Difficulty getting a pump

Brian Watkins

New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I am 73 yrs type 1 since adolescence. Pretty needle phobic. Complicatioms include retinopathy ,heart failure,foot ulcers. Have requested insulin pump, but have been blocked consitently during recent years. I live on the Wirral and have to go through a very underresourced community diabeticc team that resembles care fro0m the last century. They are still working to the old insulin pump guidelines, and in practice dispence almost no pumps at all to anybody. Have requested rererral to another healthcare area diabetic clinic but have been told this is not possible.
I have been put on 4 injection a day including tresiba and am cooperating fully with the diabetic regime . I am very down about all this and can see no light at the end of the tunnel.
I’m surprised they’re saying it’s not possible to refer you to another area @Brian Watkins Were you given a reason why they couldn’t?
Hello @Brian Watkins, even before the creation of the larger Regional Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) to replace Cost Centre Groups (CCGs) I successfully moved my Diabetes care from Buckinhgamshire to Oxford. I asked Oxford to see me, got a Consult date and then told Bucks I was leaving. Nobody seemed piqued by that. Perhaps I was fortunate. Today Bucks , Oxon and Berkshire West are each part of the single ICB and that in theory gives me the opportunity to transfer to my nearest centre in Berks; I won't because I'm extremely happy with Oxford despite the 40 mile distance.
Yes I should be under Derbyshire based on where we live and Derby hospital but it’s miles away and I am so happy with my care at Tameside that when I my DSN asked if I wanted to stay under them I say definitely.
It would take me hours via public transport.
You can ask to be elsewhere.
Yes call the helpline see if they have any suggestions.
I was unsatisfied with treatment at one hospital so moved to another. You just explain to your GP and request a referral to the one you want to see, you don’t need to ask your current diabetes team to do it.
And if your current GP won’t refer you, change GPs?
Well worth asking to change Hospital teams if possible. Also worth asking why they are not apply8g the NICE guidelines and access to pumps. I know that Partha Kar has said that if your area is not following the guidelines let him know, and he has taken it up successfully before.

When I was first refused a pump I asked them for their reasons. I then gathered data to address each of their points and was given the okay at the next appointment.