Different work/ holiday regimes

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Another question from me I'm afraid... 😱

I have had solidly high levels for almost the last 2 weeks. I went to my DAFNE follow up today and the nurse said, when I explained my daily routines and tried to blame cycling for my highs, that the reason I'm high during the day is more likely to be due to my stress levels at work. I always assumed that because I run around like a mad thing between 8 and half 3 that I should need less insulin but turns out that stress completely counteracts that and instead sends me up. Hence the reason I seem to fall do dramatically around 5ish (when the children are safely out of the door and the adrenalin stops rushing.) Does anyone else find this? That they need MORE insulin due to their job due to the stress of it? I'm just intrigued.

It all feels a little frustrating today. Stress is such an unknown quantity which would explain teh erraticness of my levels. But how will I ever combat it?! I'm starting to lose all hope that I'm ever going to get a HbA1c below 8% :( One good thing though, my DSN has arranged for me to use up some CGM sensors that were going out of date and I am going to be attached to a CGM in early Jan. Every cloud...

Apologies for the rant. Again, not really a question, more an 'anyone else?!' moment... I'm tired of it all!
Hey MJ, don't appologise for asking questions for a start!

Sorry you've been running high lately, hope you find a solution sharpish.

A wee while ago I think I asked a question about stress! It sent me low but a lot of people said it always sends them high!? At least you're finding things out, just sorry it's taking a while to get your control.

I hope you get a CGM for a while, defo during work days I think it can only help you understand a few things at the moment.

Hope you have a good weekend.

Cheers to you

I know when I have been stressed my sugars go up, one visit to the DSN we were talking about my rise in sugars and she said have you been stressed at all...
That would definitely make sense. What is happening about the pump? I can't remember.

Hope the CGM helps you to work some things out!
Arrgggghhh! Yes. Thank you for your replies. I was having another self indeulgent moment!! At least working out what is affecting my sugar levels finally is a good thing. Now I just need to work out how to deal with it! CGM will hopefully help that. It never fails to amaze me how different we all are - stress and it effects are so different from one person to the next!

Katie, pump isn't a definite. I have a clinic iin Jan (following DAFNE and now following CGM too - both of which I think are prerequisites for a pump?!) at which the doc said we would discuss the pump. Fingers crossed 🙂

Katie, pump isn't a definite. I have a clinic iin Jan (following DAFNE and now following CGM too - both of which I think are prerequisites for a pump?!) at which the doc said we would discuss the pump. Fingers crossed 🙂

Well you are trying really hard to get decent levels, i can't see how they can turn you down! I'm sure Adrienne will have something to say about it if they do :D
I'm on tablets, so it is not so easy for me to counteract the highs. I'm lucky as I'm in a job that I can take a steop back from when I am feeling stressed and take a breather. Also have an understanding manager and we go off for a cuppa. She has asthma which is also affecte by stress.
Well you are trying really hard to get decent levels, i can't see how they can turn you down! I'm sure Adrienne will have something to say about it if they do :D

Haha... Yes I am. But that just makes all the fluctuations all the more frustrating!! 🙄

I'm on tablets, so it is not so easy for me to counteract the highs. I'm lucky as I'm in a job that I can take a steop back from when I am feeling stressed and take a breather. Also have an understanding manager and we go off for a cuppa. She has asthma which is also affecte by stress.

That sounds like a very good arrangement. You're very lucky to have such an understanding manager. My headteacher is brilliant and bends over backwards wherever she can but unfortunately I can't really take a tea break whenever I want one. Sometimes I wonder if I'm in the wrong profession 😱
Haha... Yes I am. But that just makes all the fluctuations all the more frustrating!! 🙄

I know what you mean. Sometimes the hard you try, the more random the readings seem to be :confused: It's not fair.

Hope you have a stress-free day. (Or just a less stressful one).
I have had solidly high levels for almost the last 2 weeks. I went to my DAFNE follow up today and the nurse said, when I explained my daily routines and tried to blame cycling for my highs, that the reason I'm high during the day is more likely to be due to my stress levels at work. I always assumed that because I run around like a mad thing between 8 and half 3 that I should need less insulin but turns out that stress completely counteracts that and instead sends me up. Hence the reason I seem to fall do dramatically around 5ish (when the children are safely out of the door and the adrenalin stops rushing.) Does anyone else find this? That they need MORE insulin due to their job due to the stress of it? I'm just intrigued.

I find the effect of stress varies with the type of stress. My BG tends to go down if is sudden and unexpected like the death of someone close to you. The stress that comes from dealing with stupid individuals tends to send my BG up.
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