rushing). Or is there anyone that they could leave the tickets with?

I would imagine this would be better than taking the whole day off - at least you would be covering most if the time - they might view it better if you are working aorund them rather than them around you. Alternatively, you could postpone the DSN meeting and then say that the early Wednesday is for that purpose, but that would be dishonest and lay you open to discovery - not really worth it.

Bosses can seem scary, but I've dealt with enough of them to know that they are only ordinary people, and if you treat them with respect, this will be reciprocated.

Thanks Northe. I like what you're saying. If I talk to her first thing on monday morning about it. I don't mind postponing the DSN thing, maybe she'll be able to see me after work? (I finish at 5, I'm not sure what time they're usually about to...but on a friday its a 4.30 finish...so maybe that would be better?). I don't want to lie about going to bmouth for the appt lol...so I might tell her its a late birthday present (it kind of is). I really don't want to let anyone down so it might be better to postpone seeing the DSNs til clinic day (then i WILL have to have a whole day off, thank you retinopathy screening...again, unless I can get that done in the opticians?), that way when i leave early on weds messages can be taken so i can deal with them the next day.

the office is right in portswood, so not too far from the ospital. Town is probably another matter lol...it took us an hour when we walked there after work one evening when doing the archaeology lol.

we want to be there early enough to get something to eat aswell...so maybe the 15.51 train that way we can go see about the tickets then get food (it only takes 1.2 hour to get there). I imagine town is a 20 min walk so I could leave at say quiater past 3 to meet matt then get there.

I reckon thats the best option. But I'll have a word with boss lady on monday and see what she says. I really don't want to let them down and have them find reasons for not keeping me on after march :(
I know the feeling well...have sweated blood for companies in the past just to be treated like an expensive inconvenience and irritation. I think it's different if it's not a commercial enterprise though, people are more appreciative of your efforts in such an environment, as in Sam's case.

I got the last laugh. Since I left, 2007, they have been 'fined' every month, as per contract with clients (Blue Chip Global companies), due to long delays in fixes and over charges for call routing. :D:D:D
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